CBD oil is healthy for humans and pets, but it is toxic to fleas. When CBD oil is ingested or applied topically, it is a great way to get rid of this annoying parasite.
This natural prevention against fleas is also excellent for skin health, coat and digestive system, this oil is generally recommended by veterinarians to treat skin problems.
Anti -flea -chie treatments can be fatal for your cat!
ANSES warns not to use external preparations based on permethrin, the body of cats cannot eliminate it.
There are many ways to treat and prevent fleas.
Unfortunately, many methods involve the use of synthetic chemicals, which can be harmful to your pet.
Commercial prevention of fleas often takes the form of
Collars, sprays, powders, shampoos and preparations for the treatment of fleas or ticks.
The chemicals contained in these products are fipronil, imidaclopride and pyrethroids.
Thousands of deaths of pets in the United States have been held over the past ten years.
Many diseases and hospitalizations have the same origin. Prevention of fleas is important for the health of your pet.
There must be a better way, right?
CBD oil for flea treatment
Daily use of CBD oil can help dissuade fleas as part of the natural prevention of fleas without the use of toxic chemicals.
The CBD allows you to combine all the advantages with natural prevention against fleas.
It is easy to administer orally directly into the mouth, mixed with food or added to a homemade dog treat.
Important note before using dog CBD oil
If your animal has a flea infestation, it is important to understand that you must first remove all existing fleas before to be able to successfully control the flea population. It is recommended to wash
Your animal with natural shampoo and topically.
You have to vacuum the whole house, if you have one
Flea problem at home.
Once you are almost sure that you have solved the existing problem, use the CBD once or twice a day should help maintain the status quo.