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Top 5 to vaping instead of smoking


Top 5 to vaping instead of smoking

Vaping is a controversial subject. Some say it is safer than smoking, others say the opposite. So what is true?. Today we will examine the question from the point of view of logic.  The reasons why you should vape instead of smoking.




What are the five main reasons for vaping instead of smoking?

As this debate grows, it is important that you understand the facts and that you can reconstitute them, because it will not happen for you in the press. The question of whether it is necessary Smoking or vaping is very relevant these days.


#5 Who likes the smell of cold tobacco?

When you smoke, you constantly fill your ... smoke mouth. Even as a person who smokes occasionally, in the evening with a bang or a joint.

And if I don't smoke anything, I certainly don't want to feel that smell of tobacco or cannabis. If you are a regular smoker, you will no longer feel this smell or the taste of smoke, but the others will feel it.

Having the smell of an ashtray is neither attractive nor sexy. Perhaps the visual feeling of smoking has acquired a level of sex appeal in our culture, but the smell and the damage which result from it, not so much.

Think of someone you like to rub shoulders with, then think of constantly having to face the smell of smoke he gives off. If you inhale smoke, do not expect your mouth to smell good or have good taste.

If you smoke, not only will your mouth have the taste of an ashtray for anyone who puts his mouth near yours, but anyone from a breathing will also feel cold smoke.

The 1st reason you should vapor instead of smoking is to get rid of this breath of cold tobacco!


# 4 No smoky hair, furniture, clothes ...

Think of all those times you have returned from a crowded event or a box evening with a smoke smell in your hair, even if you have not smoked anything.

Think of the deep smell of smoke in your clothes when you remove at the end of the evening. And if you smoke, the smell of smoke on your hands. Smoke infiltrates everywhere ...

Now think of your home. If you are a smoker and smoke inside, each part of your interior is imbued with smoke. The air is busy, and your furniture and curtains feel like a big ashtray. It will be in your carpets, in the covers of your bed, in your closet filled with clothes.

And anyone who enters the house will feel this light smell extremely of cold tobacco. Personally, I never really liked to find myself in this kind of place or sit inside with someone who does not stop smoking.

And it's just smoke. Think of the cigarette butts that drag, old packaging, plastic packaging. There is probably ash on the soil of the fallen ashtray and there may be cigarette burns on the sofa. Walls and your own hands can have this yellow shade.

Reason #4 to vaping instead of smoking? So that your life does not feel smoke.


#3 cancer, respiratory disease and heart disease? 

The title of this section is a little uncertain. I am definitely a fan of vaping rather than smoking, but I would never say that there is no risk of long -term damage.

THE dry grass spray are safer, but the vapos of e liquid Or the puffs are very popular and we are not supposed to inhale of this type of substances in our lungs.

We are not made for that, we breathe air. So there is a chance later that it turns out that electronic cigarettes really cause problems for your lungs.

To read guide how to choose the best CBD vaporizer for you?

In addition, there are chemical additives that are put in Electronic cigarettes for various reasons and which are also harmful. Their constant exposure can certainly lead to problems described in this title.

When I say they do not cause these damage, I mean (and it is apart from supplements) that there is no evidence of this so far. However, even this assertion is somewhat fragile since vaporization as it is still recent, in the past five years.

Cigarette infographic vs vaporizer

Diseases associated with vaping compared to smoking?

That said, I can quickly feel the ravages of smoking on my throat and my lungs. I may be more sensitive than the average person, but I am not exposed to more smoke than anyone else.

On the other hand, I can vapor all day without these handicaps and without triggering an asthma attack or burn my throat. Even with a vaping of lower quality Eliquid.

A recent independent study In the United Kingdom, commanded by the health secretary Sajid Javid, concluded that vaping does not cause the same problems as cigarettes and should rather be encouraged.

In the United Kingdom, 78,000 people die from smoking each year. In the United States, deaths are 480,000 per year. 163,700 of cancer. 113,100 respiratory diseases and 160,000 cardiovascular disease.

So that's your third reason to vaping instead of smoking, Vaping has nothing to do with smoking problems that cause premature death.


#2 Passive smoking!

passive smoking

The second reason you should vapor instead of smoking does not even concern you.

One of the most ridiculous things about smoking is the total lack of respect for others to subject other people to a habit that can kill them.

According to preliminary CDC data, there will be nearly 110,000 deaths due to passive smoking in the United States in 2021. 41,000 people die every year simply because they live in an environment of smokers. Perhaps these figures are uncomfortable for smokers, but are real. 

41,000 people face the misdeeds of cancer each year, cardiovascular disease and respiratory problems not because of their bad habits, but because of the smokers or smokers around them.

Think about what it means. If you are a smoker and you have a spouse, children and a dog, all these creatures are exposed to your smoking.

I'm not saying that each smoker is a selfish fool, but that raises the question. If a person is ready to continue to do something that hurts him so badly, why do you expect them to be sympathetic to the same pain that she causes another?

The deaths of vaporizers are nonexistent, which means that if a smoker switches to vaping, he automatically does something good for all those around him.

Your reason n ° 2? Stop smoking? So as not to kill other people around you.


#1 Do you not have tobacco by combustion?

One of the most disturbing aspects of the debate on vaping is the quantity of disinformation. The misdeeds of smoking are not due to the fact that tobacco is a horrible plant.

Tobacco is like many other plants and has many medicinal properties that have been used for millennia in different cultures.


The way to make it dangerous? Combustion and inhalation.

 The misdeeds of smoking come from the inhalation of burnt material products, and regardless of what material it is. There are much worse to smoke than tobacco.

Consider smoking plastic or real wood. Tobacco sold in the standard tobacco industry is certainly a chemically loaded mess, with many of these compounds added also harmful.

The cigarette smoker is subject to constant combustion/inhalation of smoke when he smokes. Do you know this term? "" Smoke »? The same that we associate with houses in flames and forest fires? Well, it's no different than smoking grass or cigarettes.

It is often wrongly said that the grass is safer to smoke than cigarettes. In this way, we miss the sense of real danger that smoking also hides.

Of course, smoking grass is just as harmful. But a joint, pipe or bang smoker is much less likely to constantly fill his smoke lungs.

The average cigarette smoker smokes about 14 cigarettes per day According to Statista (the majority in the group is 10 to 19 cigarettes per day), each cigarette requiring approximately 11 to 26 puffs according to A 2020 study. It makes an average of 18.5 puffs per cigarette. This is 185 to 351 times a day to fill the smoke lungs if you only look at the averages.

Keep in mind that many people smoke much more, sometimes two packages a day or even more ...

When it comes to really worrying about the huge 480,000 deaths per year caused by the misdeeds of smoking (direct or secondary), this means that you have to know what to worry about. While tobacco is cited like the culprit, all tobacco products - including vaping products - are demonized.

From the point of view of theabsence of combustion, that makes vaping the undisputed winner, whether it is a liquid to vapor or a dry grass.

This is the most important thing about vaporization, it means that combustion is never part of it. And more than anything else, not inhaling combustion products (or exposing someone else) is the greatest advantage of vaping compared to smoking.

 Choose your vaporizer:


In the United Kingdom, smokers encouraged to vape

British health authorities have launched a new initiative anti-tabacco called "Swap to stop", Encourageing smokers to turn to vaping. Thus, a million adult smokers will receive vaping kits for free. The goal is to make the United Kingdom a tobacco-free country by 2030 by helping people stop arresting rather than imposing prohibitions.

However, NGOs to fight smoking criticize this campaign and call to strengthen vaping regulations, in particular in terms of taxation and advertising, to protect young people. The action for Smoking and Health (ASH) requests that vaping products will not be exposed to the sales areas and that their packaging remains neutral to reduce their attractiveness.

According to ASH data, the number of young people aged 11 to 18 vaping regularly increased to 8.6 % in 2021 against 4 % previously. Thus, more and more European countries wish to strengthen the regulations around vaping, such as the ban on disposable electronic cigarettes in Scotland to protect the environment and youth, or the prohibition of all aromas for vaping devices to Netherlands except the tobacco aroma before the end of the year.



Frequently asked questions:

You will find below the answer to the most frequently asked questions on vaping instead of smoking.


What is the difference between vaping and smoking?

First, smoking means burn material and inhale smoke. On the other hand, vaping means heating a liquid or dry grass to form a steam, which is then inhaled. The two have a similar effect on the body because they allow you to enter the lungs.

However, the vapoteuse has many advantages compared to smoking because it does not imply combustion. In addition, the vapors produced are less irritating for the respiratory tract than cigarette smoke. Finally, the toxic compounds present in cigarette smoke, such as carbon monoxide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, are almost entirely absent during vaporization.


Why do people vaporize?

People vaping for various reasons. Some do it to try to quit smoking, others do it because they like the taste and the feeling of smoking without the harmful effects on health. Some vape to relax, especially after a long day at work. Others do it because they like the experience of vaping, especially in the company of friends. Finally, some will vapor because it is cheaper than smoking cigarettes.


What are the effects of health vaping?

The effects of health vaping is still widely overlooked because the practice is relatively new. However, several studies have already been carried out to assess the potential risks of evaporation. Most studies have been carried out on animals, which limits their conclusions.

However, some studies show that vaping can have harmful effects on health, especially on the cardiovascular system. Indeed, vaping is associated with an acceleration of heart rate and high blood pressure. In addition, vaporization can irritate respiratory tract and increase the risk of respiratory infections.

The other potential harmful effects of health vaping include nicotine dependence, sleep disorders and headache. Lack of evidence,


How many people are vaping in France?

There is no exact figure on the number of vapers in France, but it is estimated that there are approximately 3 million vapers in France. Vaping becomes an increasingly popular alternative to smoking because it is considered less harmful to health. In addition, vaping is considered more acceptable than smoking, which probably explains why the number of vapers has increased considerably in recent years.


The dangers of passive vaping?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), electronic cigarettes are harmful, even if they are probably less toxic than conventional cigarettes. The WHO considers that the vapoteuse has not proven its effectiveness to help smokers stop. This position is disputed by other health organizations.

The National Pharmacy Academy believes that the vapoteuse allows you to wean up tobacco and that it is less harmful than tobacco. The High Council of Public Health judges that the vapingator should not be used as a means of smoking cessation by doctors, for lack of perspective on her profits and risks.

In conclusion, the national committee against smoking requires the total prohibition of all aromas (excluding that of tobacco) in the devices containing nicotine. The levels of expired toxic substances are considered as a "pollution of ambient air ". It is advisable not to subject the passive vaping to those around him, especially to children.



When it comes to vaping or smoking, it is certainly a personal decision. In doing so, however, you may want to take into account the above points. Nicotine is not deadly, but it creates dependence. If you are going to feed your habit, it is probably better to do it in the healthiest way possible. For you and everyone around.


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