Microdosis, which is minimal consumption of psychoactive substances or neurotropic, recently drew attention. However, current definitions include only a tiny part of its essence. By exploring the definition of microdosage or microdosing in English, this article aims to offer a deep understanding 😊
The incomplete definition of microdosing 😊
The official definition of microdosage, as it is generally defined, focuses on the minimum dose. Despite the fact that it is a crucial element, more than two thirds of the microdosage remain unexpressed and unexplained. We must better understand the different facets of microdosage.
The definitions in force of the microdosage
Let's take a look at the way different sources are currently defining microdosage:
The definition of Oxford's languages
According to Oxford Languages, microdosage is the action or practice of taking or administering very small amounts of a drug in order to test its physiological effects while reducing unwanted side effects. This definition highlights the use of minimum doses for specific purposes.
Wikipedia presentation
Microdosage is a method to study the behavior of drugs in humans by administering so weak doses that they are unlikely to have an impact on the whole body, according to Wikipedia. This definition emphasizes how cells react to sub-therapeutic doses
According to MedicalNewSTODAY
According to MedicalNewSTODAY, microdosage is the consumption of an extremely small dose of a psychedelic substance which is not sufficient to cause a "trip" or hallucinations. According to them, a microdosis is only 1 % of the active dose of a drug.
The precise description of the medical newspaper published by Sage.
A more complete understanding of the microdosage is provided by the newspaper Sage Pub Medical.
Microdosage, as described by Fadiman, Waldman and Johnstad, presents itself as a practice consisting in using doses below the psychedelic drug thresholds in order to improve cognitive tasks, to increase physical energy levels, from Promote emotional balance and treat anxiety, depression and dependence (Fadiman, 2011).
These effects are typically subtle but perceptible. Similarly, according to Aylet Waldman, microdosage is defined as the act of integrating underperceptual doses of psychedelic drugs in your weekly routine (Waldman, 2017).
In addition, Johnstad stresses that microdose a psychedelic drug means taking a dose small enough to cause no intoxication or significant alteration of consciousness (Johnstad, 2018).
Thus, the term "microdosage" seems to be composed of three main elements:
1. The use of a low dose lower than the perception threshold which does not alter the "normal" functioning of an individual.
2. A procedure that includes several dosage sessions.
3. The intention is to improve well-being and optimize cognitive and/or emotional processes. 😊
A clear and exhaustive description of microdosis
Taking into account current definitions, a more precise definition of microdosage (microdosing) is presented below:
- Microdosis is the process of intermittent and short-term consumption of a psychoactive substance in order to improve general well-being.
- The amount of dosage, the duration of the practice and the underlying intention of the microdosis are included in this definition.
Missing information
The timetable of doses and the ultimate goal are two -thirds missing from current definitions of microdose.
The doses calendar
Microdosis is not a common practice, according to none of the definitions. It is expected that the microdosis will be intermittent, with days of rest between the doses. This helps people maintain balance and avoid abuse or excessive tolerance. The microdosis ritual requires rest days and contributes to its effectiveness.
The end goal
There microdose is not a lasting practice. It is designed to be used in the short term, generally for a period of a few month. People can move on to an improvised approach called Psilocybine intuitive protocol After completing a microdose cycle, which usually lasts 6 to 8 weeks. This simple protocol allows individuals to microdose according to their needs, according to their own judgment and their personal objectives. 😊
Microdosis is a multifacette practice which goes beyond the simple dosage mentioned in current definitions. By recognizing the importance of the dosage schedule, the intermittent nature of the practice and the overall goal of self-optimization, we can better understand the potential advantages of microdosis. It is time to adopt a complete definition which encompasses the entirety of microdosis and promotes responsible and enlightened use. 😊
Is microdosage a daily practice?
No, microdosage is not intended to be a daily practice. It is an intermittent practice with days of rest between doses.
How long should a microdosage cycle last?
A microdosage cycle usually lasts 6 to 8 weeks, but it is recommended to consult a competent professional for personalized advice.
What is intuitive protocol?
The intuitive protocol refers to the ad hoc microdosage, based on its own judgment and its personal objectives, after having completed the recommended cycles.
Can microdosage be used for recreational purposes?
Microdosage is mainly intended for self-improvement, personal growth and general well-being. Recreational use is not the main objective.
Are there any risks associated with the microdosage?
Although microdosage is generally considered safe, it is important to approach it responsible for and be aware of individual sensitivities and potential interactions with drugs. The consultation of a health professional is recommended.
Disclaimer/Important opinion
It is imperative to emphasize that the use of psilocybin is currently prohibited in most countries. The results of this research do not justify the self-administration of psilocybin or similar substances.
It is strongly recommended to consult a health professional before undertaking any treatment involving psychoactive substances. Medical authorization and supervision are essential to guarantee the safety and efficiency of treatment.
The information provided in this study is intended for informative and research purposes only. They should in no case replace advice, diagnostics or professional medical treatments. People interested in innovative treatments, such as those involving psilocybin, must participate in clinical studies under the supervision of qualified health professionals.