What is a travel cigar cellar?
A travel cigar cellar, often called humidor of travel, is an essential accessory for Cigar lovers on the go. This specialized case is designed for Protect and keep your cigars by maintaining optimal humidity and temperature conditions. Thanks to these portable cellars, your cigars remain perfectly fresh and keep all their flavor, no matter where you are going.
Essential characteristics
High -end travel cigar humidifier
The surface of the case has a light wood grain, adding a classic and elegant touch. With compact dimensions of 24.38 cm x 17.27 cm x 5.84 cm (9.6 x 6.8 x 2.3 inches), it can contain between 7 and 9 cigars. L'integrated hygrometer on top allows easy moisture control, while theinterior is equipped with a foam sponge to protect cigars against crushing.
Good sealing performance
The inner edge with a slit ensures a perfect seal between the lid and the cellar. Safety locks on the sides act as a humidity blocker, guaranteeing an optimal environment for the storage of cigars.
High quality cigars accessories
The whole includes a humidifier and a cigarette lighter. The humidifier regularly releases the humidity necessary to keep the cigars fresh. The integrated cigarette lighter, with V-cutting And visible fuel window, offers great convenience. It is also windbreaker, which makes it ideal for outdoor use (butane not included).
Cedar wooden tray
The interior has a cedar wood top which gives off a fresh natural aroma. This wood is recognized for its air permeability and humidity retention, now thus the ideal environment for cigars.
Advantages of a travel cigar cellar
- Shock protection and crushing
- Maintaining constant humidity
- Preservation of aromas and the quality of cigars
- Ease of transport
- Often elegant and discreet design
How to choose your travel cigar cellar
To choose the ideal cigar cellar, consider the following criteria:
- Storage capacity according to your needs
- The quality of materials and manufacturing
- The efficiency of the humidification system
- Portability and weight
- The value for money
Best brands and models
Several brands are distinguished on the travel cigarette cellars:
- Cohiba: renowned for its elegant and functional leather cellars
- Germanus: offers robust models with excellent storage capacity
- Adorini: offers cigar cellars combining aesthetics and performance
Maintenance and use
To guarantee the longevity of your cigar cellar:
- Clean it regularly with a soft cloth
- Check and recharge the humidification system if necessary
- Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or extreme temperatures
Price and value for money
Prices vary considerably depending on quality, capacity and brand. You can find basic models from € 70, while high -end versions can exceed € 200. It is important to opt for a model offering a good balance between quality and price.
User opinion
Returns are generally positive, emphasizing the practicality and reliability of cigar cigars on a trip, in particular their ability to effectively preserve cigars.
A cigar voyage cigar cellar is a wise investment for any amateur who moves frequently. It allows you to appreciate your favorite havanes in the best conditions, wherever you are.
What is the shelf life of cigars in a cellar?
This may vary depending on the quality of the cellar and environmental conditions.
Can we use a portable and main cigar cellar?
Although possible for small collections, it is best to use a classic cellar for long -term storage.
How to recharge the humidifier?
Generally with distilled water or a special solution depending on the manufacturer's recommendations.
Are portable cellars allowed in plane luggage?
Yes, but it is advisable to check the specific regulations of airlines.
What difference between a classic and portable cellar?
The portable cellars are more compact, robust and waterproof, designed specifically for transport.