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11 advantages for the health and weight loss of Guarana and CBD


11 advantages for the health and weight loss of Guarana and CBD

Guarana is a plant from Amazon in Brazil. Its binomial name is Paullinia cupana and it is a climbing plant much appreciated for its fruits.

At full maturity, the fruit of Guarana reaches the size of a coffee bean. In appearance, it looks like a human eye - in its nucleus is a black seed covered with a white neck, which in turn is wrapped in a red shell.

Guarana extract is transformed from seed into powder. The tribes of the Amazon forest have used it for centuries due to its therapeutic properties. It is rich in a wide range of stimulants such as theophylline, theobromine and caffeine. It is also rich in antioxidants such as saponins, tannins and catechins.


Benefits of Guarana and CBD 

 Guarana is highly appreciated as stimulating and also for its fat burner effects by stimulating metabolism, in association with cannabidiol CBD, this duo offers many advantages for your well -being, here is the list of the benefits of Guarana and Cannabidiol:


1. Guarana is rich in antioxidants

Guarana as Cannabidol CBD Affolves with compounds with antioxidant properties, such as theobromine, caffeine, tannins, catechins and saponins. In many ways, Guarana has an antioxidant profile similar to that of green tea.

The reason why antioxidants are so useful is that they neutralize molecules that can potentially harm your body, also called free radicals. Free radicals can interact with certain parts of the cells and cause damage associated with accelerated aging, heart disease, cancer and other conditions. (1.2)

Several studies have shown that the antioxidant properties of Guarana can combat the growth of cancer cells and reduce the risk of heart disease and skin aging. In general, the compounds found in Guarana have enormous advantages for your overall health.


2. Guarana can reduce fatigue and increase concentration

Guarana is one of the most common ingredients in popular energy drinks. It is an excellent source of caffeine, which, as we all know, is a powerful stimulant when it comes to maintaining concentration and mental clarity. Guarana seeds can in fact contain 4 to 5 times more caffeine than coffee beans.

The caffeine mechanism is to block the action of adenosine - a compound that helps the brain relax. It links to adenosine receptors and prevents their activation.

A study revealed that the participants who took a vitamin supplement containing Guarana felt less tired during several tests than those who took a placebo alone.


3. Guarana can help you better use


Of the studies show that Guarana can be able to improve the ability to learn and remember.

A study examined the effect of different doses of Guarana on the mood and the learning process of the participants. They were divided into separate groups, each of which did not take Guarana, 40 mg, 80 mg, 150 mg or 300 mg, respectively.

Those who took 40 mg or 80 mg of Guarana had the highest scores at the tests. Since low doses of Guarana also provide low doses of caffeine, it has been suggested that in addition to caffeine, other guarana compounds could also be partially responsible.

Another study tried to compare Guarana to Ginseng, which is another stimulant. Although Guarana and Ginseng have improved both memory and physical performance, people who took Guarana were more concentrated on their tasks and accomplished them much faster.

In addition, animal studies have shown that Guarana consumption can also improve memory. So, if you want to improve your mood and better focus on all the mental or physical challenges to come, you will not be mistaken with the Guarana.


4. Guarana can help fat loss


Recent studies show that around 17%of French people are overweight or obese. This is an increasing problem because the link between obesity and many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes, has been proven.

Guarana can help in this regard, as it has certain properties that can promote weight loss. As mentioned above, it is rich in caffeine, which can increase your metabolic rate by 4 to 11 % in 12 hours. A faster metabolism means that your body will burn more calories at rest.

In addition, studies In Vitro have shown that Guarana consumption can actually remove genes that support the production of fat cells and promote the activation of genes that slow it down on the creation of fat cells, because this subject has not yet been clearly studied.

If you have a lot of extra pounds and you find it difficult to get rid of it, Guarana is an excellent choice to speed up the weight loss process without using unhealthy shortcuts.


5. Guarana can make your heart healthier


It is estimated that various heart diseases are the cause 400 deaths per day in France. Guarana can reduce the risk of developing heart disease in two ways.

First, Guarana contains antioxidants who seem to promote blood circulation and prevent blood clots.

Second, the research shows that Guarana can reduce the oxidation of "bad" LDL cholesterol. Oxidized LDL cholesterol can cause plaque accumulation in the arteries.

A study has shown that adults who consume guarana have about 25 % less oxidized LDL cholesterol than adults of the same age who do not consume. However, it should be noted that most research on the relationship between Guarana and heart health comes from in vitro studies. Other human -based research is necessary before final recommendations can be made.

In any case, in addition to regular physical activity, consuming Guarana is another thing you can do to make sure your heart is healthy and works optimally.


6. Guarana can help relieve pain


The Amazonian tribes have also found the use of the Guarana plant as an pain reliever. These analgesic properties are due to the high caffeine content often mentioned.

Caffeine has a role to play in pain control because it binds to adenosine receptors and blocks them.

Two of them, A1 and A2A, are crucial to stimulate the feeling of pain. When caffeine binds to them, it has the ability to reduce these feelings of pain. This is one of the reasons why caffeine is a common compound in many over -the -counter pain relievers.

The Guarana associated with CBD for pain is the ideal choice in order to relieve the painful point.


7. Guarana can improve and clean your skin


Due to its strong properties antimicrobials And antioxidants, which we have spoken of in the previous entries on our list, Guarana is also popular in the cosmetic industry as a major ingredient in all types of lotions, anti-aging creams, hair products and soaps.

In addition, its high caffeine content promotes blood flow to small blood vessels of the skin. Studies show that antioxidants contained in Guarana have the capacity to significantly reduce skin damage linked to its aging.

Of the studies Animals have shown that cosmetic products containing Guarana can reduce the release of cheeks, minimize wrinkles around the eyes and increase skin firmness.

As women represent a much higher percentage of consumers in the cosmetic industry, it would be really useful for them to start consuming Guarana in addition to their usual beauty treatments. There are many advantages.

CBD cosmetics arrive in pharmacies! 


8. Guarana could have anti-cancer properties


Cancer is generally a disease in which certain types of cells are starting to develop uncontrollable and abnormal. Of the studies In tubes and animals have shown that Guarana consumption can have the capacity to prevent DNA damage, inhibit the growth of cancer cells and even to eliminate them completely.

A study on mice revealed that those who had been nourished in Guarana had 60 % fewer cancer cells and almost five times more cancer cell mortality than mice that had not been fed in Guarana.

Another test with test tubes revealed that Guarana inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the colon and also stimulated their destruction.

THE scientists think that the main reason for these properties anticancer potential Guarana is its high content in xanthines - compounds similar to theobromine and caffeine.

After all that has been said so far, although these results seem promising, they are still not enough until more in -depth human research is carried out.

In all cases, it is possible to consume Guarana to reduce symptoms and provide the body with vital compounds which will help it fight against the spread of cancer.


9. Guarana has antibacterial properties


THE Guarana full of compounds capable of completely eliminating or eliminating dangerous bacteria. One of them is Escherichia coli, or Typhimurium salmonella whose natural habitat is the intestine of animals and humans. Most of these bacteria are harmless, but some of them can cause diarrhea and various other diseases (12).

Of the studies also show that the consumption of Guarana can remove the growth of Streptococcus mutans, a bacteria that can cause the plate and the cavities.

Caffeine and compounds such as tannins or catechins contained in Guarana would be responsible for its antibacterial properties.

So making sure your intestine is healthy is another reason you should take Guarana.


10. Guarana can protect against ocular disorders related to aging


With age, vision is gradually deteriorating. Many factors contribute, such as sunlight, poor diet, smoking and other lifestyles. For decades, they can seriously tire your eyes and increase your risk of developing eye disorders.

THE Guarana Take full of compounds that fight oxidative stress, a major risk factor for age -related eye disorders such as cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma.

A study revealed that participants who regularly consumed Guarana had a much better view than those who consumed it irregularly or who did not consume it at all.

In the same study, researchers have experienced test tubes to determine if Guarana could protect the eye cells from compounds that cause oxidative stress. It has been found that Guarana considerably reduced the quantity of DNA and cell death damage compared to those taking a placebo.

Additional research is necessary on humans before specific recommendations can be made. However, it won't hurt it to try it yourself if you suffer from some of the above troubles.


11.Sûr and has few side effects


Many studies confirm the safety of Guarana consumption and the general absence of side effects. It has only negligible toxicity levels when consumed in low to moderate doses.

When taken in high doses, it can cause side effects similar to those of excessive caffeine consumption. Some of them include palpitations, headache, insomnia, anxiety, convulsions, tremors, stomach problems and more.

It should also be noted that consumed in high doses, caffeine can be quite addictive and lead to very rapid dependence. Pregnant women must avoid or eliminate the consumption of Guarana, as caffeine can cross the placenta. High levels of caffeine can cause anomalies of embryonic growth or increase the risk of miscarriage.

The administration of Guarana and Cannabidiol CBD can help you in many pathologies, as stated above, find below our best duo to relieve your ills.

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