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The beginner's guide on Kratom: what you need to know


The beginner's guide on Kratom: what you need to know

Kratom consumption, this neurotropic is in full boom, but what is exactly, and is it worth getting started? 🤔 In this boulevage guide, we will dive head the first in the world of Kratom. We are going to dig up its origins, to detail its effects (nothing better than a little botanical adventure, right?), Explore its different varieties (yeah, it's like candy varieties, but in leaf version), and imagine All possible uses of this magic plant. 🚀


What is Kratom?

What is Kratom?

Kratom, scientifically known as MITRAGYNA SPECIOSA, is a psychoactive plant that pushes on a tree with persistent leaves found in Southeast Asia, in Papua New Guinea and Philippines. It is closely linked to the coffee plant and has a long story of traditional medicinal use in Southeast Asia.

In low doses, Kratom acts as a stimulant, providing increased energy, creativity and optimism. In higher doses, it can have sedative properties and is sometimes used as an pain reliever. Kratom contains two main psychoactive ingredients: mitragynin and 7-hydroxymymynin, which have analgesic properties.


The different varieties of Kratom

With a multitude of known Kratom varieties, they are frequently distinguished by the hue of their ribs and their geographic location, each offering a singular combination of effects and potential advantages.

In general, there are three main variations in color of the Kratom, which are identified by the shade of the ribs crossing the leaves: Green, red and white (The shade of the ribs indicates the maturity of the leaves during the harvest).

However, according to elements such as treatment techniques, mature matures and origin, the different varieties of Kratom and their effects can have significant variations, even within the same family of colors.


How to select the variety of Kratom that best suits your needs?

Each color has different effects depending on its chemical composition and its alkaloid content. Thus, even if all Kratom sheets have the same genetic code, each variety has a distinct chemical profile, which makes it unique and offers many possibilities.

Several elements also influence the effects of kratom, such as the individual, the mode of consumption, the dosage and the variety itself.

Analyzing the different varieties, their consequences and their advantages can considerably improve your experience.


Kratom with red veins - promotes sleep and decreases pain

Red Kratom

Kratom's red veins variety is widespread in many Southeast Asian countries and can be the most widespread and more commonly used than its colorful counterparts. Its power is high and its action is rapid thanks to its soothing and analgesic effects.

The "extraordinary" characteristics of red veins varieties lies in their ability to encourage restful sleep and reduce pain. THE 7-hydroxymitragynine, an alkaloid present in this specific variety, has a Effect on opioid receptors of the brain, thus causing complete relaxation.

Red Kratom can also help appease the mind, evacuate stress and promote a state of relaxation. The calming effects of red varieties differ depending on each strain.

Given their strength and soothing effects all over the body, it is recommended to consume red varieties in afternoon or in evening In order to relax, relieve the muscles and enjoy a night of quiet sleep.

Kratom with white veins: contributes to improving state of mind and concentration.

White Kratom

The Kratom with white veins is distinguished as a stimulant of mood, energy and painkillers that can be used. It represents an ideal option for those who are used to consuming caffeine to maintain their energy throughout the day.

According to many users, this variety brought significant advantages in terms of concentration and ability to stay concentrated on the present moment. Some even use this method to focus during study sessions, as it allows them to focus fully on the task to be performed and prolonging their intellectual work moments.

Some people see it as a healthy alternative to coffee, highlighting that it does not cause tremors frequently linked to caffeine. Varieties with white veins have lower sedation power than other types, which makes them less sedative.

To maximize benefits stimulants of kratom, it is advisable to consume in the morning, at the start of the day, before a training session or when you need to focus on a particular task.

Green Kratom - Soft and balanced

Green Kratom

The balance and sweetness of the green veins kratom create effects at a time stimulants And soothing. The effects of this substance are generally classified between those of red and white varieties, even if it also varies according to the dosage and the specific strain within the family of green veins.

Kratom with green veins to the ability to provide a perfect balance between stimulation, relaxation, improvement in mind, appeasement of pain and anxiety. The green vein is considered to have less marked effects than other varieties, which makes it a great way to start your day with a slight fitness, a feeling of tranquility and better sociability. It is also adapted to individuals who discover Kratom or those who seek to consume it.

In addition, green varieties are perceived as easy to assimilate and have a subtle scent - a real advantage if you consume raw leaves or prepare tea, because Kratom leaves can have a bitter taste.

If you start with the Kratom and that you want to start with a balanced and slightly softer experience, it is advisable to choose the Varieties with green veins. They are also perfectly suitable for outings with friends or simply to escape the daily monotony.

    How to take kratom

    How to take kratom

    Kratom can be consumes in different forms, especially the leaves raw, the capsules, there powder, THE tea, THE taints, edible extracts and products. Traditionally, the leaves were chewed raw, but in the Western world, powder and capsules are more commonly used.

    If you are new in the use of Kratom, it is recommended to start with a low dose of one to two grams and to gradually increase according to your feelings. The higher doses are generally six grams or more. The effects of Kratom are felt about 10 to 30 minutes after ingestion and can last from two to five hours.


    The effects of Kratom

    The effects of Kratom can vary depending on the dose and variety. In low doses, Kratom provides a stimulating and invigorating effect, similar to that of a stimulant. It can stimulate creativity, improve mood and provide a slight feeling of euphoria. Some users even use it as a substitute for pre-training supplements.

    In higher doses, Kratom has sedative effects and can induce feelings of relaxation and drowsiness. It is there that he presents similarities with current opioids. It can potentially relieve pain, making it a popular choice for people with chronic pain.


    Traditional use in Southeast Asia

    Kratom has a long story of traditional use in Southeast Asia, where it has been consumed for thousands of years. Workers were used as a quick action stimulant to increase energy levels and fight fatigue. In some cultures, Kratom is consumed in ceremonial or ritual contexts, such as connection with ancestors or protection against evil.

    Thailand seems to take a turn in its policy towards Kratom, a plant that has a long story of use in the region. The lifting of the ban could have a positive impact on rural communities which have traditionally used Kratom.

    It is also interesting to note that the France adopted a different position by prohibiting the purchase and detention of Kratom in 2020. The concerns of the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines highlight the potential risks linked to the consumption of this substance.


    Kratom and weaning of opioids

    The Kratom drew attention to its potential to help people prey to dependence on opioids and withdrawal symptoms. Some anecdotes suggest that Kratom has analgesic properties and can help the transition of prescription opioids to Kratom. However, additional formal studies are necessary in this area. A study has shown that 7-hydroxymymytragynin was transformed into a pseudoindoxyl mitragynin a analgesic which seems 20 times more powerful than morphine.


    Risk reduction and dangers

    Although Kratom is often presented as a safer alternative to opioids, it is important to recognize that the regular use of Kratom also has risks. Some people have reported dependence and withdrawal symptoms similar to those of opioids. Overdose is also possible with Kratom, and its symptoms are comparable to those of other opioid overdoses.



    Well, that's the Kratom under the spotlight, a rising star in the world of psychoactive plants! 🌿✨ From energy to rest, it is the chameleon of the plant kingdom. But before diving head down in this green grass, let's remember keep our cap of prudence well screwed! 👷‍♂️💡

    You could say that kratom is a bit like a magic wand: it can miracles, but it can also play tricks on you. So, botanical adventurous friends, at your own risk! And don't forget, moderation is the key (and no, it's not a variety of Kratom). 🔑😉



    Is Kratom legal?
    In France, Kratom is covered by the law on psychoactive substances, which makes its sale, its import and its export illegal. However, the legality of Kratom varies according to the country.


    Can Kratom help against anxiety?
    Some people use Kratom to help manage the symptoms of anxiety, but it is important to note that experience may vary from person to person.


    Are there side effects of Kratom?
    The current side effects of Kratom include nausea, constipation, dry mouth and loss of appetite. It is essential to use Kratom in a responsible and moderate manner.


    Can Kratom cause dependence?
    Although Kratom can lead to dependence, the risk seems to be lower compared to opioids. However, people with history of drug addiction must be cautious when using Kratom.


    How long does Kratom stay in the system?
    The duration of the effects of Kratom can vary from person to person, but it usually lasts from two to five hours. The time required for Kratom to leave the system may depend on various factors, including the dose and individual metabolism.


    “Kratom - Everything you need to know. »Drug Science, February 2020,

    Prevete, Elisabeth. ",." ,-YouTube, January 6, 2023, 

    Todd, DA. ",." ,-YouTube, January 6, 2023, 

    Veltri, Charles and Oliver Grundman. "Current perspectives on the impact of the use of Kratom." NCBI, July 1, 2019, 

    Do not forget to consult a healthcare professional before using Kratom or other substances for medical purposes.

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