The CBD (cannabidiol) forms with the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) the two main components of cannabis. They are called cannabinoids. The first one is particularly popular in the medical field because of its many therapeutic virtues. It also presents other unsuspected powers for health and well-being. We invite you to discover through this article the CBD effects.
CBD in a few words
Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, the CBD is non-psychotropic. In other words, it does not cause hallucinogenic effects once in contact with the organism. According to the results of many studies, the CBD comes mainly from a long diabolized plant: hemp, also called Cannabis Sativa or Indica, the CBD comes in greater quantity from the Sativa variety whose THC levels are close to 0.
What are the effects of CBD?
Cannabidiol is very popular in the field medico-pharmaceutical Due to its multiple properties. Professionals use it, for example, in the treatment of various pathologies. CBD is also known to soothe pain and symptoms linked to certain diseases.
A powerful anti-inflammatory
In the same way as the majority of cannabinoids, the CBD has formidable anti-inflammatory powers. This is why he is extremely popular with athletes In order to relieve muscle pain from their physical activities.

Doctors also recommend CBD -based drugs to patients who suffer from pain inflammatory chronic. THE scientific studies demonstrate its effectiveness in targeting pain and relieving it instantly. Cannabidiol is also used as a prevention against certain pain.
By effectively fighting against inflammation, the CBD intervenes in the treatment of swelling and joint pain caused by the rheumatoid arthritis. The results of many scientific analyzes show that cannabidiol tends to slow the development of this disease by limiting joint destruction.

A formidable natural painkiller
After a study carried out in 2019, the researchers found that the efficiency of the CBD is equivalent to that of a conventional painkiller. Cannabidiol would help relieve short -term pain. Still according to this same analysis, it would also have formidable powers analgesic And anxiolytics. This is why medical professionals use it for the treatment of different diseases.
The effects of CBD as immunomodulator
In addition to preventing and alleviating pain, cannabidiol also exerts positive impacts on the organism endocannabinoid system. It therefore limits inflammation and contributes in parallel to strengthen the immune system. Due to its soothing properties, the CBD helps us to prevent stress oxidative.
Indeed, the immune system has multiple sensors specially dedicated to cannabinoids. This system is weakened due to different factors. Among them we can cite inflammation or even autoimmune pathologies. CBD consumption helps restore this balance. Consequently, immune cells manage to fight against external threats.
CBD to fight stress and depression
As indicated above, cannabidiol is recognized for its anxiolytic effects. In other words, he supports the body in the fight against stress and depression. CBD boosts relaxation and allows the human body to release pressure. This is why doctors use it to treat patients with crises ofanguish or chronic stress.
Researchers also see a glimmer of hope in the treatment of various diseases psychological thanks to the effects of CBD. Among them are obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder or even post-traumatic stress disorder.

The effects of CBD against neurological disorders
The CBD does not seem to cause addiction. This is why it is studied for the treatment of neurological disorders. Indeed, studies have shown that molecule can help alleviate the symptoms of dystonia and epilepsy.
Research has been carried out on the CBD to relieve certain crises. This research has shown that CBD acts as a natural sedative and can mitigate agitation, especially in people with Parkinson's disease.
The CBD is also prescribed for patients with schizophrenia. It can be used as a natural antipsychotic. Studies have shown that CBD treatments have light, even non -existent side effects.

Prevent degeneration thanks to cannabidiol
CBD is also known to act directly on the brain system, considerably limiting the risks of developing a degenerative disease. Cannabidiol helps relieve symptoms and limit the speed of evolution of this type of disease. By targeting brain tissues, cannabinoid reinforces the vascularization of this part of the human body.
The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory attributes of cannabidiol explain its interest in the treatment of SLA (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Scientific studies reveal that the CBD protects from brain damage and participate in reducing blood flow. Therefore, it protects the brain and decreases the risks of contracting several neurodegenerative diseases.

The effects of CBD on the skin
CBD is also known for its ability to control the activity of the sebaceous glands. Indeed, by reducing lipid synthesis, it makes it possible to prevent and treat acne problems. Several scientific studies have also confirmed the effectiveness of cannabidiol in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, redness and other skin conditions.

The other benefits of cannabidiol
Finally, the CBD is also used to thwart the side effects of certain drugs and medical therapies. This is particularly the case for nausea and vomiting. This is why doctors use it for the treatment of patients subject to chemotherapy.
Cannabidiol would also be ideal for people with lack of appetite because it tends to increase the feeling of hunger. In addition, doctors often recommend CBD -based drugs in people victims of sleep disturbances. Its relaxing virtues allow you to enjoy a better quality sleep in the event insomnia.

Finally, the researchers noted conclusive results against the breast cancer. These studies have shown that cannabidiol deactivates the gene behind the development of cancer cells. Even if the first assessments are encouraging, additional research must be done to confirm its effectiveness on the treatment of cancer.
CBD for dogs?
CBD is known to reduce pain, anxiety, depression and generally helps to improve the balance between our body and our mind. The same is true for our pets.
For example, if your dog has strong reactions of fear and anxiety in the face of external threats (such as strong noises or sudden movements), this can be a natural reaction.
But if your friend feels anxious while eating, or immediately hides the sound of the wind, the reaction can be a little less natural. This is where CBD oil can help calm your pet.
CBD oil can help your pet relax, both on a daily basis and in particularly stressful situations. Dog cannabidiol can also help it in case of pain, talk to your veterinarian, some recognize the benefits of CBD pure dogs and cats.
What CBD dosage?
I must let you know that we are selling the CBD as a food supplement, the CBD is therefore not a subsitut with drugs.
Whether you are a total novice or a CBD connoisseur, find your ideal dose and get results with your CBD requires work and patience.
There are a few theories on the CDB dosage which is based on your body weight, however there is no scientific evidence for this.
I just give you a few guidelines so that you can start
Your trip with the CBD, for that you have to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.
How to calculate to determine the dosage that best suits
The first thing you need to look for when you have your CBD oil is to look at the total in MG of CBD in the vial.
Here are the steps to follow to find the quantity in your CBD oil
- You must divide the total MG of CBD into the bottle by the total drops and this will give you the amount of MG per drop.
- Now you can calculate the amount of CBD per drop
For example: I know that CBD oil 10% at around 1000 mg for 10ml and
That there are about 240 drops in the bottle.
- So you divide 1000 mg per 240 drops, or 4.16 mg per drop.
Personally, I think 10 mg / day is a reasonable amount to start.
- This means, that after 7 days of using your quantity, you can double it. Then, after 7 days, you can double it again, if you deem it necessary. This allows you to find the ideal dosage for you.
Meeting the CBD can be a challenge for new users. You can use our CBD dosage guide to determine the daily dose of CBD according to your weight (see table below).
When you use CBD for the first time, we recommend that you take the lowest recommended dose and increase it slowly over a week. It's a wise thing to do when you take a new supplement to see how it interacts with your endocannabinoid system.
The maximum is 200 mg to take in one day. This is what we recommend.
CBD against indication ⚕️
Research has started by demonstrating that cannabidiol (CBD) has the potential to effectively help a large number of people. The CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in a way that produces very few side effects ... The rest on our blog article
Where to buy your CBD & what to choose?
CBDTECH offers products at the cannabidiol CBD, exclusively made in France, which allows for total traceability of products & premium quality.
Here are 5 reasons to buy your CBD well being at

- BPF 'good manufacturing practice' pharmaceutical standard
- Hemp from organic farming
- French manufacture
- Test in an independent laboratory
- Ingredient of organic origin and without pesticides