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CBD questions?


CBD questions?

The CBD (cannabidiol) is today very popular due to its many therapeutic virtues. Unlike his cousin, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it does not cause psychotropic effects. The CBD is however a food supplement and should in no case serve as a substitute for any medical treatment. Before you start buying your CBD, we invite you to discover the answers to the questions
frequently posed by consumers.

What is CBD?


The CBD forms with THC the two major components of cannabis. The first cannabinoid is however better than the other insofar as it does not cause psychotropic effects. Unlike THC, cannabidiol does not trigger hallucinogenic effects once in contact with the body.

How is CBD?

The CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, also called Cannabis Sativa or Indica. The variety sativa more particularly, contains cannabidiol whose level of THC is around zero. At CBD Tech, you will find CBD from natural plants, without pesticides or solvent. Consumers can fully benefit from the virtues of CBD on health and well-being.

Which CBD to choose?

In general, consumers opt for CBD oil. There LANVIA range Organic, manufactured in France, is ideal for relieving pain triggered by certain chronic diseases. The soothing effects of cannabidiol oil help reduce stress and anxiety.

For those who prefer "halal" products, we also offer products that meet their expectations in our catalog of CBD oils.

This is particularly the case with the "Lanvia NostressSpecially designed to combat stress and daily pressure.

The results of many scientific research demonstrate the positive effects of cannabidiol on people who suffer from digestive problems.

At CBD Tech, you can for example opt for the "Lanvia DigestitisTo calm the pain related to indigestion and restore intestinal transit.

Studies carried out by the University of Reading have also proven the effectiveness of this
Cannabinoid in weight loss. The results indicate that CBD would tend to reduce lipogenesis and boost fat combustion. Do not hesitate to complement the "digestitis" CBD oil to complete your slimming diet.

Which CBD to sleep?

The CBD Lanvia range has been specially designed to help people who suffer from sleep disturbances. CBD oil "DreamIn particular, has 20% of CBD Bio Full Spectrum in its formula.

An essential component known to activate sleep and which thus makes it possible to fight against insomnia. Roman chamomile essential oil reinforces the efficiency of the product to instantly guarantee a restful sleep.

How many CBD drops to sleep?

The dosage initially depends on the body mass of the person who wishes to consume cannabidiol. As the treatment progresses, it is possible to increase the dose little by little.

As an illustration, for a subject of 70 kg, it is advisable to limit the first dosage to 15 mg.

This can then be doubled after a week (30 mg) and doubled again the following week (60 mg).

In the case of CBD oil "Good nightFor example, it is recommended to start taking 10 to 25 mg per day, knowing that the vial has a total of 240 drops of CBD oil.

How to consume the CBD?

The CBD is available in several forms. L' CBD oil Good Night as we have stated above makes it possible to fight insomnia. But it is also possible to take advantage of the benefits of cannabidiol by ingesting it in the form of capsule.

« FixitFor example, contributes to strengthening the immune system.

THE CBD e-liquid Can be administered in electronic cigarettes to enjoy the benefits of cannabidiol without fear of an addiction problem.

At CBD Tech, you can for example opt for the "BeccoolWith its exquisite flavors. For those looking for a simple and effective way to quit smoking, we offer our CBD e-liquid "Smokestop».

For the greediest, CBD Tech offers them delicious cakes with taste chocolate Or Honey based on cannabidiol.

On the other hand, people looking for cannabinoid in its original condition can turn to our CBD flowers. They are guaranteed without pesticides and chemicals.

How to use the CBD?

The CBD is used as a food supplement of natural origin. CBD Tech has put its confidence in the Lanvia laboratory for its expertise and its
primary products. Regarding CBD oil, it is recommended to keep it under the tongue for around sixty seconds before swallowing it.

CBD Which concentration to choose?

Customers who suffer from skin problems usually turn to our
CBD cosmetics ( Carebidiol ). Their high concentration of cannabidiol can treat frequent skin problems (acne, eczema, dry skin).

In addition, our products contain 95%natural ingredients. The results are felt from the first days following the first application.

Can we buy CBD in pharmacies?

Yes, it is possible to obtain CBD from pharmacies. However, only two cannabidiol drugs are available in these points of sale in France. These are Sativex and Epidolex. They are both issued under prescription.

At CBDTECH, you can get our CBD products even prescription.

CBD: What are the contraindications?

Scientists agree that the CBD does not have significant risks for the human body. Blessed side effects are however observed in certain subjects (nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, drowsiness, etc.).

However, we recommend pregnant and lactating women to consult a doctor's advice before consuming our CBD products.

Consult our blog on this subject 

What CBD for fibromyalgia?

CBD oil remains the most reliable and effective solution to relieve the
fibromyalgia. Do not hesitate to consult our blog dedicated to CBD oils to find the product best suited to your needs. Millions of people trust our products for the treatment of this chronic disease.

  • en réponse a catherine : Bonjour,

    Je suis désolé d’entendre que vous souffrez de dépression. Le CBD peut en effet aider à réduire les symptômes liés à la dépression, mais il est important de souligner que cela ne doit pas remplacer les médicaments prescrits par un professionnel de la santé.

    Je vous recommande de parler à votre médecin ou à un professionnel de la santé avant de prendre toute décision concernant votre traitement. Ils pourront vous conseiller sur la meilleure façon de gérer votre dépression, y compris en utilisant des thérapies alternatives comme le CBD.

    Voici deux articles que vous pourriez trouver utiles concernant l’utilisation du CBD pour la dépression :
    Ces articles peuvent vous donner une idée de la façon dont le CBD peut aider à réduire les symptômes de la dépression, mais il est important de souligner que chaque personne réagit différemment au traitement.

    En fin de compte, je vous recommande fortement de travailler en étroite collaboration avec votre professionnel de la santé pour trouver le meilleur traitement pour vous.

    Anonymous THE
  • Bonjour, je suis dépressive et, actuellement, sous Prozac mais je ne souhaite pas passer ma vie en traitement. Existe-t-il une solution CBD, donc naturelle, qui pourrait me permettre de me passer du Prozac, tout en apportant les mêmes bénéfices (moins d’angoisses, moins de boulimie, meilleur sommeil et réveil, etc) ?

    de coster catherine THE

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Good manufacturing practice (BPF) or GMP, this logo guarantees quality, safety and compliance Products manufactured

Third -party laboratory tests are to have the products analyzed by an independent company for check their quality.

Organic hemp is a type of hemp cultivated in a lasting way, Without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

Organic ingredient: naturally cultivated product, free from chemicals and environmentally friendly.

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