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CBD doping?


CBD doping?

The cannabidiol (CBD) is extracted directly from the hemp flower, or cannabis, the famous plant that hovers. However, the most important difference between CBD and marijuana is the fact that CBD contains no trace of THC - tetrahydrocannabinol, which is responsible for psychotropic effects after its use.

Therefore, by answering this essential question, will the CBD appear on each drug screening test: no, this will not be the case. There are several points on this subject which ask to be deepened and which will be presented in this article.



Drug test and CBD?

Drug test

Usually, drug screening tests aim to show traces of THC in the blood, but if you use CBD products, and in particular CBDTech CBD products, you may be sure that no trace of THC will be detected.

There are several products containing <0.3 % THC, which is considered legal in most European countries andwill not appear in screening tests of drugs, and will not make you sleep, dizzy or anything else, but not all European countries allow this type of small amount of THC. You can consult the list of countries where the CBD is illegal below.


European countries where the CBD is illegal:

  • Albania
  • Andorrian
  • Armenia
  • Belarus
  • Bosnia herzégovine
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro
  • Serbia
  • Slovakia
  • Ukraine

In some people, even THC contained in the CBD may possibly appear during drug tests.

Let us deepen and learn how and why certain CBD products can show a higher amount of THC in all drug tests and how to avoid falling into the trap of the results of drug testing tests.


Buy Premium CBD for THC -free efficiency

CBDTECH products are made from the best organic and cultivated CBD, not only tested in the laboratory, but also from a third -party laboratory. The product range includes a variety of CBD oils, from the full spectrum to soluble oils in water, topical, with essential oils, balms, creams ... 

There is only an unlimited number of ways to relax and relieve anxiety using the CBD, but see if the healing process will be interrupted by drug tests.

The use of CBD, in particular that of a unreliable manufacturer, can actually cause a Positive drug testing test showing traces of THC in your blood system, as products may contain a higher amount of THC than that indicated on the label.

You see, it takes a lot of effort and energy to produce high quality pure CBD, so it is easy and cheaper for some unscrupulous manufacturers put in misleading On the label, and in the end - no one wins.

Therefore, if you use CBD products from an unreliable manufacturer, you can fall into the "risk area" that their products can contain ingredients that cause a positive result to the drug screening test.

THE CBD isolates are less likely be positive for THC that, for example, full spectrum CBD oil, as they can sometimes be "contaminated" by more than 0.3 % THC, while CBD isolates are generally absolutely Thc free Or guarantee that the quantity of THC is less than 0.3 %.


How can I be sure that the CBD product does not contain THC?

If you get your CBD from a renowned company, it should have third -party laboratory tests that prove the facts of everything he says on the label. This procedure is carried out to assure the customer that these products are of the same quality as the brand says and this is verified by the third party.

However, most CBD users do not always pay too much attention to the origin of the CBD and the reliability or not of the brand they buy, which can actually put them in a very unpleasant situation.

Do not hesitate to request an analysis certificate or find one on the brand's website in order to find out about the compounds of the product in question.

If the company refuses to provide a third -party laboratory test certificate, you can either drop and buy anyway, or contact a renowned company that cares about its reputation and will not leave poor quality products on its shelf .


Is CBD oil linked to THC?

As we have already learned above, the CBD contains slightly traceable quantities of THC, such a small amount that it will most often appear on any drug screening test.

The CBD, unlike THC, does not incoxicate your body with psychoactivity and does not make you feel slower in your daily life, does not cause stress or anxiety.

On the other hand, quality CBD and CBD oil interact with the Endocannabinoid system By affecting the receptors responsible for filling several important roles which they should play in the human body, namely CB1 and CB2.

These receivers are responsible for our immune system, from our coordination of our movements, our anxiety, of our fear, of our appetite, etc., that is why the CBD forces our body to manage better and to "work" better, to feel quieter And at the same time relaxed.


All about CBDTech CBD oil

At CBDTECH you can find both CBD oils with full spectrum with traces of THC, as well as wide spectrum oils or isolate completely without THC.

CBD has been shown with or without traces of THC helps you relax, feel better, improve your appetite and sleep, as well as other advantages.

You should always listen to your body to find out what type of CBD to use and what dosage, makes you feel better, calmer or reduced your anxiety

Sometimes there are situations where you cannot afford to take the slightest risk as to the presence or not of THC during a drug screening test, which is why CBDTech offers a wide range of guaranteed products without THC.

To read to eliminate the THC from the body 

If you have an upcoming drug screening test and you want to use products containing higher quantities of THC, know that drug tests can detect THC for three days after a single use and up to thirty days in the event of repeated use.

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Good manufacturing practice (BPF) or GMP, this logo guarantees quality, safety and compliance Products manufactured

Third -party laboratory tests are to have the products analyzed by an independent company for check their quality.

Organic hemp is a type of hemp cultivated in a lasting way, Without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

Organic ingredient: naturally cultivated product, free from chemicals and environmentally friendly.

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