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CBD against indication?


CBD against indication?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound present in cannabis which can be isolated and used therapeutically. CBD is considered a non -psychoactive cannabinoid, which means that it does not produce the euphoric / psychotropic effects associated with marijuana consumption. Instead, CBD is often used to treat a variety of symptoms and conditions, including nausea, pain, anxiety, muscle spasms and sleep disorders.

CBD is generally considered safe and well tolerated, but it can cause certain rashes, headache and dizziness. In addition, some people are allergic to the CBD. If you are allergic or if you feel unwanted side effects, stop taking the CBD and consult your doctor.


What is CBD and how does it work?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a molecule or cannabinoid present in the sativa cannabis plant. There are several varieties of cannabis plants, including industrial hemp and marijuana.

Although the CBD can be obtained from any of these plants, it is more commonly obtained from industrial hemp, where it is much more common than marijuana.

Unlike its related cannabinoid, THC, cannabidiol is not psychoactive, which means that it will not make you drunk.

The CBD used in our products is derived from hemp and none of our products contains THC.


The CBD how does it work?


Many research is currently underway on this issue. We now know two main modes of action of the CBD in the body (a more in -depth study of these mechanisms will certainly continue to reveal more):

Stimulates our Endocannabinoid system (Dry) - This sympathetic system was only discovered by scientists in the early 90s of the last century.

Dry refers to a set of cellular receptors and related molecules. You can consider cell receptors as small locks on the surface of the cells.

The keys to these locks are chemical molecules called agonists. Whenever the agonist connects to the cell, he transmits a message, giving your cell a specific direction.

The endocannabinoid system is the name of a series of cellular receptors that respond to certain types of agonists.

Two major cellular receptors are DHW - the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) and the cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2).

The key substances of these receptors are called endocannabinoids, which are essentially the own version of the body of THC and CBD (which are phytocannabinoids).


Cannabinoid receivers


are found everywhere in the body, including the skin, which gives them a wide variety of functions. However, some receivers are more concentrated in certain regions.



  • There are many CB1 receivers in the central nervous system.
  • CB2 receptors are more frequent on immune cells, in the gastrointestinal tract and in the peripheral nervous system.

SEC plays an important role in neuroprotection, stress recovery, immune balance and homeostatic regulation (maintenance of a stable internal environment). When the CBD links to these receptors, a mechanism is triggered in the dry which triggers a wide range of therapeutic and curative responses.


Helps regulate key body functions 


Until now, we know that CBD acts directly or indirectly on three other receivers (vanilloid, adenosine and serotonin), which are important to modulate pain, sleep-up cycle and mood and stress management.

It is also associated with an increase in the natural "molecule of happiness" - anandamide, which helps regulate functions such as pleasure, appetite, memory, sleep and pain.


What are the potential side effects of CBD?


The side effects of the CBD that we are talking about most are drowsiness, gastrointestinal problems, dry mouth, decrease in appetite, nausea and interactions with other drugs. They are described in detail below.


  • CBD vs drowsiness

Certain common side effects of the use of CBD include drowsiness and sedation. This is also considered an advantage, the effect can be too strong if you take CBD with other sedatives.

  • CBD vs gastrointestinal problems

Some people may suffer from diarrhea or liver problems. It depends on the individual and his medical history, therefore surveillance is important ”

  • CBD vs dry mouth

Also known as "pastry mouth", CBD can potentially cause a feeling of great drought in the mouth and eyes.

  • CBD vs interaction with other drugs

CBD can interact with certain drugs. It is important to speak to your doctor to find out if the CBD can affect your existing prescriptions.

  • CBD vs nausea

In some cases, those who take CBD supplements may have nausea. It depends on the sensitivity of the person with cannabidiol, as well as the quantity they ingest.

Since CBD supplements arise in many different forms - such as oils, capsules, flowers and vaporizers - the really absorbed quantity can vary considerably.

This, combined with an individual's unique biochemistry, will ultimately affect the side effects (if applicable) of the CBD that you might feel


Is the cannabidiol (CBD) toxic?


CBD is not an intoxicating substance, while THC is a psychoactive substance that can put you to the test.

The CBD is derived from hemp and is classified as a legal substance. Hemp which contains CBD is not regulated by the ANSM and, therefore, the doses may not be exact.

It is also difficult to know what is the appropriate dose when you try a new product for the first time.

Choose CBD from a reliable source that has been tested by an independent third -party laboratory, CBD content is more reliable and safe.


Are there any advantages associated with the use of CBD?


There are several reasons why someone may want to use the CBD. The substance can be found in many products, ranging from oils to CBD creams for skin care. Research is still in progress, but in recent decades, scientists have achieved how useful CBD can be when applied locally or ingested.

Since the discovery of Endocannabinoid system (Dry) In the body in the 1990s, the CBD was studied deeper. Dry is a central regulation system that restores normal balance and homeostasis in many human physiological systems in the body and the brain.

As with any type of supplement, we recommend that you consult your doctor to find out if using the CBD is right for you. Your doctor may also recommend certain products adapted to your needs and help you make sure you get the right dose.


CBD against cardiac indication?


As for heart problems, they are incompatible with the use of CBD. There is a clear contraindication, especially in high doses. In fact, cannabidiol can sometimes cause undesirable effects, in some harmful cases on the sensitive cardiovascular system. In addition, people with Parkinson's disease must ask their doctor for advice regarding cannabidiol products. Finally, there is an absolute contraindication that should be respected in people allergic to pollen of the botanical species cannabis sativa l.


CBD and pregnancy against indication?

The CBD has proven to have a significant effect on the female reproductive system if it is used for a long time during pregnancy. CBD generally affects pregnancy by interfering with the normal development of fetal organs.

The exact mechanism by which this happens is not yet known to science. However, this was confirmed experimentally by administering CBD to rats. It was also found that the use of CBD in pregnant rats reduces the growth rate of the fetus and delays sexual maturity later in life. This indicates the potential side effects that cannabidiol use may have if used for long periods in pregnant and / or lactating women.

CBD and hypertension against indication?

CBD combination with other drugs against hypertension is the most important potential problem if you plan to use the CBD to lower or control your blood pressure.

If you already take drugs For high blood pressure, combining them with CBD can cause excessive drop in your blood pressure. You should know that very low blood pressure is just as deadly as very high blood pressure.

Therefore, you should consult your doctor Before combining the CBD with drugs that you already take. Your doctor can reduce the dose of the hypertension medication you take before you allow you to incorporate CBD oil or CBD -based drugs in your daily routine.


CBD and drug interactions

 Studies to date have shown that the CBD is generally safe and has little or even no, minor side effects. But there is a big warning: the CBD has the potential to interact with certain drugs. The concern is linked to the way in which the body metabolizes certain substances.

Before trying the CBD, it is extremely important to speak to your doctor about all the vitamins, supplements and prescription and over -the -counter medicines you take. Here is a more in -depth overview of the importance of having a conversation.


Metabolism of CYP450 drugs and enzymes

The metabolism of drugs takes place throughout the body, for example in the intestines, but the liver is also a large part of the work.

A family of enzymes called Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) See the study, Performs important work to convert foreign substances so that they can be easily eliminated from the body.

However, certain drugs or substances affect the CYP450 by slowing down or accelerating the drug metabolism. This change in your metabolic rate can change the way your body deals with the drugs or supplements you take from where drug interactions.

Studies show that the family of CYP450 enzymes is responsible for the metabolism of several cannabinoids, including CBD.

In particular, this task is carried out by CYP3A4, an important enzyme of the CYP450 family. But the CBD also interferes with CYP3A4 during this process.

The CYP3A4 enzyme is responsible for metabolism of around 60 % of the drugs prescribed in the clinic. But if the CBD inhibits CYP3A4, it may not be as effective in breaking the drugs in your body.

The reverse can happen. Many drugs inhibit CYP3A4. If you then take CBD while you take these drugs, your body may not be able to treat the CBD as effectively.


How to take CBD with drugs?

If you want to try the CBD as an extra treatment to relieve the symptoms of a particular disease, talk to your doctor first.

It can help you determine the CBD product, the dosage and the calendar which are safe for your drugs. In some situations, your doctor may want to monitor your plasma levels from certain drugs you take.

Do not stop any of your medication to try the CBD unless your doctor tells you that it is safe.

Keep in mind that the topical CBD application, such as lotions, creams and balms, can also be an option.

Unlike the oils, edible products and e -liquid or herbs vaporizers, topical agents generally do not enter the blood circulation - unless it is a transdermal solution designed for this purpose.


Potential drug interactions

Although research is always in progress to determine the potential interactions between CBD and specific drugs, there is a rule that can help users while waiting: avoid CBD if there is a grapefruit warning on the label of your medication.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, a reliable source, the consumption of grapefruit while taking one of these drugs can lead to higher levels of medication.

More than 85 drugs Interact with the grapefruit and certain citrus juices nearby - such as the Oranges of Seville, the Pomelo and the Tango. The result is a delayed metabolism of the drug.

Grapefruit warnings are common in several types of drugs, but not all medicines in a given category will need to avoid grapefruit. Check the information contained in the instructions for your medication or ask your doctor for advice.

Types of drugs which often have a warning on the grapefruit


  • Antibiotics and antimicrobials
  • anticancer drugs
  • antihistamine
  • Antiepileptic drugs (MAE)
  • hypertension drugs
  • drugs for RA
  • anticoagulant
  • cholesterol drugs
  • corticosteroids
  • Medicines for erectile dysfunction ...

Non -exhaustive list ask your doctor for advice.


Current studies on drug interactions

Researchers work to determine the specific interactions between CBD and various drugs. Animal studies have been carried out on certain drugs, but in many cases, scientists still discover


Safety and side effects


Under the close surveillance of your doctor, you may be able to use the CBD safely with medicines, even those who have a grapefruit warning.

He can also choose to monitor your liver function.

If you take CBD with drugs, it is important to monitor any change in the way the drug or the CBD affects you.

Side effects to be monitored:

  • drowsiness
  • sedation
  • nausea

a decrease in the effectiveness of drugs, such as:

  • Epileptic crises

CBD current side effects, such as:

  • fatigue
  • diarrhea
  • appetite changes
  • weight changes

Conclusion on counters indications and CBD

It is important to always consult your doctor first if you want to try the CBD, especially if you have the disease and take medication. Do not stop taking your prescribed medications to try the CBD unless you have the green light from your doctor.

Warning drugs to "grapefruit" can interact with the CBD. However, even if you take one of these drugs, your doctor can establish a plan for you by carefully monitoring medication levels in your body. In this way, you can use your prescription and CBD as therapy.

Your confidence doctor or seller may also recommend a quality CBD product adapted to your needs. You can also find reliable products with a little research and knowledge to learn how to read the CBD labels.

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