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From prohibition to legalization: the evolution of medical cannabis


From prohibition to legalization: the evolution of medical cannabis

Summary in text from Renaud's video Colson master of conferences at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of Nantes.


Talk about Therapeutic cannabis and tackled the subject perfectly relaxed in falls under the challenge. It is that freedom of expression, fundamental values ​​of the republican pact find its limits here There is indeed of the discussion taboo that the legislator prohibits us evoke This is the case with cannabis whose one cannot allege the Therapeutic virtues without rape the law (but...)


On the other hand I can say that the wine produces on our terroirs to remarkable taste qualities it is part of our history of our cultural and gastronomic heritage wine contributes by elsewhere to the health of the populations it is perfectly legal to assert it And I can even encourage you to consume it daily provided I use it in moderation 

On the other hand, we can say without violate French law who Therapeutic use of cannabis for millennia and that this product is today prescribed as drugs in many countries was recognized virtuous effects by the medical profession that THE recommends to treat a number important to pathologies that very many scientific publications recognize this substance many properties.pwould have been this true but he Must say it's wrong

Give information without the meters in doubt would be to present use cannabis under a favorable day which would expose to a sentence of seven years imprisonment and 100 thousand euros fine.

However in the hierarchy French standards The public health code occupies a place lower to the convention European safeguarding human rights and fundamental freedoms this means thatIn the event of a contradiction between the code and the European Convention It is The latter who prevails and that THE judge must apply


VWe deduce with me that in our rule of law the article L3421 drawn 4 of the code of public health is neutralized by Article 10 of the European Convention It is therefore perfectly legal to affirm that the use of cannabis has therapeutic virtues On the other hand, it is forbidden to consume it to heal or relieve even if We are at the end of life. (However, the use of therapeutic cannabis is authorized to the extent, that it enters this framework here)


in 2017 SATIVEX unique drugs at cannabis benefiting from an authorization placing on the market in France is still not distribute pharmacies and cannabis user is a criminal offense that police and judicial institutions systematically represses a such incrimination is her in accordance with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen who provides that freedom is to be able to do everything that does not harm others and that the law has the right to defend only harmful actions to society.

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