A group of people cultivate cannabis in a collective and consume it
Three terms are used to discuss the legal status of cannabis around the world.
Here is a quick explanatory:
Prohibited behavior (criminal or not) is now authorized. This is generally used to describe the offer of cannabis, rather than possession
Use remains a criminal offense but is no longer punished
The offense is reclassified from criminal to non -criminal. Use remains an offense and can be punished by the police or other organizations, such as a fine on site, rather than by legal action
In conclusion:
The legalization of the CBD in France has become clearer with the decision of the Council of State in December 2022. Products containing CBD such as flowers, oils, candies, herbal teas, creams or even e-liquids may Be sold on French soil, as soon as they respect the DEP content in force. It is important to note that only two CBD products are recognized as drugs: SATIVEX® and EPIDYOLEX®.
Several countries have already legalized the use of CBD for medical and recreational purposes, and scientific research on the potential therapeutic benefits of cannabidiol increases. It is important to note that at the end of 2021, an experiment started in France to provide therapeutic cannabis in pharmacies.
Update 01/25/2022 : By decision of the Council of State of January 24, 2022, the execution of the provisions of the first paragraph of II of article 1 of the decree of December 30, 2021 is suspended until the Council of State definitively basically on the legality of the disputed decree.
Following a decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the French authorities revised the regulations applicable to the culture, import and the use of hemp by a decree of December 30, 2021.
The new regulatory framework maintains a high level of consumer protection and preserves the ambitious policy of combating drug trafficking implemented since 2019, while allowing the secure development of new economic activities related to culture, industrial production of Hemp extracts and the marketing of products that integrate them.
All advertisements alleging therapeutic virtues are prohibited (with the exception of drugs benefiting from AMM).
Source: https://www.drogues.gouv.fr/actualites/cannabidiol-cbd-point-legislation