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CBD and Sport: discover the natural advantages of cannabidiol


CBD and Sport: discover the natural advantages of cannabidiol

In this article you will discover the many advantages to consume cannabidiol (CBD) It can help your body and mind to be more efficient thanks to these benefits, many people have experienced a reduction in stress, pain and anxiety and sometimes even euphoria after exercise.


Sport and health benefits?

Many people have found that stress, pain and anxiety decrease after exercise and that sometimes even euphoria occurs. New research on sport neurosciences could surprise you.

Of new research In the laboratory summarize nearly two decades of work on the subject. We have found that exercise reliably increases the levels of endocannabinoids of the body - molecules that maintain balance in the brain and the body - a process called "homeostasis". This natural chemical boost could better explain some of the positive effects of the exercise on the brain and the body.

Hilary A. Marusak neuroscientist At the Wayne State University School of Medicine. His laboratory studies brain development and mental health as well as the role of Endocannabinoid system In stress regulation and anxious disorders in children and adolescents.

This research has implications for those who exercise to reduce stress and should also motivate those who do not exercise regularly.

Several research decades have shown that exercise is beneficial for physical health. These studies show a constant association between different levels of physical activity and a lower risk of premature deaths and dozens of chronic diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and heart disease.

Physical activity also has major advantages for mental health. The practice of sport regularly has been associated with a reduction in symptoms anxiety, of depression, from the Parkinson's disease and other common mental or neurological health problems.

We do not yet know what is hidden behind these positive effects on mental health. Exercise is known to have a number of effects on the brain, in particular the increase in metabolism and blood flow, promoting the formation of new brain cells - a process called neurogenesis - and the increase in release various chemicals in the brain.

Scientists have also shown that exercise is increasing bloody levels of endorphins, one natural opioids of the body.

Opioids are chemicals that act in the brain and have various effects, including pain relief.


The role of endocannabinoids in sport

You may know cannabinoids like tetrahydrocannabinol - better known as THC - the psychoactive compound of cannabis (from the cannabis sativa L. plant) which induces a feeling of euphoria in humans.

You may also have heard of cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, a cannabis extract present in certain edible products, drugs, oils and many other products.

What many people do not know, however, is that humans also make their own versions of these chemicals called endocannabinoids.

These are tiny lipid molecules - or fat - circulating in the brain and the body; "Endo" refers to the substances produced in the body and not in a "phyto" plant or in a laboratory.

Endocannabinoids act on cannabinoid receptors throughout the brain and body. They produce a variety of effects, including pain relief, reducing anxiety and stress and improving learning and memory. They also affect hunger, inflammation and functioning of the immune system.

Endocannabinoid levels can be affected by food, day of day, exercise, obesity, injuries, inflammation and stress.

The CBD is not toxic to the body allows you to obtain your phytocannabinoide dose to help your body find its state of homeostasis.


How does CBD improve sports performance?

The CBD, or Cannabidiol, is a compound of cannabis which has many health benefits, but does not "hover". Athletes and fitness lovers are starting to incorporate CBD supplements into their daily routine. Consume cannabidiol before a sporting event, for example CBD oil In Sublingual, improves concentration. Eliminates stress, tenfold your possibilities

Here is a video on the CBD in sport & the advantages to take this active but not psychotropic substance.



Why take CBD in sport?

The CBD also called cannabidiol one of the legal cannabis molecules, offers many advantages of which:

  • CBD is ideal for relieving pain
  • It's not addictive
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduce anxiety

The CBD improves muscle gain?

Regarding physical condition, it contributes to the muscle growth, to a sleep of quality and at recovery. In this article, we will discover the superpowers of cannabidiol, its effects on the human body with regard to physical condition.


Muscle strengthening and improving protein synthesis

THE CBD helping muscle construction and recovery by regulating thehomeostasis in the human body. Its properties anti-catabolics regulate the levels of cortisol, which leads to an increase in muscle growth and protein synthesis.


Reduce catabolic hormones

Hormones, called catabolic hormones, cause a degradation of muscle tissues. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for the degradation of muscle tissues because it reduces protein synthesis, thus actively preventing tissue growth.

Cortisol can have a negative impact on muscles, but it brings significant advantages.

Cortisol helps liver to eliminate toxins from the body and regulate blood sugar in the immune system. So, At natural levels, cortisol is beneficial, reason why the CBD comes into play. The CBD can help maintain a good Cortisol balance

Cortisol levels fluctuate during the day and generally reach their maximum when they are stressed.

High intensity training causes a lot of physical stress, which increase the levels of cortisol.

The high quantity of catabolic hormone can cause a hypertension arterial and harm muscle tissue, which cancels the goal of training and muscle construction.

Increased cortisol limits muscle growth and reduces protein synthesis.

THE CBD promotes muscle growth by interfering with the secretion of cortisol in the human body [1].

The key bodybuilding is to keep your rate of balanced cortisol Before and during a training session. Drink before training or take a supplement of caffeine can increase your cortisol levels Before training.

THE CBD does not contain no caffeine And constitutes a natural complement that can help people develop more muscle by slowing muscle degradation.

Run feet


Relax muscles and develop endurance

Anyone can feel a certain well-being that occurs after long training sessions. It is said that this feeling comes endorphins, but a recent study shows that it is the Endocannabinoid system who is to thank.

The system endocannabinoid is crucial for two main aspects, this euphoric sensation which gives you the endurance necessary to carry out your training focused on cardio is actually a rush to Anandamide, the natural endocannabinoid compound regulated by the CBD.

"Ânanda"in Sanskrit It is the joy of coming back to oneself

Take CBD Before a long cardio training can help relieve your body and your spirit.

He acts with the body human to increase energy levels, regulate breathing, relax muscles, reduce cramps (anti-inflammatory) and balance dopamine levels, which makes movement more fluid.

CBD helps recover training. It also improves the quality of sleep and it is anti-inflammatory, which makes it a perfect complement after training.


Recovery, the weapon not to be overlooked

In this period, we end up with an energy which is far from being at its peak! These not so obvious weeks give us the opportunity to talk about recovery, a weapon that must absolutely be part of your routine.

This "catch -up" of energy, like its synonym in quotes from the French language, implies several methods. 


Warm -up during training sessions

Starting any physical training at a slower rate, both muscular and cardiovascular, allows the body to better respond to the effort that will be requested later, in addition to preventing injuries. 


Sport warm -up


Bringing our body back to a more soothing activity at the end of training is already an integral part of the list of good training methods for optimal recovery.

In the middle of the session, periods of active or passive recovery, depending on the objective, are necessary in order to reproduce several intense efforts.


Sport pain


In order to seek gains, this planned rest promotes partial recovery which will give the human machine the possibility of repeating this level of intensity several times for the purpose of improvement.


Post training recovery

Once the training is completed, many athletes and sportsmen consume a post-training snack rich in carbohydrates and protein.

In addition you can use hydrotherapy, that is to say contrast baths. The benefits of these immersions have been known since the dawn of time to invigorate and heal an injury quickly.

One of the most common prescriptions, made either in a home shower or a shower-bain combination, is immersion with one minute in cold water (13-18 ° C) in alternation quickly with one to two minutes In hot water (38-43 ° C) three to four cycles, taking care to finish with the cold.


Sport iced bath

This method promotes better peripheral circulation. Heat stimulates circulation, bringing "new blood" as well as lymph, oxygen, water and nutrients. The cold allows an inflammatory response by helping to get rid of "waste".


Deep sleep is essential to recovery

Obtaining a good night's sleep eight hours a night is probably one of the best sources of recovery.

The winning recipe?

Sleeping at regular hours, avoiding blue light from the screens sixty minutes before closing your eyes can help improve melatonin production (sleep hormone).

Being physically active before bedtime can also help you recover more at night, as it allows the production of growth hormone, a hormone linked to recovery, secreted in larger quantity at night than during the day.

The full head, work or studies and stress of the day must be calmed by a small yoga session or by a series of large, slow abdominal breaths.


Sport meditation

Abdominal breathing

  1. . Inhale for three seconds while inflating the belly
  2. . Hold inspiration for twelve seconds
  3. . Exhale for six seconds
  4. . Repeat for three cycles

There is a strong correlation between high stress levels and poor oxygenation, an equation which causes cortisol overproduction, a hormone which has a very negative effect on weight control and affects the regulation of blood sugar.

On the other hand, if your sleep night has been altered, the choice to place in your day, shortly after dinner, a short nap of fifteen to twenty minutes maximum, can be very beneficial.

As short as it may be, a nap will lower the level of stress hormones, will help muscle recovery and play an important role in restructuring neurons as well as in memory and concentration. I can assure you that using it wisely is paying!

In addition to physical activity and good diet, hydration, recovery also involves compliance with certain training principles, a good sleep and management of stress By oxying enough.


Why should you take CBD after a training session?

Culturists, athletes, fitness lovers, need to recover after long and difficult training. They can even take anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen "Paracetamol = danger for the liver beyond 4 g/day" To speed up the process. Although it is suggested to let your body recover by itself, some people, such as athletes and bodybuilders, may have no choice.

CBD is widely known for its effects Anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory drugs, reason why it is now used as a supplement for recovery.

Rigorous training sessions such as bodybuilding, HIIT or long cardio training sessions have a negative impact on a person's body. They damage the muscles and tissues of the body, then inflammation occurs and triggers the repair process.

Too d'inflammation can occur when there is not enough rest Between training sessions and causes excessive muscle damage and mediocre training sessions. This can also cause physical injuries.

Athletes and bodybuilders turn to many solutions such as ice baths, food consumption containing antioxidants and supplements like the CBD. It is known to reduce inflammation and has become a current post-training to facilitate recovery.


The CBD improves sleep quality?

Sports sleep

Research suggests that the CBD has a potential for treatment insomnia [3]. Although research is not linked to sport or exercise, many people already use the CBD as sleep assistance. A good night's sleep is important for everyone, but it is crucial for the fitness community. THE sleep help A person to develop their muscles, their body needs enough rest to function properly.

When a person is not resting enough, his body cannot burn energy in the right way. There is Sleep medication on the market, but some may have an effect of dependence. THE CBD is a natural supplement system that endocannabinoid of the body and regulates its own natural chemicals. 

The CBD has remarkable potential advantages in terms of physical condition and health and is recommended before and after training. Anyone looking to develop your muscles, sleeping better and training better should look at the advantages of cannabinoids as a food supplement.

The CBD is still new, but it is gaining popularity every day, then consult your "AWARE" doctor to find out if cannabinoid supplementation is a good option for you.

How to include CDB in your daily routine?

THE CBD links to the receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the human body. To reach these receivers, CBD is often infused in food, oil, creams. We recommend that you add CBD to your routine post-training To facilitate the recovery.

As you can see, the CBD supplementation is perfect if your goals are develop your muscles, d ’Improve your sleep and, ultimately, to lead a healthier life .

To summarize,

  1. THE cannabidiol Reduces cortisol levels In your body, mainly by helping protein synthesis and muscle growth.
  2. Supplementation in CBD also contributes to Improve sleep quality, often neglected factor for adequate recovery.

Cannabinoids have recently stormed the health and well-being market and we are happy to see that other industries integrate the CBD.

You can read our article " What is the CDB? "If you want to know more and try yourself.

"The CBD acts directly with the endocannabinoid system to interfere with the secretion of cortisol."
"The endocannabinoid system is crucial for two main aspects of the performance of a runner."
"Research suggests that the CDB has potential for the treatment of insomnia."

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