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Hangxiety: CBD, unique remedy against post-feast anxiety 🎉


Hangxiety: CBD, unique remedy against post-feast anxiety 🎉

Ah, the formidable "hangxiety" after a night of intense libations! 🍻 Not only do you wake up with a hangover, but you are also assaulted by waves of depression and anxiety. But what is the hangxiety, and why does it happen?


Hangxiety Definition

Hangxiety, a term forged from the merger of "hangover" And "anxiety", describes the state of depression And anxiety after a consumption excessive alcohol. According to a study Published in the Clinique de Medicine Journal, around 12% of the population experiences the crisis of wood. In addition to throbbing head and persistent nausea, some people also suffer from intense anxiety that can last up to 24 hours. 😵🍻 #Hangxiety #gueuledeboisanxious


Hangover anxiety: the impact of alcohol on the brain 🍷😰

To unravel the mysteries of anxiety hangover, let's dive into the meanders of the effects of alcohol on the human body, especially the brain. THE brain is made up of neurotransmitters such as the Gaba and the glutamate, responsible for regulating brain activity. THE Gaba slow down there function cerebral, inducing the relaxation, while the glutamate control there memory, cognition and awakening. These two neurotransmitters work in delicate balance.

An excess of Gaba in our system can even lead A coma. In a attempt of counter THE effects du Gaba, the glutamate enter into action. It is the imbalance between these neurotransmitters Who provoke The emergence of hangover anxiety. As alcohol levels decrease, we feel a reduction in the GABA, the anxiety reducing neurotransmitter, and an increase in glutamate, the anxiety inductor neurotransmitter. This change of balance leaves us stretch And anxious. 😟


Hangover: Anxious awakening: a roller coaster of anxiety 🤯

At the following day a night of madness, it is not uncommon to wake with a anxiety disproportionate. Taking a great inspiration to calm your heart that beats sham can be futile, because panic sets in. In addition, your spirit gets into fashion replay, revisiting every moment of the previous night, there Understood most embarrassing. That amplifia The feelings of shame and guilt, feeding more hangxiety.


Hangxiety: Understanding the CBD and its benefits


What is CBD? 🌿

The CBD, abbreviation of cannabidiol, is a natural compound present in the cannabis plant. Unlike its cousin The THC, the CBD has no psychoactive effects, which means that it will not make you Stone. Instead, the CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system of the body, which plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and harmony inside the body.


How does CBD help against wood mouth anxiety? 🤔

When you consume alcohol, your body undergoes a series of changes while it tries to restore balance. This is where the CBD can intervene as a hero. By interacting with the Endocannabinoid system, CBD can help:

  • Restore the normal levels of GABA, promoting relaxation.
  • Block glutamate, reducing feelings of anxiety.
  • Regulate the activity of noradrenaline and serotonin, improving mood.

In other words, the CBD helps your body better adapt to the stress of a hangover, promoting a feeling of calm and balance. 🌈


Hangxiety: Is the CBD sure for anxiety linked to the hangover?

Can CBD worsen a hangover?

It is very unlikely that the CBD aggravates a hangover. CBD is generally well tolerated by most people. However, if you are a new CBD or sensitive to its effects, it is preferable of to start by one small dose.

THE rare side effects may include the drowsiness and nausea, which could worsen the symptoms of the hangover. Start with a low dose and gradually increase while assessing your tolerance and your CBD reaction.


Is it sure to use the CBD for a hangover due to alcohol?

Although research is still in its infancy, there is no evidence suggesting that using the CBD after consuming alcohol is dangerous. THE CBD is not addictive, non -intoxicant And generally well tolerated by many.

However, it is always good to use the CBD and alcohol in moderation. CBD can reduce anxiety, which can supplement the reduced inhibitions caused by alcohol.

Advice to defeat the Hangxiety

There prevention is always preferable When healing, but we understand that sometimes a night of indulgence is inevitable. Here is a few advice For relieve anxiety linked to mouth wood And support the process of recovering your body:


Before and during alcohol consumption:

  • Eat a meal before drinking to slow down the absorption of alcohol.
  • Attach an alcohol consumption limit and respect it.
  • Drink water between alcoholic drinks to stay hydrated.


After drinking:

  • Rehydrate your body by drinking a lot of water.
  • Rest enough to allow your body to recover.
  • Talk about your anxious thoughts with yourself or a friend or family confidence.
  • Consider trying an oil infused with CBD to restore your body balance.
  • Eat a light and healthy meal to reconstruct the essential nutrients.
  • Take part in self-care activities such as yoga, a walk, a relaxing bath, meditation or listening to soothing music.


The best CBD to fight hangxiety 

The day after celebration can sometimes give way to a wooden mouth accompanied by formidable anxiety, commonly known as "Hangxiety". But don't panic! The market is full of CBD products, each competing with originality to effectively fight this mental wood mouth. Here are some CBD product options that are particularly distinguished in the fight against post-right anxiety, all expressed in a language worthy of an intrepid reporter:

CBD candy : These unmanageable sweets release CBD in the blood, allowing harmonious interaction with the endocannabinoid system for a global soothing effect. 🍬

CBD oils : Similar to gumies, CBD oils can be ingested for complete relief of stress and anxiety. Opt for high quality oils, tested by third parties for their purity and power. 🌿

Topical and balms : Bums and creams infused with CBD can be applied directly to tense areas, providing localized relief of tensions and promoting relaxation. 🌟

Specialized CBD products: Some CBD products are specifically formulated to combat anxiety and promote relaxation. For example, CBD Courage oil Associates CBD with rhodiole and ginseng to further reduce anxiety and stimulate energy levels. 💆‍♂️



Party tomorrows can be depressing, but CBD could offer a natural solution to appease anxiety that often accompanies them. By interacting with the endocannabinoid system of the body, the CBD promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety and restores balance. However, it is essential to start with a low dose, observe your tolerance and use CBD and alcohol in moderation. With the right CBD products and some self-care practices, you can say goodbye to post-suit anxiety and recover your day. 🌈


Hangxiéty and CBD FAQ

Q: Can the CBD aggravate a hangover?
A: The CBD is generally well tolerated, but if you start or are sensitive to its effects, start with a small dose. Rare side effects such as drowsiness and nausea could potentially aggravate the symptoms of the wooden mouth.

Q: Is it sure to use CBD after drinking alcohol?
A: Although research is underway, there is currently no evidence suggesting that the use of CBD after alcohol consumption is dangerous. The CBD is not addictive, non -intoxicant and generally well tolerated by many.

Q: What are some tips for relieving the anxiety of the hangover?
A: Stay hydrated, rest, talk about your anxious thoughts, plan to try products infused with CBD, eat a light and healthy meal, and participate in car activities such as yoga or meditation.

Q: What are the best CBD products for the anxiety of the wooden mouth?
A: Gums, oils and topics at CBD are popular choices. Look for high quality products tested by third parties for purity and power. CBD products specialized with additional natural substances can also provide additional advantages.

Q: How does the CBD help against the anxiety of the hangover?
A: The CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system of the body, helping to restore balance and promote relaxation. It can restore the normal levels of gaba, block glutamate and regulate the activity of noradrenaline and serotonin to reduce anxiety and improve mood. 🌿🧘‍♂️

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