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Natural pharmacy: 6 best non -psychoactive medicinal plants


Natural pharmacy: 6 best non -psychoactive medicinal plants

I am really surprised at the process of tests and errors that our ancestors needed to find which plants arranged with healing properties for human health. Thanks to oral information and detailed written documents over the centuries, we have learned to use plants to cure specific diseases or for our general well -being

Western medicine 

Nowadays, it is much rarer than Western doctors are trained in natural treatments such as nutrition and botany ... which is incredibly strange, if you think about it. As a doctor, modern healer, should not your main objective be to help treat the deep cause of the disease with the surest remedy (generally a combination of medicinal plants), not to use Toxic and synthetic substances to mask only the symptoms?

Modern medicine, an oath of hypocrite?

I will respect all people, their autonomy and their will, without any discrimination according to their state or their convictions. I will intervene to protect them if they are weakened, vulnerable or threatened in their integrity or their dignity. 

"Food is your first medicine"

If you consider health care as an industry that really wants to help people, it's a bit astounding. However, if you consider health care as an industry that wants to make money by keeping patients addicted to costly drugs for life, then it is much more logical than it works this way. In underdeveloped countries, where medicine is not yet as strongly monetized or politicized, around 75 to 80 % of the population still uses traditional plants based on plants; And it should be noted that many of these countries have cancer levels, heart disease and other much lower chronic diseases.

Being rather in favor of a natural lifestyle, personally, I will preferably choose healthy foods, vitamins and plant remedies Rather than over -the -counter and prescription pills.

Of course, in this industry, there is a tendency to focus on natural psychotropic compounds 'hovering' such as THC, psilocybin, mescaline, DMT and others; This means that certain plants are often overlooked.

I compiled a short list of medicinal plants Not intoxicating that you can find in many grocery stores and local natural food stores, and maybe even in your own garden.

The plants are incredible and the fact that such a large number of them can be used for human health proves how connected we are to the world around us. This is why, at CBDTECH, we strive to provide you with the latest articles and products based on the highest quality plants.

The benefits of natural healing

I think people can assume that plant -based compounds are not very effective and are less effective than prescription and over -the -counter drugs, but this is hardly the case.

THE natural remedies Can be a solution that changes the lives of people who cannot use Western -type drugs for a number of reasons, including tolerance, allergies or other sensitivities. They can also be an alternative to expensive surgeries or specialized prescriptions.

There phytotherapy As this practice is often called, can be more suitable for treating the deep causes of any disease from which the patient suffers, rather than simply relieving the symptoms that accompany him.

The compounds natural plants Can also be used for disease prevention, health and well-being in general and even to improve the condition of hair, skin and nails.

The idea behind plant -based therapies is much more holistic that that of Western medicine and takes into account many different factors that can contribute to faster healing.

For example, it is now clinically recognized that lemon can be effective in decomposing kidney stones.

A practitioner who knows only a minimum of natural treatments can suggest lemony water and stop there, while a herbalist Experienced would suggest drinking lemon water daily while eliminating foods that contribute to kidney stones such as beets, lenses and red meat.

Medicinal plants act in synergy with the natural capacities of the body and also strengthen the immune system, thus reducing the risk of falling sick in the future.

In addition, the natural products Generally act without destroying the cells and the important compounds which already exist in the body.

Take antibiotics, which can cause stomach problems by destroying good bacteria.

6 best medicinal plants 


The Creosote shrub, or Larrea Tridenta, is one of the oldest and most versatile living medicinal plants on earth.

It is from arid deserts in the southwest of the United States and Mexico. On a more ordinary level, it is known for its incredibly intoxicating aroma, which it gives off after a good rain. Creosote is the reason why the season of monsoons in the desert is intoxicating with good smell.

In addition to its possible applications in aromatherapy, the shrub creosote has been used for centuries by the indigenous peoples of the region, which considered it a plant " medicinal »For many medicinal purposes.

In translated ethnobotanic notes, it is described as an effective method for the treatment of fever, colds and flu, stomach aches, general pain, diuretics, sinus problems, arthritis and arthritis and of anemia.

It is also used locally as an antifungal and antimicrobial agent. To be consumed, in the form of herbal tea.

Currently, Creosote synthetic extracts are already used in certain prescription drugs, mainly in anti-diarrheal drugs.

More and more clinical studies have shown that active compounds of the plant, in particular nordihydrogual acid (NDGA), have antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. These studies confirm the uses by the natives of the Creosote.


Turmeric is a current spice that has been used in India as food spice and medicinal plant for thousands of years. Turmeric is a spice derived from the Ionga turmeric root.

Current compounds of turmeric are called curcuminoids, the most common is the curcumin. Curcumin is the compound responsible for all the healing effects of this spice.

Curcumin is called an agent anti-inflammatory And antioxidant Extremely powerful and is traditionally used to deal with many different health problems.

Curcumin is still used today in many regions of the world for affections such as hay fever, depression, hypercholesterolemia, the osteoarthritis, certain types of liver disease and itching.

The only problem with curcumin is that it has a rather low absorption rate and that most supplements do not contain very high concentrations. It is better to take curcumin with foods that contain a certain amount of fat because it is liposoluble. Also with the black pepper, because pepper contains compounds that increase the ability to absorb other compounds, including curcumin.

Strawberry of Duchesne

Duchesne strawberry, or India strawberry, is a plant with slow growth flowers, also from India. Also known as the false strawberry, strawberry with yellow flowers, it is an invasive species that has taken root in most continental United States.

She is from Afghanistan, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and North China.

The name of yellow flowers is given due to their large resemblance to real wooden strawberries, but the flowers give yellow colors and wood strawberries have white colors. The two are edible, but the false strawberries are not as sweet as the real strawberries.

In medicine, strawberries are taken and used by topical track. Eiles are full of protein, iron, vitamin C and other useful compounds.

In addition, the frost contained in the fruit is capable of healing many skin diseases, especially the eczema, burns, boils, insect bites and even non -poisonous snakes.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the best known and most common medicinal plants that exist. It has been used for a long time to Treat and hydrate the skin, and certain forms of aloe vera products can be found in most pharmacies and organic stores across the country.

Aloe is a plant in the asphodelaceae family, aloe vera is the gel present in the leaves of the plant. Although most often applied to the skin, there is solid evidence that gel or oral aloe vera juice can also have beneficial health effects, such as the treatment of constipation, management of cholesterol and lowering blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

What is good with Aloe Vera is that it is extremely practical. You can easily get an aloe plant that hardly requires any care, let it grow on the window with a minimum of watering and each time you need it, cut a small piece and use the gel in it.


Rose oil is one of the best natural compounds that you can apply to the skin. First of all, the composition of the oil is full of benefits

Antioxidants and minerals, and the rose is antiseptic properties, so it is ideal for treating the acne, there rosacea and inflammation.

What makes rose oil particularly unique is that it has the highest frequency of all natural oils on this planet.

Each living being on this land has a vibratory frequency

Rose oil is unique in what it has the highest frequency of all natural oils on the planet. Each living being on this earth has a measurable frequency, for example a healthy human body has a frequency of around 62-72 MHz.

Regarding therapies that use these frequencies, it is claimed that a higher megahertz promotes various types of physical healing. The frequency of rose oil is around 320 MHz and is used in cell regeneration.

Like many other compounds on this list, it can be applied to the skin, Navel with the Péchoti method or in oral version. Drinking rose water is also very common in natural health enthusiasts for decades.

Although studies on its effectiveness are limited, according to unconfirmed data, it can help against the stress, there digestion and inflammation.


Chamomile is another of these very common and easy -to -find herbs everywhere, but its healing potential is really taken for granted.

The chamomile comes from flowers resembling marguerites from the family of asteraceae plants and you will most often find it sold in tea form.

For centuries, chamomile tea has been consumed for health purposes and because it is full of antioxidants, studies have shown that it is useful to prevent many different diseases, including heart disease, the cancer, problems digestive, L' anxiety And Sleep disorders.

Did you know?

Chamomile can be a treatment for conjunctivitis. All you have to do is prepare tea for chamomile, and let it cool a little, then soak a cotton or compress and press it on the affected eye for about 5 to 10 minutes. As it is not toxic, you can repeat as many times as you want the operation and it acts quickly enough to fight the infection.


How to finish this article without talking about the CBD, one of the many molecules extracted from the hemp,

 The CBD can be derived from hemp and marijuana. All our CBD products are natural, based on "industrial" sativa hemp plants, legal according to the legislation in force. CBD derived from hemp is rich in virtue medicinal and therapeutic, and of course very low in THC of 0.2% in the plant and 0% in the finished product.

CBD (cannabidiol) also called therapeutic cannabis would make it possible to act on our body in order to offer many health benefits, but without the side effects of THC. Here is a non -exhaustive list on the therapeutic potential of this molecule:
  • CBD has virtues antiemetics
  • Can relieve inflammation, anxiety, nausea, stress, helps regulate blood pressure,
  • Antioxidant 
  • The CBD could have some effectiveness on the neuronal protection
  • In some cases may replace opioids,
  • Can relieve headaches 
also in other pathologies. Many studies in the current laboratory will allow you to discover other advantages.


Endocannabinoide CBD system


Here is a video on the functioning of the CBD on our endocannabinoid system:

Conclusion on medicinal plants

I repeat that I am for medicinal plants by nature, they are the most interesting, controversial and demonized to most

In the search for therapies, however, we tend to ignore the countless healing compounds that exist just under our nose - literally because most of them can be in your local grocery store or even in many cases directly on your property.

What are your favorite medicinal plants? Write us in the Comments below section and don't forget to subscribe to the weekly newsletter for more articles like this and exclusive offers on our products.

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Third -party laboratory tests are to have the products analyzed by an independent company for check their quality.

Organic hemp is a type of hemp cultivated in a lasting way, Without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

Organic ingredient: naturally cultivated product, free from chemicals and environmentally friendly.

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