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Natalophobia and the role of CBD: a new hope for the holiday season

- Fabien de CBDTECH

Natalophobia and the role of CBD: a new hope for the holiday season
There natalophobia and the role of the CBD: a new hope for the holiday season

The end of year celebrations are fast approaching, and for many, it is a period of joy and celebration. However, for some people, this period may be a source of anxiety and intense stress. If you feel anxious as Christmas approaches, you are not alone. There is a term to describe this irrational fear of holidays: natalophobia. In this article, we will explore this phenomenon and discover how CBD could potentially help manage it.


What is natalophobia?


There Natalophobia, literally Christmas phobia, is considered a anxiety disorder. It is characterized by anxiety, an apprehension, a feeling of unhappiness, even a deep sadness when approaching Christmas holidays. Although this term is a linguistic "monster" according to the French Academy, it describes a reality experienced by many people.


People with natalophobia may have various symptoms, including:

  • Anxiety or an absence of desire to celebrate Christmas with his loved ones
  • An exasperation or a feeling of sadness at the sight of Christmas decorations
  • An anxiety about buying gifts
  • A refusal to participate in the festivities
  • Isolation during the holiday season
  • Psychosomatic pain or headache


Natalophobia can have various origins, including:

  • Fear of loneliness
  • Financial difficulties
  • Pressure of social conventions
  • The fear of family conflicts
  • The memory of a mourning or a traumatic event associated with this period


CBD: a potential ally against natalophobia

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural molecule extracted from hemp. Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effects and is legal in many countries. It is increasingly studied for its potential therapeutic effects, especially in the management of anxiety.

CBD effects on anxiety

Of the studies have shown that CBD may have significant anxiolytic effects. He would act in interacting with serotonergic receptors of type 1A (5-HT1A), involved in mood regulation and anxiety. In addition, the CBD would interact with the system endocannabinoid, playing a crucial role in the regulation of stress and emotional balance.

How CBD can help manage natalophobia

CBD could potentially help manage natalophobia in several ways:

  1. Anxiety reduction : By modulating serotonin signaling, CBD could help reduce the anxious symptoms associated with natalophobia.
  2. Sleep improvement : CBD could help improve the quality of sleep, often disturbed in people with anxiety.
  3. Stress regulation : By interacting with the endocannabinoid system, the CBD could help better manage stress linked to the holiday season.


Use of CBD for natalophobia

Recommended CBD forms

For rapid action in the event of an anxiety attack, CBD oil in sublugal intake is recommended. It can act in about 15 minutes. THE CBD capsules can also be effective. For an immediate effect, the CBD resin used with a vaporizer Maybe an option.

Dosage and precautions

It is important to note that the CBD dosage may vary depending on individuals and the severity of symptoms. Studies have used doses ranging from 300 to 600 mg to treat social anxiety and panic disorders. However, it is always recommended to Start with a low dose and gradually increase if necessary, under the supervision of a health professional.


Other strategies to deal with natalophobia

Although CBD can be a useful tool, it is important to integrate it into a global approach to natalophobia management. Here are some complementary strategies:

  1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy : This approach can help to identify and modify the negative thinking patterns associated with the holidays.
  2. Relaxation techniques : Meditation, yoga or deep breathing can help reduce anxiety.
  3. Planning : Preparing a celebration plan can help reduce stress and uncertainty.
  4. Communication : Talking about your feelings to your loved ones can help them understand and support you.



Natalophobia is a real condition that can greatly affect quality of life during the holiday season. Although the CBD shows promising results in the management of anxiety, it is important to use it in addition to other strategies and under the supervision of a health professional. With a Holistic approach and appropriate support, it is possible to transform this period of the year into a more positive experience and serene.



  1. Is natalophobia a recognized medical condition?

    Although the term is not officially recognized in the DSM-V, natalophobia is considered a real anxiety disorder by many health professionals.

  2. Can CBD replace traditional drugs for anxiety?

    CBD should not be considered as a substitute for prescribed treatments. Always see your doctor before changing your treatment.

  3. Is the CBD legal in France?

    Yes, the CBD is legal in France as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC.

  4. How long does it take to feel the effects of CBD?

    The effects can vary, but with an sublugal oil, effects can be felt in 15 to 30 minutes.

  5. Can we become dependent on the CBD?

    Current studies suggest that CBD has a low risk of dependence, but more research is needed in the long term.

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