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What is scleroderma the role of cannabidiol


What is scleroderma the role of cannabidiol

Scleroderma is a rare and serious disease that affects around 10,000 people in France. It is also known as Systemic scleroderma. It can be a devastating disease that causes significant injuries, disability and reduction in life expectancy. This will be an examination of the use of CBD for scleroderma as a way to manage discomfort.

Although there is no remedy for scleroderma, it can be checked with drugs. In many cases, scleroderma can be relieved by drugs. This is not always the case. A new promising treatment is CBD for scleroderma.

Although additional research is necessary, theCBD oil May give new hope to people with scleroderma.


What is scleroderma?

Scleroderma is an exceptionally rare autoimmune disease in which the body produces too much collagen. This excess collagen leads to hardening and thickening of the skin and damage to the organs.

Scleroderma can be systemic or localized. Systemic scleroderma affects the whole body, while the localized scleroderma affects only an area of ​​the body. The symptoms and severity of the disease vary from person to person, and scientists do not know exactly what causes the disease.


Fingers' scleroderma?

Care protocols are multidisciplinary and deal with symptoms that affect many body organs, because it can be a difficult to treat and difficult to live on a daily basis.

But with a little support and awareness, you can feel more comfortable in your skin and relieve current symptoms such as pain, fatigue and deficiencies.


What is CBD?

Cannabidiol oil (CBD) is produced from the cannabis plant and has proven to have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. In addition, theCBD oil effectively reduces the anxiety and the pain under various conditions.

CBD in cannabis?

The CBD is called cannabidiol, it's just a vegetable molecule. Cannabis have many cannabinoids, which are more than 120. Every day that passes, we learn more and more about these natural molecules.


Symptoms of scleroderma?

Scleroderma can manifest itself in different ways, ranging from light to serious and even potentially fatal. The severity of the symptoms is determined by the areas of the affected body and the extent of the disease.

Scleroderma is a disease that attacks the skin and causes an unusual skin condition that becomes thick and hard. It is associated with tissue hyperplasia, which can damage your internal organs.

Scleroderma presents itself in two forms. Each type affects the symptoms and regions affected differently. Here are the two varieties, as well as their characteristics:

  • Localized scleroderma

Localized scleroderma is generally insignificant. Although it mainly affects the skin, it can also spread to joints, muscles and bones. It rarely becomes a systemic disease, although it sometimes affects internal organs. 

While localized scleroderma generally does not affect internal organs, diffuse sclerosis can bring fibroblasts of systemic sclerosis diffuse to produce an excess of collagen in each organ of the body.

Consequently, patients with scleroderma can undergo organic lesions, including heart, pulmonary and renal problems. Diffuse sclerosis is considered a more serious form of scleroderma because it can endanger life.


  • Systemic scleroderma

Systemic scleroderma is a chronic, progressive and rare autoimmune disease that affects connective tissue in many parts of the body, joints, muscles, bones, blood vessels, heart, gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, lungs, kidneys and skin.

Systemic scleroderma can cause the development of excessive quantities of collagen and scars in the lungs (interstitial pulmonary disease), resulting in a narrowing and blocking of the pulmonary arteries (hypertension pulmonary arterial).

There are two types of systemic sclerosis:

  • Limited scleroderma

Limited scleroderma generally affects the skin and the muscles of the arms and the face and can cause Raynaud's phenomenon, in which the blood vessels of the fingers and toes contract in response to the cold or the exact source of the limited scleroderma is not Not known, but it is most likely the result of an autoimmune reaction which leads to excessive collagen production. In addition, exposure to certain chemicals is associated with this condition under certain circumstances.

  • Diffuse scleroderma

Diffuse scleroderma affects internal organs such as gastrointestinal tract, heart and lungs. Patients with scleroderma often experience fatigue, pain and stiffness in the joints, Raynaud's phenomenon and difficulty swallowing. Unfortunately, systemic scleroderma cannot be healed, but there are treatments that help control symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.


CBD in scleroderma?

Scleroderma is a disease that affects connective tissue and internal organs, accompanied by hardening and thickening of the skin. Diagnosing can be difficult because it has symptoms common to other conditions, but recent studies have shown that CBD can effectively treat patients with scleroderma, as CBD helps manage discomfort.


CBD oil drops 

CBD oil is known to help relieve chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety and insomnia, which are common symptoms of scleroderma. In addition, CBD oil can help improve the quality of life of patients with scleroderma by reducing the severity of these symptoms.


CBD anti-inflammatory effects

The CBD seems to have potential anti-inflammatory effects. This is excellent news for anyone suffering from scleroderma or other painful conditions, because inflammation is a major cause of pain.

Scleroderma is a condition characterized by the tightening of the bloody blood vessels of the fingers.

Unfortunately, there is no remedy for scleroderma, but CBD can help treat symptoms.


Apply CBD cream

A study revealed that CBD could reduce inflammation in rats with scleroderma. The authors of the study think that the CBD acts by inhibiting the hydrolase amide of fatty acids - an enzyme that plays a role in inflammation. According to preliminary studies, CBD gives promising results as a treatment for scleroderma and other inflammatory diseases.

Is the CBD sure?

CBD is a safe and natural drug with few side effects, making it ideal for treating patients with systemic sclerosis.

How can CBD help with scleroderma? What are the benefits?

The CBD has an anifibrotic effect in case of scleroderma. It also helps to reduce other symptoms such as inflammation, insomnia, pain, as well as respiratory and gastrointestinal problems.

In addition, the many healing properties of CBD can help prevent complications that can occur with scleroderma, while promoting healthy skin renewal.

Despite the fact that few human studies have examined the effects of CBD on scleroderma, research is promising.

For example, an animal study from 2006 has shown that the topical CBD application reduces the thickness of the skin and improved skin function in rats with scleroderma. A similar study of 2016 examined the effects of CBD on intestinal fibrosis and discovered that CBD was capable of reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

CBD can also affect internal organs associated with systemic scleroderma by reducing oxidative damage. For example, in a 2017 study on mice, researchers discovered that CBD helps reduce inflammation and fibrosis in the lungs of mice with scleroderma.

It was also discovered that the CBD reduced the pain and insomnia, two current symptoms facing people with scleroderma.

Despite the fact that there are still many studies to be done to determine the effectiveness of the CBD in the treatment of scleroderma, existing evidence suggest that it could be a useful complement to existing treatments.


Role of CBD in autoimmune diseases

According to a 2016 study examining the role of CBD in autoimmune diseases, the CBD has an immunosuppressive effect. The CBD is very effective in restricting the movement of leukocytes and provoking cell death (apoptosis), while reducing the production of cytosins, which cause inflammation.

Patients with systemic sclerodermia have found a reduction in CBD levels and an increase in positive results, including better quality of life, reduction in pain and inflammation reduction.

The study also revealed that CBD helps reduce other symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain and morning stiffness. In addition, the CBD has an antifibrotic effect in case of scleroderma, which helps reduce the accumulation of collagen, which can cause fibrosis.

In conclusion, researchers have concluded that CBD effectively treats various autoimmune diseases and offers a safe and natural alternative to traditional drugs.


Scleroderma and endocannabinoid system

The endocannabinoid system is a potential target for scleroderma drugs for several reasons. On the one hand, sclerodermal fibroblasts overexpress the two subtypes of cannabinoid receivers. In addition, the quantity of faah, a metabolic enzyme which breaks down the anandamide endocannabinoid, is considerably reduced in the skin of patients with scleroderma.

This suggests that the endocannabinoid system is unbalanced. However, the endocannabinoid system plays a role in rheumatic diseases and targeted drugs could relieve inflammatory pain.

In addition, as the endocannabinoid system is located in the central nervous system, the use of drugs intended for it can help relieve various symptoms associated with scleroderma, such as fatigue and sadness. Therefore, the endocannabinoid system is a promising objective for the future treatment of scleroderma.

Video " how the endocannaibinoide system works "


THC and fibrotic effects

Cannabinoid receivers are located throughout the body, with two main CB1 and CB2 subtypes. Cannabinoids, such as CBD and THC, play an essential role in maintaining the balance between the pro and anifibrotic properties, which are essential to keep the body in good


Brain receivers

Cannabinoid receivers are found throughout the body and in the skin. Skin diseases generally involve an overproduction of collagen, the main protein of the skin.

The body produces an excess of collagen to strengthen the skin, but this often leads to the accumulation of scars. It is believed that the cannabinoid receptor subtypes play a role in regulating collagen production.

This balance is disturbed in conditions such as liver steatosis and certain skin diseases, and excess connective tissue begins to develop. Excess fabric can lead to serious problems, poor quality of life and suffering for patients.

The CBD can have an ancient or profibrogenic effect in the liver, which are both subtypes of cannabinoid receivers. In addition, CBD has been shown to cause such results.

The good news is that targeting these receptors can restore balance and improve symptoms. Additional research is necessary to confirm this, but the potential advantages are promising.


In conclusion:

Scleroderma is a rare disease that can be difficult to diagnose and treat, especially because it does not seem to have a specific cause. Although the CBD has not been studied in detail in scleroderma, several doctors And experts called for its use to relieve symptoms and reduce the pain And inflammation.

CBD can act by reducing pain in the peripheral nervous system, keeping the connective tissue in good health and reducing inflammation in the body. In addition, the medical cannabis is an effective treatment for other chronic diseases such as chronic pain, multiple sclerosis and more.

If you suffer from this disease and look for an alternative treatment, CBD is a good option and there is a wide range of hemp derivative products that meet the specific needs of the whole body. Try several different products to see which one gives the best results for you and your condition.

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