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CBD and Crohn's disease - COVVI19 The role of cannabinoides


CBD and Crohn's disease - COVVI19 The role of cannabinoides

Are patients with chronic inflammatory (MII) inflammatory disease, are Crohn's disease or ulcerative rectocolitis more at risk of developing a covid19 or more serious infection? The role of the CBD in the COVVI19

COVID-19 and inflammatory intestine disease, don't panic


Illness, medicine, health, medication

People with chronic inflammatory disease of the intestine (MII) naturally have many questions about the epidemic of infections in the COV-2 sras.

Questions to which it is sometimes difficult to answer with precision, given the limited perspective and fragmentary data still available today. One of the first questions concerns the risk of contracting the infection.
 "At present, there is no reason to think that people with Mii "Inflammatory inflammatory disease" run an increased risk of infection to COVID-19, "reports Dr. Michael Collins, gastroenterologist at Saint-Camille hospital in Bry-sur-Marne.

How does CBD and its cannabinoids block the cellular penetration of Sars-Cov-2 and new variants?

Summary of

In addition to vaccines, therapies of low molecular weight are necessary to treat or prevent coronavirus-2 infections in severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sras-COV-2) and its variants that cause COVID-19. Mass spectrometry by affinity selection has been used to detect plant ligands from the Sras-Cov-2 Pic Protein. . In subsequent tests to neutralize the virus, cannabigellic acid and cannabidiol acid prevent the infection of human epithelial cells by a pseudovirus expressing advanced protein of Sars-Cov-2 and prevent the Sars-Cov-2 living from penetrate the cells. It is important to note that cannabigellic acid and cannabidiol acid are also effective against alpha variants B.1.1 and beta B.1.351 of SARS-COV-2. BIODISSONBLE ORANT Oral and with a long story of safe human use, these cannabinoids, isolated or in hemp extracts, have the potential to prevent and treat the infection with the Sras-COV-2.


Are MII patients more likely to have digestive symptoms?

Once again, there is little data, but the Cohort de Data de Data Secure-IBD, which has been set up on the initiative of the IOIBD (International Organization for the Study of Inflammatory Intestine Diseases ), under the aegis of the ECCO (European Crohn's and Colitis Organization), provides some answers.

 In this international cohort, which focuses only on the documented cases of COVID-19 in patients with MII, 41 infections The gastrointestinal symptoms have been reported on March 2020 in 20% of patients, against 5 to 10% in Chinese, were reported on March 2020.

cohort. "Although there seems to be a greater propensity for digestive problems in chronic intestine diseases, the figures are very different and it is difficult to distinguish between what is due to COVID-19 and what is Due to the underlying intestinal disease, "said Dr. Collins.

About 20% of these patients were hospitalized, with a median duration of five days. There was no hospitalization in intensive care, but two of the patients in this cohort died. One was a 30 -year -old patient treated with infliximab and methotrexate for ulcerative colitis. The second, an 81 -year -old man, was treated with mesalazine and also had heart disease and Alzheimer's disease ...

Find more information on the site

Crohn's Disease - Medical Tourism in France

More information by following this expert video:
Professor Christophe Cellier
Head of hepato-gastroenterology and digestive endoscopy service
Faculty of Medicine Paris Center, European Hospital Georges Pompidou Paris.


CBD How does it work?


How can CBD help in chronic intestine inflammatory diseases? 

"Digestive problems are often linked to inflammatory conditions, and CBD can help calm the intestine - relieving the symptoms of irritable colon syndrome (IBS) and even Crohn's disease." The two studies carried out in animals and in humans have indicated that the ingestion of CBD can lead to a healthier gastrointestinal tract

  • CBD reduces inflammation

CBD has been shown to reduce inflammation in many types of inflammatory diseases, including MICI.

This happens, among other things, by influencing the normal cycle of our cells. It binds to cell receptors called adenosine A2G receptors, which control the molecules that are produced and secreted by body cells [16].

THE CBD links to receivers A2G to prevent cells from releaseing compounds that trigger and pursue the process inflammatory - Effectively stopping inflammation at source.

THE CBD also reduces inflammation in IMBs by acting on receivers CB1 of the endocannabinoid system itself. Their action on these receptors prevents the capacity of specialized cells known as mastocytes to release histamine [17] - a strong inflammatory connection is associated with allergies.

  • CBD can support the Microbiome

Some research suggests that CBD can also interact with the microbiome. A dysfunctional microbiome would be a cause major inflammatory intestine disease.

The first research has shown that the endocannabinoid system is involved in maintaining a healthy variety of microorganisms in the intestinal mucosa [13] - however, additional research is necessary to understand this more detail.

  • THC and CBD can relieve pain abdominal

THE CBD Modulas the feeling of pain by preventing certain neurons from triggered.

This occurs between the secreted endocannabinoids and their receivers. Endocannabinoids have been shown to indirectly affect opioid receptors, but it is important to remember that the endocannabinoids work within their own system and did not interfere with other systems pain control. For this reason, the CBD have no addictive properties known to date such as morphine [15].


Advice on the use of CBD for MICI

  •  Advice number 1: Choose a good CBD suppliers that offers oils, high quality full spectrum capsules from cannabidiol

Check List Cbdtech

The CBD is presented in many different forms - so there is a product for everyone.

If you don't mind swallowing capsules, these are an excellent option for people with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

CBD oil is another good option because it is easy to dose, takes a long time to decompose in the intestinal tract (to ensure that it reaches the target zone) and has a very long shelf life.

Advice 2: assess the dose Optimal initial

Meeting the CBD can be a challenge for new users. You can use our CBD dosage guide to determine the daily dose of CBD according to your weight (see table below). dosage table

When you use CBD for the first time, We recommend that you take the lowest recommended dose And increase it slowly over a week. It's a wise thing to do when you take a new supplement to see how it interacts with your endocannabinoid system.


Advice n ° 3: Take the CBD for 1 month, then reassess.

Their symptoms of intestinal inflammatory disease did not appear overnight - it took several months or years for it to manifest, and the truth is that it will take them for a while for it to disappear (partly part ). MIIs must be managed with patience and perseverance.

It is important to systematically use CBD (or any other medication) when treating MICI is to consult your doctor.

Answer the following questions in your assessments:

  • What are your pains on a scale of 1 to 10? (where 10 are the worst pain in your life)

Note your symptoms and their frequency (eg bloating, diarrhea, cramps)

  • Follow the frequency of your stool to see if there was a change - how often did you have to use the toilets today?
  • Are there new symptoms?
  • Have the symptoms disappeared?

Answer these questions again after a good month of use. Are there any improvements? Is there something worse?

With regular use of the CBD, it will probably take 1 to 6 months before noticing notable changes. Be patient and persevering.

All this information is given as an indication is cannot replace the advice of a doctor


[13] Dipatrizio N. V. (2016). Endocannabinoids in the gut. Cannabis and cannabinoid Research, 1 (1), 67–77. DOI: 10.1089/can.2016.0001

[15] Manzanares, J., Julian, M. D., & Carrascosa, A. (2006). Role of the Cannabinoid System in Pain Control and Therapeutic Implications for the Management of Acute and Chronic Pain Episodes. Current Neuropharmacology, 4 (3), 239-257.

[16] Liou, G. I., Auchampach, J. A., Hillard, C. J., Zhu, G., Yousufzai, B., Mian, S.,… & Khalifa, Y. (2008). Mediation of cannabidiol anti-inflammation in the retina by balance nucleoside transport and a2a adenosine receptor. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 49 (12), 5526-5531.

[17] Samson, M. T., Small-Howard, A., Shimoda, L. M., Koblan-Huberson, M., Stokes, A. J., & Turner, H. (2003). Differential Roles of CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in mast cells. The Journal of Immunology, 170 (10), 4953-4962.


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