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Fight against endometriosis: how can CBD help?


Fight against endometriosis: how can CBD help?

Emmanuel Macron proudly announces the deployment of a national strategy dedicated to the fight against endometriosis, an often overlooked and yet deeply disabling condition for many women. In this process of awareness and action, it is crucial to explore all the therapeutic options available to relieve the suffering linked to this disease. It is with this in mind that we look at the potential role of CBD, a natural extract of cannabis, in the relief of menstrual pain. In this article, we strive to enlighten your questions and provide precise information on the use of the CBD as a promising alternative To alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis.


Symptom of endometriosis?

Endometriosis symptom

From puberty to menopause, the rules are part of the life of all women for the best and yet sometimes for the worst too ...

You may be part of this majority of women (or your daughter, your granddaughter ...) who are victims of cramps, life stopping during menstruation.

Symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain

The principal Symptom of endometriosis is there pelvic pain, often associated with the menstrual cycle.

Although many people experience cramps during their menstruation, people with endometriosis generally describe much stronger menstrual cramps than usual. Pain can evolve over time.


Frequent symptoms of endometriosis include:

  • Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea). Pelvic pain and cramps can start before and last several days after menstruation. You can also have pain in the lower back and the abdomen.
  • Pain during reports. Pain during or after intercourse is frequent in endometriosis.
  • Pain By defecating or urinating.
  • Excessive bleeding. You can occasionally have abundant rules or bleeding between the rules (intermenstrual bleeding).
  • Infertility Sometimes endometriosis is diagnosed in people looking for infertility.
  • Other symptoms. You may feel fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or nausea, especially during menstruation.

The severity of the pain may not be a reliable indicator of the extent of your disease.

L'endometriosis is sometimes confused With other conditions that can cause pelvic pain, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (MIP) or ovarian cysts. It can be confused with irritable colon syndrome (MCI), an affection that causes episodes of diarrhea, constipation and abdominal cramps. The IBS can accompany the endometriosis, which can complicate the diagnosis.


The causes of endometriosis

In France 10% of women of childbearing age, or 1.5 to 2.5 million women suffer from painful rules.

Endometriosis is still poorly known to health professionals, too often underdiagnosed and ill-treated. This leads to the fact that patients with endometriosis can wander for several years before being diagnosed, treated for painful symptoms or receive design aid.

This is why a national strategy to combat endometriosis is being developed in partnership with all actors, patient associations, health professionals and researchers.

Although the exact cause of endometriosis is uncertain, the possible explanations include:

  • Retrograde menstruation. In retrograde menstruation, menstrual blood containing endometrial cells is returned by the fallopian tubes in the pelvic cavity instead of leaving the body. These endometrial cells adhere to the walls of the basin and to the surface of the pelvic organs, where they develop and continue to thicken and bleed during each menstrual cycle.
  • Transformation of peritoneal cells. In the so -called "induction theory", experts suggest that hormones or immune factors stimulate the transformation of peritoneal cells - cells that cover the interior of the abdomen - into endometrial cells.
  • Embryonic cellular transformation. Hormones such as estrogens can transform embryonic cells - cells in the early stages of development - into cellular implants of endometriosis type during puberty.
  • Implementation of surgical scars. After surgery, such as hysterectomy or cesarean, endometrial cells can be attached to surgical incision.
  • Transport of endometrial cells. Blood vessels or tissue fluid system (lymph) can transport endometrial cells to other parts of the body.
  • Immune system. A problem with the immune system can make the body incapable of recognizing and destroying endometrial type tissues that develop outside the uterus.


Endometriosis risk factors?


Several factors increase the risk of developing endometriosis, such as:

  • You never gave birth
  • Start of menstruation at an early age
  • Go through menopause at an advanced age
  • Short menstrual duration - less than 27 days
  • Strong menstrual periods for more than seven days
  • Higher levels of estrogen in the body or greater life exposure to estrogen than your body produces
  • Low body mass index
  • One or more parents (mother, aunt or sister) with endometriosis
  • Any medical condition that prevents blood from circulating in the body during menstruation
  • Reproductive system disorders

Endometriosis generally develops long after the beginning of the rules (Menarche). The signs and symptoms of endometriosis can temporarily improve during pregnancy and disappear completely with menopause, unless you take estrogens.


Cannabis and menstrual pain, a little story

Queen Victoria

Queen Victoria His Majesty, born in 1819 in London, was a queen of the United Kingdom. She is known as the first documented user of medical cannabis. The royal doctors of which William O'Shaughnessy offers him a whole new approach to heal his ailments by prescribing cannabis to treat his severe menstrual cramps. Dynabis in dye was common in the United Kingdom


Cannabis ends with your menstrual pain.

CBDTECH menstruation / painful rules

For those who seek pain relief without the psychoactive effects of THC, marijuana CBD can be an adequate solution.

Translation of a poster in Spanish that promotes CBD in the treatment of painful rules.

Do I have to take CBD for endometriosis?

Do I have to take CBD for endometriosis?

More and more women report that CBD products are effective in treating painful rules.

Very well, but it is worth examining in more detail why and how the effects anti-inflammatory, analgesics and muscle relaxing cannabinoids interact with your rules.

This affects the real causes of pain and discomfort during your menstrual pain and how additional natural remedies can help fight these symptoms.


Here is a reminder of the symptoms linked to menstruation:

  • ✓ Inflammation : Some prostaglandins trigger an inflammatory response, which causes more pain.
  • ✓ Awareness Pain: Prostaglandins and other inflammatory compounds can actually bring perceptible nerves to pain to become more sensitive.
  • ✓ Vasoconstriction : Prostaglandins that rampant during menstruation cause a constriction of blood vessels, inhibiting blood flow to endometrial tissue.
  • ✓ Uterine contractions : People with higher prostaglandin levels have stronger and more painful contractions and doctors finally recognize that this pain can be as intense as that of a heart attack.
  • ✓ Abundant bleeding : unusually abundant rules may result from excessive inflammation, which increases tissue lesions.
  • ✓ Diarrhea : In addition to uterine contractions, prostaglandins also trigger smooth muscle contractions in the digestive tract - which could push your last meals a little too early.

However, many studies indicate that women with higher prostaglandin levels also have more painful or more abundant rules - and treatments that lower prostaglandins may be very effective.

When their rules begin, most women take an ibuprofen or a similar ains (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug).


Why are NSAIDs the most frequently prescribed treatment for menstrual pain?

NSAIDs act by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for the production of prostaglandins (COX-2). This means that NSAIDs could potentially decrease all symptoms aggravated by prostaglandins - including inflammation, contractions and pain.

Unfortunately, NSAIDs can also have unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects because they inhibit another enzyme (COX-1). For this reason, NSAIDs should be used in moderation and people with certain digestive problems may want to avoid them completely.


Oil cbd against endometriosis


Recently, scientists have discovered that - like NSAIDs - CBD also inhibits the prostaglandin producer enzyme. However, unlike NSAIDs, CBD preferentially inhibits COX-2 compared to COX-1, which means that its benefits anti-inflammatory are without gastrointestinal side effects.

Additional bonus: not only the CBD inhibits the COX-2 enzyme, but the CBD prevent your DNA from producing this enzyme too much (via the PPARγ receiver).


Additional advantages of cannabinoids

By reducing prostaglandin levels during your period, you partially reduce inflammation, pain and cramps.

This means that you could benefit from the combination of a treatment reducing prostaglandins with other treatments targeting the unknowns caused by prostaglandins.


CBD and other cannabinoids can also treat menstrual cramps in the following ways:

  • ✓ Anti-inflammatory : THE cannabinoids have many anti-inflammatory activities beyond the reduction in the production of inflammatory prostaglandins. For example, CBD activates endocannabinoid receptors (CB2) located on the cells of your immune system (macrophages). When these receptors are activated, they prevent macrophages from freeing inflammatory proteins (cytokines).
  • ✓ Pain relief : although prostaglandins and other inflammatory molecules can make the nerves sensitive to pain more sensitive, cannabinoids retaliate by desensitizing these nerves. The CBD targets the nervous receptors which help to reduce the feeling of pain (TRPV1 and CB1, respectively). In addition, not only does the CBD desensitize TRPV1, but these soothing effects can spread to peripheral pain receptors.
  • ✓ Muscle relaxation : menstrual cramps are exacerbated by muscle contractions and cannabinoids are widely recognized for relaxing contractions. Target target CBDs integrated into muscle tissue to relax contractions
  • ✓ Vascular relaxing : blood vessels are also lined with muscles, and when cannabinoids trigger the relaxation of this muscle, blood flow increases. The increase in blood flow could help relieve private oxygen tissues, further decreasing painful cramps.


CBD oil to relieve painful rules?

You will not hover after using this cannabis oil. The device, called CBD oil 30% on Fullspectrum endometriosis can be used in sublingual or deduce a few drops on your hygienic stamps and has a local effect. Made with organic coconut oil, but especially without THC.

CBD on endometriosis is designed for management of menstrual pain at source, from the inside.

Oil formulation CBD Full Spectrum dosed at 30% been carefully designed to maximize powerful analgesic properties at the muscle level and without provoking a psychotropic effect.

The mechanism differs from drugs available to relieve painful rules, which are mainly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen.

It also gives hope to women with endometriosis, whose intense pain is not relieved by conventional NSAIDs.


Natural remedies and tips:

CBD oil: This tip is to use a few drops of CBD directly on your stamp, we recommend the CBD oil known for these relaxing virtues

Use heat: Boulottes may seem out of date, but they can bring as much relief from menstrual cramps as NSAIDs and often much more quickly. The heat increases blood flow to the area, which soothes. Some scientists also believe that the heat desensitizes the same pain receptors as the CBD.

Omega 3 oil: It is interesting to note that several studies have shown that daily Omega 3 oil supplements reduce the pain and dependence on NSAIDs during rules. It turns out that prostaglandins are synthesized from omega fatty acids, and a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids could prevent your body from producing inflammatory prostaglandins.

Magnesium : Do you already want to Chocolate (CBD) at this period of the month? Women who take magnesium supplements during their periods have reduced pain and low inflammatory prostaglandins.

Anticipate Pain: Many doctors suggest that it is best to start taking pain relievers an hour or more before the start of cramps. This is true that you use NSAIDs, CBD or other mixtures of cannabinoids.

We encourage you to speak with your doctor about your symptoms and your treatment plan to exclude other health problems, especially if your symptoms do not improve with standard treatments. Your doctor can help you determine if there are surgical or hormonal treatments that may be more effective.

CBD and Mentrual Pain

A hot bath decorating with a soft bomb allows you to relieve yourself while completely relaxing.


Psilocybin affects TDPM on the psychological level

Psychologically, the direct effect of psilocybin on serotonin receptors is where magic operates.


Psychedelictimes wrote on this subject in 2017 saying that:

"Psilocybin also activates the serotonin system, but it works a little differently from an ISRS. It binds to serotonin receptors in the brain, encouraging the brain to think that there is more serotonin in your system that there is really one. Psilocybin.

Few depression symptoms. At the same time, psilocybin reduces the functioning of the brain area which triggers the reactions of anxiety and fear, which can help control the feelings of irritability, anger and agitation. "


Psilocybin affects premenstrual dysphoric disorder on the physical level:

On the physical level, low doses (microdose) of psilocybin act as vasoconstrictors, which means that blood flow to certain areas is reduced, thus reducing spasms, headaches or muscle pain.


What is the microdosage?

Microdosage is the practice of consuming the minimum effective dose at regular intervals. Even with such small amounts of psilocybin, women notice great differences in their lives.

One of the microdose pro consumers shared that for the first time in her life, she had no symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and considered it a miracle!

Not only do women feel better, but people around us notice the difference. One of the male members of our group also said that he had noted positive improvements in his wife since he had taken psilocybine microdoses.

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Psychedelic has equally promising effects on the health of women in many aspects of life.

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The markets are quickly evolving and the data are incredibly accessible thanks to new technological companies that already value women's health.

The possibility that psilocybin can be useful for reducing menstrual pain is very good news.

*This information is provided for information only and has not been examined or approved by EFSA. Microdosis Pro supplements are not drugs and should never be used as substitutes for regular drugs.



Female intimate protections, danger?

Unlike the United States, where periodic protections are considered to be medical devices, in the European Union, "there is no regulations framing the composition, manufacture or use of intimate protection products ", Which fall under the regulations applying to all current consumer goods, recalls handles.

According to a study by the National Health Safety Agency (Handles), of the substances chemicals "In very low concentration" are present in female intimate protections (buffers, hygienic towels, menstrual cuts), but do not have a risk for users? ANSES recommends that manufacturers "improve the quality of these products in order to eliminate or reduce the presence of these chemical substances as much as possible". In particular, because there are multiple other sources of exhibition (environmental, food).

Regarding hygienic protections, they probably come from "contamination of raw materials or manufacturing processes". In the first case, it can for example be traces of pesticides In the cotton of a hygienic towel or a stamp. In the second, the presence of chemicals can be due "to the process of laundering products by chlorinated agents "Explains Professor Gérard Lasfargues, Deputy Director General Scientific of ANSES.

Our advice :

Even if female protections do not have a risk for users, according to handles, as a favorite precaution of hygienic towel or organic original buffer, and without the use of chlorine or laundry.

The menstrual toxic shock can be fatal

About twenty cases are identified each year in France but this number is undoubtedly underestimated, the declaration of this disease due to a bacterial infection at the staphylococcus golden, 1 to 4 % of women carry the stuchylococcus strain involved in the syndrome toxic shock (SCT) menstrual, and therefore potentially at risk.

Detected early, the SCT is cured by taking antibiotics, but it can also lead to significant digestive, muscle, renal attacks, etc. The first symptoms (fever, rashes, drop in tension) that may look like a flu, the diagnosis is often difficult to establish.

"The risk of developing this disease (...) is linked to the conditions of use of intimate protections", observing that information on this risk is too often absent, especially on menstrual cuts. "" All internal female protections block the flow of the menstrual flow, which then behaves like a kind of culture medium, ”explains Aurélie Mathieu.


Summary :

Endometriosis, for millions of other women, is physical suffering, it is also a burden. Because with this little -known disease, loneliness mixed, sometimes shame. So let's hear this word, let's change things.

The CBD or Cannabidiol is a molecule of cannabis without the psychotropic effect, which makes it possible to offer precious help to all these women suffering from this disabling disease and difficult to manage on a daily basis.

Find below our flagship products to help you overcome this burden and finally live normally;)

And I forget ... think above all to smile and be happy that also helps for morality, and put your comment below it will help other women like you!

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