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The therapeutic benefits of honey and cannabidiol CBD on health


The therapeutic benefits of honey and cannabidiol CBD on health

Bees derivatives have been used for over 8,000 years due to their important advantages for our body. These are antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and highly nutritious products. Discover the properties and advantages of bee derivatives.

What are the derivatives of bees?

Honey, beeswax, propolis and royal jelly ... Each of these substances has a function for the hive and presents various benefits for humans. These derivatives of bees come from the natural activity of bees and many of them have been collected and used by humans as medicinal therapies for more than 8,000 years.

The history of honey and its derivatives?

From primitive beekeeping to sustainable beekeeping.

The most primitive beekeeping we know dates back to periods prior to 8000 BC it was wild beekeeping, in which the hives were made of mud, straw or empty trees trunks. . In summer, honey was collected and separated from wax.

CBD honey
Egyptian civilization used honey derivatives not only as food, but also for medicine, funeral rites and as gifts to the gods. It was believed that the tears of DE (Sun God) turned into bees when they touched the soil.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, many essential tools for contemporary beekeeping were developed as a standardized model of hives and the creation of smokers.

CBD honey

Currently, beekeeping has become a globalized and highly competitive sector where obtaining equipment predominates. Are bee populations decline? Each year and the species is more threatened than ever by factors such as: pesticides, destruction of habitat, parasites and invasive species.

CBD honey

Sustainable beekeeping appeared as a way to protect and increase its population, guaranteeing animal welfare. With the help of a large network of conscientious consumers and users, sustainable beekeeping can exceed competitive margins and allow a better future for bees.

What are the derivatives of bees? What are the benefits of honey or wax? Where do royal jelly and propolis come from? Is it good to consume pollen?

Where does honey come from?

Honey is a viscous and sweet fluid produced by the bees of the genus API, more precisely the honey bees. This honey is produced from flower nectar and is transformed when combined with bee substances, which are deposited and stored on the shelves.

There are several varieties of honey depending on the plant origin, the most common being rosemary, thyme, eucalyptus, lavender, chestnut, orange and orange blossom.

The benefits and properties of honey:

  • Antibacterial : Honey contains inhibins and oxidase glucose that act like a bactericide. These properties make honey a natural exfoliant ideal for treating acne.
  • Antiviral + antifungal : Honey has antiviral and antifungal properties that can stimulate our immune system.
  • Antioxidant : Honey prevents the formation of oxides and slows down the degradation of cells. This therefore benefits the immune system considerably and can prevent heart disease.
  • Anti-inflammatory : Honey is a powerful anti-inflammatory that reduces and relieves the pain of inflammation. It acts both locally on muscles and joints and in ingestion.
  • Moisturizer and repairer : It is ideal for hydrate And fix The skin, but also to hydrate our hair and our scalp.
  • Natural healing agent for wounds and burns : Its properties antiseptics Reduce the risks of infections because it is rich in enzymes and amino acids, it promotes the growth and repair of tissues of wounds and burns. 

What vitamins and substances contains honey?

Honey contains vitamins such as:

Vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3 (niacin) and vitamin B6.

Carotenoids, flavonoids such as: Pinocembrine and Acacetine
Acids such as: fatty acids, pantothenic acid, phenolic acids, Abscisic acid, Ferulic acid

How to use honey?

Topic use of honey:

Honey applied to the skin in the form of a facial mask repairs and nourishes our skin, cleanses it from bacteria and disinfects it. This is why honey is a natural remedy to treat acne.

Use two tablespoons of honey to spread it evenly on your face, then wait 20 to 30 minutes and remove it with lukewarm water. 

Honey applied to wounds and burns disinfects and promotes the tissue repair process.

In addition, honey is a much cheaper substance than other drugs. Cover the surface and depth of the wound or burn with honey daily.

Use by ingestion of honey:

The biological honey ingested (without dyes, additives and aromatic compounds) contains vitamins and minerals that help restore sleep, reduce metabolic stress, improve brain function and even stimulate our immune system.

However, it must be taken into account that honey contains 80% sugars and contains 320 kcal per 100 grams, so it should not be abused.


Beemine laboratory honey and cbd

The honey with which we manufacture our products is biological rosemary honey from the Sierra de Madrid.

CBD honey

It is a honey obtained with sustainable extraction methods that guarantee the well-being of bees.

Hani + : Honey with CBD, the perfect fusion of the benefits of cannabis and beekeeping.


Where does the bee wax come from?

CBD wax bees

The bee wax is an animal secretion produced voluntarily by the coconut glands of the workers bees. The wax emerges from the abdomen of the bee, then it is chewed to transform into whimsical hexagons that make up the honeycomb.

Bees wax advantages and properties:

 Antibacterial : Like honey, beeswax kills bacteria.
Antiviral + antifungal : Like honey, beeswax can kill mold (and other mushrooms) and prevent epidemics of fever pimples.
Anti-inflammatory : Wax reduces inflammation thanks to its emollient and anti-inflammatory properties.
Antioxidant : prevents the aging of skin cells.
Feeding : beeswax nourishes and hydrates the skin, which is why it is frequently used in balms and lip creams.

How to use beeswax: 

Topic use of beeswax:

It is common to find beeswax in many cosmetic products due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that take care of our skin and prevent aging. You can take with your fingers a quantity of beeswax suitable for the area to be treated and use it directly on the condition of your skin.

Other uses of beeswax:

Beeswax is a remedy for sinusitis or asthma. Certain food supplements and pharmaceutical products contain beeswax. The beeswax is also used in medicine for the preparation of ointments and grafts due to its anti-inflammatory, healing and emollient properties.

With the beeswax, there are also candles that create little smoke and their aroma is very pleasant.

Products with The Beemine Lab at the bee wax

CBD lips

Lip balm at CBD is made up of beeswax and other ingredients such as avocado oil, hemp seed oil and cocoa butter. These ingredients make lip balm with CBD A highly restful remedy for dry lips and sensitive areas.

CBD moisturizer also contains beeswax, it is a light texture cream, which is easily absorbed, nourishing our skin and protecting it from aging.

Emergency balm: Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, emergency balm contains beeswax which, with other components, soothes and reduces muscle inflammation.

Other bees derivatives not present in our products:


Propolis is a substance from the sap of trees (pines, juniper, poplars, chestnut trees, green oaks, hazelnuts, etc ...) and collected by bees in order to protect the hives.

Propolis is collected mainly in the fall and the work of the bee is to: manipulate it using its legs and jaw to make it malleable and fill its basket with its hind legs. For this process, a bee can take an additional 30 to 60 minutes at the time it dedicates inside the hive to knead it with wax and obtain the final result.

Propolis advantages and properties:

Propolis is historically known as a medicinal substance to prevent and treat respiratory infections. 

Its antiseptic and antibacterial components disinfect and eliminate bacteria or other microorganisms.

Its antiviral property strengthens our immune system and makes it an essential element in the event of a flu

Its antifungal property prevents the formation of fungi, which makes it suitable for preventing and treating the appearance of skin mushrooms.

How to use propolis:

Topical use of propolis:

The use of propolis on the skin is effective for the treatment of warts, charts, infections with pus and inflammation and intradermal infections such as frostbite. You can take with your fingers an amount of propolis suitable for the area to be treated and use it directly on the condition of your skin.

Oral propolis route:

As indicated above, propolis is used for the treatment and prevention of respiratory tract infections. There are different formats such as sprays or oils and everyone has its recommendation and its limit of use.


Pollen is the anther of flowers. This food is collected in the hives, the bees collect it from the plants and transport it into pellets arranged on their hind legs to be transported. Pollen is very nutritious because it contains the 22 amino acids essentials necessary for humans. And it is generally marketed as a food additive.

Pollen property and advantages:

Due to its high content of vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and minerals, pollen contains reinforcing effects and antidepressive properties. It improves and stimulates our immune system, by increasing our defenses and improving the activity of the circulatory and cardiovascular system.

Improves physical recovery capacity, increases endurance. Regulates the nervous system, reduces stress and improves our mood. Stimulates brain irrigation and improves intellectual capacity. Improves vision thanks to its high Riboflavine content

Improves the activity of the digestive system fighting against the lack of appetite and regenerating the intestinal bacterial flora reduces the inflammation of the prostate thanks to its zinc content.

How to use pollen:

Pollen oral use:

You can get pollen in pharmacies and herbalism. There are different formats with different modes of oral use. The most common is the direct socket of it.

Topical Pollen use:

You can make homemade creams, bath salts, tonics and masks with bee pollen (vaporizing it). Its anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial for the skin and for those looking for relief from muscle inflammation while its antibacterial properties are effective in reducing acne.

Where does the royal jelly come from? 

It is an acid and whitish substance secreted by workers' bees in order to nourish the queen throughout her life and the hive larvae during her first days of life. Future queens absorb the pure substance throughout their lives while workers consume a derivative combined with pollen.

How is it produced?

It is produced by the glands in the throat of workers' bees during their first 5 to 15 days of life and, with the gastric substances which they secrete, they give birth to the royal jelly.

Property and advantages of royal jelly:

It stimulates the natural defenses of our body, improves our immune system, raises our defenses and improves the activity of the circulatory and cardiovascular system.

Provides energy and improves physical recovery capacity.  Regulates the nervous system, reduces stress and improves our mood.  Stimulates brain irrigation and improves intellectual capacity. Improves vision thanks to its high Riboflavine content

Improves the activity of the digestive system fighting against the lack of appetite and regenerating the intestinal bacterial flora reduces the inflammation of the prostate thanks to its zinc content.

It is a natural antibiotic that protects the body from infections thanks to its antiseptic and bactericidal properties.  Regenerates the skin and delays aging, promoting hydration and elasticity of the skin. 

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