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CBD oil for fibromyalgia and a balanced endocannabinoid system


CBD oil for fibromyalgia and a balanced endocannabinoid system

Since the story of Charlotte Figa (or Charlotte's Web) has conquered the world, the medical benefits of cannabis products (Sativa cannabis) have been at the center of the attention of many media, the medical and scientific industry and citizens of the world.

CBD oil for fibromyalgia 

Many research has been carried out on cannabis, including the isolated cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD). This particular cannabinoid has received a lot of attention for its potential as a broad spectrum compound with many medicinal and beneficial properties. In this article, we examine the potential of theCBD oil For fibromyalgia.

It has been scientifically established that CBD can be effective in a long series of conditions. THE migraines, THE diabetes, the TSPT, the anxiety, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and convulsions are only some of the elements to mention. And with the discovery of the exact way in which CBD affects the body, research suggests that cannabis could even be used to relieve the symptoms of cancer.

Many people can testify to the advantages of using CBD oil after having experienced its positive effects on their own body, but the ANSM is still rather reluctant to admit that CBD oil can be beneficial in the treatment of ills and health problems. . Despite its successes, its origins are still the subject of many debates.

CBD for fibromyalgia

Many people worldwide have received a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. It is a painful affection characterized by muscle and bone pain that disrupt sleep, mood, memory and other mental and physical functions. In addition, it is a disease that has only been recognized recently as a full -fledged disease.

Although the disease often lasts several years, and for some people even all life, there is little to know about it. However, we know that this can seriously affect a person's quality of life and, unfortunately, there is no remedy for them. Millions of people now trust CBD oil to treat fibromyalgia symptoms.

As we are not allowed to declare that CBD oil can cure fibromyalgia, we have compiled documented facts on fibromyalgia and CBD oil.

The effects of fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that manifests itself by aches and pain in various parts of the body, especially in muscle and skeletal tissues.

An increased response to pressure and pain occurs when the body sends a large number of signals to the brain, which it then interprets as extremely painful.

Fibromyalgia was practically unknown before the early 1980s, but it was probably because doctors were not aware of it. Consequently, many patients with fibromyalgia had already received a diagnosis of flu or "yuppie flu", an offensive term for excessive fatigue that doctors did not consider the real disease.

Fortunately, many things have changed since then, and fibromyalgia is now recognized as a chronic disease, there is no risk of paralysis. On the other hand, the pain neuropathic is really there.

THE stress implicated?

Theorized as a possible cause, but we still do not know if increased stress really leads to fibromyalgia or not. This state is a mystery. However, as more and more women are exposed to stress every day and fibromyalgia is often diagnosed in women between 20 and 30 years old, stress cannot be completely excluded.

Reduce pain with CBD oil

It is common that people with fibromyalgia have a lower pain threshold and therefore be more sensitive to pain stimuli. Diagnosed people often suffer from migraines, of SCI And chronic fatigue syndrome, CBD oil can help you manage.

All well considered, fibromyalgia is in no way a condemnation to suffer. However, this can have the same mental effect as a life in prison, because the chances of being released are quite weak.

However, research and testimonies have shown that CBD oil was a possible solution to relieve pain. We know that the body has its own natural pain management system which responds to a wide variety of cannabinoids. THE cannabinoids are present in plants such as the cannabis And the echinacea, but the body is also able to produce these compounds by itself.

This is due to Endocannabinoid system, which is made up of many receivers in the body specially designed to receive cannabinoids. Unfortunately, when the body is sick and unbalanced, as is the case in patients with fibromyalgia, external sources of cannabinoids are necessary. This is where the CBD is useful

Endocannabinoid receivers can be found in the system immune, the central nervous system and in the skeletal structures of the body, so that the CBD can be of a large direct advantage for patients with fibromyalgia. The receptors react to the introduction of CBD, facilitating a long line of operation and reducing the sensitivity of the brain to pain signals.

According to Dr. Allen Frankel of Greenbridge Medical, the CBD can help relieve there pain By linking what is called microglia cells.

This reduces the number of cytokines (inflammatory blood cells), which then relieves pain in people with fibromyalgia. Microglial cells have recently been recognized as a potential cause of pain, inflammation and severe drowsiness.

CBD treatment for fibromyalgia?

Know all these things; on the many symptoms of fibromyalgia, on the side effects of pharmacological treatments, on undesirable reactions to opioids, anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids; A question remains:

CBD oil - A safe and natural option for fibromyalgia patients.

When research tells us that CBD oil has the potential to relieve many fibromyalgia symptoms, is it not logical to give these patients a chance to test CBD oil as a treatment option?

Of course, we cannot provide an answer that satisfies everyone, but nothing will prevent us from sharing information on the CBD that has been shared by several books, studies, scientists and people around the world.

In addition, we are fortunate to hear the personal stories of people who have found relief using our products.

When asked why they buy the same product again and again, the answer is often the same: because they have had such positive experiences with CBD oil to treat their disease that they cannot imagine their life without it.

And many patients with fibromyalgia report by using CBD oil, they are able to manage fibromyalgia symptoms.

How long does CBD oil act?

CBD oil is taken by sublugal route or under the tongue. You put a few drops under your tongue, then the CBD oil is absorbed directly into your blood by the Sublingual blood vessels. It is one of the fastest ways to take CBD, and the effect is felt after about 30 minutes.

Is it sure to take CBD oil with fibromyalgia medication?

Most prescription drugs are metabolized in the liver by a specific group of enzymes. CBD oil can affect the function of these enzymes.

The CBD slows down the action of certain enzymes, which means that the drug will stay in your body longer. When you take your next dose, you may have too much medicine in your body to expose yourself to a greater risk of side effects. It accelerates the action of other enzymes, which means that the drug is metabolized more quickly and can disappear before the next dose.

Of course, the two results can be dangerous! So if you take medication for fibromyalgia or another disease, it is best to consult your doctor before taking CBD oil. And if you plan to fully replace your medication with CBD oil, be sure to ask your doctor how it can be done safely and work together to deal with the transition.

CBD fibromyalgia testimony

Many of our customers tell us that they feel significant changes after starting their CBD oil diet. Most often, they tell us that they have felt a reduction in pain and inflammation, which is by no means accidental.

Finally, scientists discovered that CBD oil had both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, properties that act together to reduce pain and discomfort.

In addition, people with acute and durable pain have experienced improvements since the regular gain in CBD oil. Some even saw their pains dissipate completely and disappear as long as CBD oil remained in their body.

The presence of CBD in the body and association with lower pain levels is actually a very logical relationship, and here is why:

The endocannabinoid system: a beautiful balance
Can the incidence of fibromyalgia be explained by an endocannabinoid deficiency?

The endocannabinoid system (dry) is a complex network of receptors and chemicals similar to cannabinoids. They are all produced by the body itself, which helps to regulate the sleep, there pain, L' inflammation, appetite, immune function, mood and reproductive health.

However, the dry is sometimes unbalanced. This is called a deficiency in endocannabinoids. When the body is unable to produce enough cannabinoids (endocannabinoids), the body reacts abnormally, which can cause inexplicable pain, unusual mood swings or other responses of the low or swollen immune system.

The symptoms of fibromyalgia coincide with those of an endocannabinoid deficiency, so that this condition and the dry can be very closely linked. Thus, instead of fibromyalgia, which can be unexplained and without reason, it might help patients with fibromyalgia, to know that it could be caused by an imbalance in the depths of their own body - and to know that There is a possibility of relief:

CBD oil can alleviate symptoms of endocannabinoid deficiency by restoring the natural balance of the body. As such, this inner balance can mitigate and minimize the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

However, don't forget to always listen to your body: use slowly and let yourself be judged.

Does CBD work for fibromyalgia? We cannot answer this question for you: only your body can do it.

CBD Fibromyalgia Dosage

How to calculate to determine the dosage that best suits

The first thing you need to look for when you have your CBD oil is to look at the total in MG of CBD in the vial. 

Here are the steps to follow to find the quantity in your CBD oil

  • You must divide the total MG of CBD into the bottle by the total drops and this will give you the amount of MG per drop.
  • Now you can calculate the amount of CBD per drop

For example: I know that CBD oil 10% at around 1000 mg for 10ml and
That there are about 240 drops in the bottle.

  • So you divide 1000 mg per 240 drops, or 4.16 mg per drop. 

Personally, I think that 10-20 mg / day is a reasonable amount to start. 

  • This means, that after 7 days of using your quantity, you can double it. Then, after 7 days, you can double it again, if you deem it necessary. This allows you to find the ideal dosage for you.

Meeting the CBD can be a challenge for new users. You can use our CBD dosage guide to determine the daily dose of CBD according to your weight (see table below).

Table Dosage CBD
When you use CBD for the first time, we recommend that you take the lowest recommended dose and increase it slowly over a week. It's a wise thing to do when you take a new supplement to see how it interacts with your endocannabinoid system.

The maximum recommended is 70 mg to take in one day. This is what we recommend. 
Medication interaction, alcohol learn more

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