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Europe makes letters of nobility to therapeutic cannabis


Europe makes letters of nobility to therapeutic cannabis

The United Nations ended cannabis as the most dangerous drug, saying that it would be a driving force behind the research and the establishment of a new regulatory framework for therapeutic cannabis.

European legislators have welcomed the recent United Nations decision (UN)

On Wednesday December 2, 2020, the United Nations Commission on Narcotics (CND) voted for Remove cannabis and hashish from the 1961 single convention on the drug list.

The substances listed in this list are not only considered highly addictive and highly prone to abuse, but also particularly harmful and of a very limited medical or therapeutic value.

It was one of the main reasons that discouraged the more widespread medical use of cannabis.

However, some cannabis -based medical products are already authorized in the EU. Cannabis for therapeutic purposes is also available for some patients in EU countries, based on individual prescriptions.

According to data from the European Drug Observatory and Drug Addiction (EDT), over the past 20 years, patient interest in the use of cannabinoids in the treatment of various diseases has increased.

These include attempts to relieve the neuropathic pain; Several forms ofepilepsy drug resistant; certain rebel symptoms in oncology linked to cancer or the treatment of cancer; situations palliative; spasticity painful in the sclerosis plates or other disorders of central nervous system.

A new look at therapeutic marijuana thanks to a French pilot project?

Last month, the French government signed a decree to start a two -year medical marijuana pilot project.

Objective of therapeutic cannabis?

Relieve 3,000 patients with serious illnesses such as chronic pain or epileptic disorders.

"Today's vote was eagerly awaited, especially by patients," said Belgian MEP Frédérique Ries.

The liberal legislator expects this "historic" decision to trigger a reassessment of regulatory barriers to medicinal cannabis in the world and A new wave of research on the unexploited potential of medical cannabis for the benefit of patients.

She added that despite the advantages of medicinal cannabis in the treatment of a wide range of diseases, there was still a lack of knowledge about this.

Likewise, the Green MEP Tilly Metz said the classification was taboo Around the prescription of marijuana for medical purposes at the expense of patients.

Patients "who consume do not take drugs," said Euractiv, suggesting that the rather outdated status of the "drug" has hampered the pursuit of research In the very promising field of therapeutic marijuana.

For the socialist MEP Alex Agius Salib, the harmonization of standards for EU medical cannabis products should be a priority for European legislators because it will improve the equitable access of patients to cannabis -based drugs.

In February 2019, the European Parliament has adopted a resolution inviting the European Commission and the national authorities to present a legal definition of marijuana to medical purposes.

However, the German Presidency of the EU Council and the European Commission recently confirmed that there was no European plan to eliminate regulatory obstacles to the medical use of short -term cannabis.

"We must encourage a more open dialogue with patients with medical cannabis to create a sustainable and environmentally friendly sector through the block"Said Saliba.

The European Medical Marijuana Society (Eumca) said:

That a UN decision could remove obstacles to access to cannabis medical use and allow more European patients to access these treatments.

"However, there should be no compromise on quality standards for the treatment of cannabis dependence, and there remains a lot to do"Said Sita Schubert, EUMC secretary general.

According to the European Court of Justice, the Cannabidiol is not an amazing. Prohibiting cannabidiol imported by other Member States would be contrary to EU law because There is no scientific evidence that cannabis products have psychotropic effects.

The UN decision has occurred a week after the European Court of Justice (CJCE) ruled on the CDB

The UN decision ruled that CBD, a chemical compound derived from hemp plants and containing less than 0.2% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Do not seem to have any psychotropic effects on the current state of scientific knowledge nor harmful to human health.

In the light of a recent CJE decision, the European Commission concluded that cannabis oil (CBD) should not be considered a medication and could therefore be classified as a new food.

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