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Can CBD help with tobacco withdrawal symptoms?


Can CBD help with tobacco withdrawal symptoms?

Although smoking cigarettes is no longer as popular as before, many people always try to abandon this habit. Quit smoking  🚬 is always a monumental struggle for millions of people, even with hundreds of products on the market that promise to end the Nicotine dependence. This is mainly due to extremely unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Obviously, another solution is necessary to limit the habit. And thanks to new research, the CBD could well be this solution. But how can CBD help with nicotine withdrawal symptoms?

What symptoms to withdraw tobacco?


When a person acquires the habit of smoking tobacco, their brain and their body get used to nicotine and nicotine receptors in the brain increase.

What happens when we stop smoking?

When you stop smoking, the brain and the body lack nicotine, which causes Withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may appear within 30 minutes of the last consumption of nicotine and are more serious the second or the third day after weaning. Weaning symptoms vary from person to person depending on the duration and quantity of nicotine they use.

Current symptoms of weaning nicotine include:

  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Nicotine
  • Headache
  • Throat
  • Constipation
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • The cough
  • Weight gain

These are just some of the most common withdrawal symptoms, but there are many others. With such a long list of terrible symptoms, it is not surprising that so many people regain the habit.

Ask any smoker who tried to quit smoking but who failed to stop, and he or she will probably admit that withdrawal symptoms have been too difficult to overcome.

How to overcome the weaning of nicotine?

It is best to talk to your doctor about it before quitting smoking. It may know which products would suit you best or if there are any that you should avoid because of the drugs you are already taking or any health problems you may have.

They can also prescribe drugs. There are various drugs that doctors prescribe to patients to help them combat nicotine dependence, and many of them really help.

However, there are over -the -counter drugs and even natural means that you can try.

Natural remedies that can help with nicotine withdrawal symptoms:

  • Hypnotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Meditation
  • Sport
  • CBD
  • A balanced diet
  • Reduce caffeine

Can CBD for withdrawal help with symptoms?


Although many people who do not know the CBD claim that the use of the CBD to fight against Nicotine dependence Simply replaces an addictive substance with another, this is not true!

Unlike 🚫  Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD) contains no psychotropic compound, which means that you cannot 'hover'. And even if the CBD 🌿 Whether you use contains traces of THC, the quantity is so low that it will not cause any effect.

Several studies have shown that CBD can be an effective way to treat nicotine withdrawal symptoms and can even be a better option than drugs currently used.

The CBD is much safer than the drugs prescribed to nicotine dependents and has minimal side effects.

CBD helps relieve many withdrawal symptoms from which people who abandon nicotine can suffer by modifying receptors endocannabinoids in the brain.

In addition to simply reducing the desires of nicotine, the CBD also helps to relieve the stress, to fight the insomnia and lower blood pressure, which are Nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Why the CBD to quit smoking 🚬 ?

You should first know what nicotine does to your body. You may feel good after smoking a cigarette, but the effect does not last long because nicotine has affected your body.

When you consume nicotine, your central nervous system cannot produce serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters (also called happiness hormones), which means that you will need more nicotine to replace them.

This leads to dependence and a vicious circle. If you do not receive your dose of nicotine, you feel anxious.

It is here that the CBD saves the situation by restoring the production of these neurotransmitters, thus reversing the symptoms of weaning nicotine and your desire for nicotine.

Although anecdotal data and a number of studies show that CBD can help relieve nicotine symptoms

In terms of abstinence, many other studies must be carried out, because research on CBD is still in its infancy. However, studies show promising results.

What CBD products can wean?

If you want to use the CBD to stop nicotine, there are many options. There are many ways to take CBD. It all depends on your personal preferences.

  • CBD oil

CBD oil is probably the most popular CBD form. The oil is delivered in a dropper bottle and you just put a few drops under your tongue. One of our favorite CBD oils at the moment is our Tylio calm cbd oil.

  • Edible CBD 

CBD candy

You can consume it in the form of candies. A delicious jar of gelled candy such as Bloom is perfect for beginners and regulars of the CBD. However, do not let the delicious taste delicious. It contains all the advantages you expect from a CBD product

  • CBD capsules

Another way to take CBD, if you are not a fan of the oil, tried to take CBD capsules. Like any other vitamin or pill that you take, you simply swallow them with a little water. "Resistant gastro" capsules CBD 10 mg from Lanvia are particularly effective because they cross your digestive system without losing their efficiency and diffuses gently, without leaving a taste in your palate.

  • CBD spray

Many ex-smokers find that CBD vaporizers suit them best because it imitates the effects of cigarettes. CBD liquid or kit vaporizers, such as Azteca e-cigarette kit, are highly preferred.

However, see your doctor first if the CBD vaping is right for you.

  • Drinks with CBD
The Matcha Lanvia

CBD drinks become popular with the CBD community, products such as CBD matcha tea becoming the preferred way to consume CBD. Soothing, delicious and with all the advantages of the CBD. What could you ask more?

Things to check!

Before buying the first CBD product you find,

Make sure you buy from a renowned company or brand, safe and respecting the legal limits, such as those we sell to CBDTECH. All our products are tested in the laboratory by third parties, you therefore know exactly what you get and which ingredients make up each product.

Nicotine is bad and very addictive. However, as shown in the above, it is possible to abandon the habit if you have the right help of something like the CBD. Try the CBD and see if it helps you. Just make sure to consult your doctor before you start or abandon anything. Good luck:)

1 comment
  • Article très intéressant, et personnellement, j’ai opté pour le vapo et sa ma vraiment aidé réduire ma consommation de cigarettes qui était de un paquet par jour a un paquet tous les dix jours donc sa fonctionne mais avec de la volonté bien entendu

    Cogez THE


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