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CBD and diabetes: use CBD oil to restore glycemic balance


CBD and diabetes: use CBD oil to restore glycemic balance

While our lifestyle is more and more affected by the rapid rhythm of modern society, our way of healing ourselves has suffered from it. Most of us tend to take the easy way to facilitate our daily life: eating at the restaurant, no exercise, fewer moments in the wild and more time in front of the screens are some of the reasons why Diseases linked to lifestyle are increasing.

Type 2 diabetes is one of these lifestyle diseases that could be avoided. In France, in 2015, 3.7 million people took drug treatment for their diabetes (5.4% of the population).

In this article, we will examine what diabetes is, what are the risk factors to develop this disease and How CBD can help both to prevent and treat diabetes.

What is diabetes (and what are type 1 and type 2 diabetes)?

For the carbohydrates contained in the foods we eat become useful energy, the body breaks them into glucose. These sugar molecules are then absorbed by our cells thanks to the use of insulin as a peptide transport hormone.

The body regulates our energy reserves by producing insulin to balance blood sugar, which is blood sugar. However, when the body is stressed, the pancreas (which produces insulin) and the entire endocrine system become confused, which over time can cause an imbalance between blood sugar and insulin levels.

Such imbalance can cause diabetes.

Diabetes is a condition in which the body ceases to produce enough insulin to control blood sugar. There are two types of diabetes: type 1, which mainly affects children and young adults, and type 2, which generally affects adults. Among the diabetics, around 10% receive a diabetes of type 1 diabetes, while 80% suffer from type 2 diabetes.

The difference between the two types is that if the type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body inexplicably begins to attack its production of insulin, the Type 2 manifests itself by insulin resistance, where the body gradually loses the ability to produce and receive enough insulin. Insulin. 

The symptoms of diabetes vary depending on the type, but also from one person to another. The most common symptoms include excessive thirst and hunger, frequent urination, weight changes, fatigue, inexplicable nausea and / or slow healing of wounds and cuts.

The causes of diabetes can also be very different. As an autoimmune disease, the cause of type 1 diabetes is difficult to identify, but genetics, infections or exposure to chemicals in food has been identified as possible triggers of this type of diabetes. Meanwhile, obesity, age, diet and lifestyle choices (such as exercise levels) are among the factors that can increase your risk of developing diabetes, especially type 2 .

Due to many symptoms, causes and types of diabetes sometimes very varied (including other rarer than those mentioned), the diagnosis of diabetes is only possible on the basis of tests carried out by a doctor. However, there are certain things you can do to prevent this disease from developing, even if you are predisposed.

Treatment and prevention of diabetes

The treatment of diabetes also varies. The diabetes of Type 1 often requires insulin injections daily to balance the endocrine system. Meanwhile, the diabetes of type 2 is generally treated without medication, and instead, the emphasis is more on food, exercise and daily monitoring of blood sugar.

Therefore, type 2 diabetes is easier to prevent and delay than type 1 diabetes. Among the means to prevent type 2 diabetes are:

  • ✔️ healthy and balanced diet with many vitamins and omega acids that stimulate the endocrinian system
  • ✔️ Regular exercise
  • ✔️ Maintain a healthy weight
  • ✔️ Stop smoking
  • ✔️ Reduce alcohol consumption
  • ✔️ Avoid and prevent stress

Check your risk of developing type 2 diabetes

In addition, modern research also suggests that CBD may be able to restore the balance of the endocrine system, which naturally draws our attention to how CBD oil can help diabetics.

CBD and diabetes oil

In the Type 1 diabetes, the effects anti-inflammatory And antioxidants of Cannabidiol Can help reduce the severity of autoimmune reactions in the body. These reactions include inflammation of the pancreas, where a hyperactive immune response pushes the body to tackle and kill its own insulin. It is a defect of endocrine system which can alter the functioning of many organs and internal balance throughout the body.

By reducing inflammation, the CBD can help the body protect its own insulin production, by ensuring that it is not damaged or degraded. In a study, researchers also found that the incidence of type 1 diabetes in animal models was reduced when mice received CBD. Therefore, the CBD may have the potential to prevent type 1 diabetes, although additional research is necessary to confirm this theory.

Research also shows that 60 to 70% of diabetics have undergone a kind of damage to their nervous system, which once again confirms that there is a close link between an unbalanced endocannabinoid system (ECS) and diabetes.

This is due to the close relationship between our endocannabinoid system and the central nervous system, where dry helps to regulate and maintain our body's response to threats - both internal (such as autoimmune diseases) and external ( such as viruses and bacteria). While the DHW is unparalleled

Thus, when the dry is unbalanced due to poor diet or lack of exercise, our nervous system is also negatively affected. To help restore the balance of these systems, CBD oil is a natural complement to the many beneficial properties.

For up to 70% of diabetics whose nervous system has been damaged by their condition, neuropathic pain is not uncommon. Since it has been shown that the CBD has had a analgesic effect, diabetics can find an essential relief for CBD oil to relieve their pain and reduce inflammation, which can increase the intensity and frequency of pain. In addition, studies have shown that CBD can also abuse the probability to develop neuropathic pain in the first place by preventing damage to the nervous system.

This important role in the endocannabinoid system in the development and prevention of diabetes is also underlined by the influence of dry on our metabolism.

CBD and weight: prevent type 2 diabetes

Although type 2 diabetes is not intrinsically due to overweight, people who weigh a few pounds too much are more likely to develop diabetes, especially if these kilos are in the region of the belly.

Indeed, overweight or obesity causes a inflammation In your body, which means that your body becomes less sensitive to insulin. While the abdomen is the place where most of our organs are located, including the intestines.

Our intestines are the basis of our health. If your microbiome And the natural bacteria of your intestine are balanced and healthy, there is a good chance that you feel healthy and happy.

OUR mental health is also anchored in our intestine, and of course: if you have stomach aches, abdominal pain or other physical health problems, you become nervous, but the balance of microbes in your intestine can also affect your mood directly .

This is because the intestine is directly connected to our brain, to our endocrine system and to many other organs and systems of the body. Scientists have even discovered that intestinal bacteria send neurotransmitters which activate the production of serotonin, dopamine and other well-being chemicals in our body. So if our intestine is unbalanced, the same goes for our mood and our overall health.

Among people with type 2 diabetes, 82% are overweight or obese. Additional fat puts a stress Additional on your internal organs, including your intestines. The pancreas, which is the body responsible for insulin production, can also be overloaded by a surplus of weight.

Therefore, losing weight can both reduce stress levels to which your body is exposed, and prevent (or at least delay) the development of type 2 diabetes, if you are predisposed to do so. In addition, a healthy weight combined with a balanced diet and regular physical activity can help improve your mood and your health in a completely natural way.

For those who have trouble losing weight, CBD oil And the whole hemp extracts can be a useful option. Research has shown that CBD and others cannabinoids non -psychoactive can restore the balance of Endocannabinoid system, which can help balance intestinal health. The CBD contains the perfect balance between omega 3 and 6 acids, as well as a long range of other beneficial vitamins and minerals that can help your intestine regain strength. As such, by rebalancing the dry, you have a better chance of preventing diabetes and even restoring more sustainable insulin production.

Others studies Also emphasize that non -psychoactive cannabinoids THCV (not to be confused with THC psychoactive cannabinoids) and CBD can indirectly help regulate glucose metabolism. As such, extracts from raw cannabis plants have the potential to treat and prevent type 2 diabetes

CBD for diabetes

Although CBD and cannabidiol oils based on entire plants Full Spectrum have been very promising in management and perhaps even the treatment of diabetes, they cannot replace your drugs against diabetes if you already take them. Your body is most likely used to the added insulin it needs to balance your blood sugar.

Nevertheless, research suggests that CBD oil can help you improve your intestinal health And to lose these extra pounds that could potentially worsen diabetes; Either because of insulin resistance, or because the body attacks its own insulin production.

In addition, CBD can help reduce inflammation which can cause the development and implementation of diabetes in your body, as well as many other medical conditions caused by inflammation, such as problems Heart and vascular, pain and even cancer.

As such, there are several good reasons to lose weight, balance your diet and complete your daily activities with CBD oil. However, as always, we encourage you to speak to your general practitioner, if necessary

As such, there are several good reasons to lose weight, balance your diet and complete your daily activities with CBD oil. However, as always, we encourage you to speak to your general practitioner if you already take medication for diabetes - or any other health problem. Indeed, the CBD can possibly interfere with other drugs on prescription. But even in this case, CBD oil is a completely natural and very beneficial addition to a healthy lifestyle with good food, pleasure and life without worrying about blood sugar.

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1 comment
  • Bonsoir en attendant ma commande que j’ai faite chez vous j’ai parcouru votre blog qui est très intéressant en particulier sur le diabète que j’ai depuis des années. Je suis plutôt rassurée sur ce que j’ai lu. Je prends des huiles et vos gélules que je vais recevoir. C’est pour cela que je vais continuer à bénéficier des avantages du CBD si cela peut m’aider dans mon diabète je suis partante. Merci c’est très instructif de vous lire.

    Bocahu Karine THE


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