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10 amazing advantages of CBD for human health, without side effects


10 amazing advantages of CBD for human health, without side effects

Users approve the proven effects of cannabidiol And More and more studies prove the virtues of this amazing molecule. Regular consumers of Therapeutic cannabis use it to reduce Stress and anxiety, decrease Pain and migraines, the CBD acts on problems insomnia as well as depression. L'CBD oil is also rich in Antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that help improve the sparkle of the skin or even hair.

Let's examine the benefits of CBD

According to a Study published in 2008 by researchers from the Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Endocrinology of the University of Bologna, and another Study published in 2017 (Department of Immunology of the Faculty of Medicine - University of Connecticut), the CBD interferes with the body by restoration of homeostasis. In other words, it restores the balance of the body and the mind.

Here is an explanatory video on the CBD process on our body:

 CBD activates the production of serotonin, better known as the Hormone of Happiness: it regulates mood, sleep and stress. These effects have been highlighted in a Study carried out in 2019 by researchers in neurobiology from several universities: Canadian, American and Italian. They have shown that cannabidiol modulates the transmission of serotonin and remove anxiety in neuropathic pain.

This same years, Another published study In 2019 indicates that the use of cannabis for pain management after a spinal cord injury was effective in the eight participants who had already tried other methods.

THE 10 advantages and benefits Therapeutic cannabis:

  1. Anti stress effect 
  2. Reduces anxiety 
  3. Reduces insomnia
  4. Analgesic effect
  5. Anti-inflammatory effect
  6. Antidepressant effect
  7. Reduces the use of opioids
  8. Help with the balance of the body & the mind
  9. Helps reduce skin problems
  10. Antioxidant

CBD an anti stress effect?

The benefits of CBD oil are amazing, using the cannabidiol molecule present in the cannabis plant, will allow you to regain your homeostatic condition (normal condition of your body/head) the benefits anti stress are no longer to prove, recognized to relieve A large number of anxiety and stress disorders. According to several testimonies following prolonged consumption, the CBD provides personal and recommended personal appeasement. No side effects have been relayed by its consumers unlike anxiolytic drugs available on the market.

The CBD improves the subjective feeling of well-being by stimulating the endocannabinoid system (dry), which plays a key role in modulating the response to stress, reward and their interactions.

In February 2011, an official study of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, published on the Nature website, revealed that the cannabidiol, unlike a placebo, can help reduce anxiety caused by public speaking & in the treatment of social phobia.


The CBD helps against insomnia?

Research suggests that therapeutic cannabis has potential for the treatment of insomnia

Research Trusted Source, published in 2019, examined whether the CBD could improve sleep and / or reduce anxiety. 72 subjects participated in the study, 47 of which suffered from anxiety and 25 from sleep disorders. The subjects each received 25 milligrams (MG) of CBD capsules per day. During the first month, 79.2% of patients reported lower anxiety levels and 66.7% reportedly improving sleep.

A study shows that the administration daily of CBD Allows you to reduce sleep interruptions and increases the duration of the latter. To regulate the sleep, THE CBD is recognized to relieve a large number of disorders such as sleep starts and provide restful sleep.



CBD has an analgesic & anti -inflammatory effect?

According to the researcher in pharmacology Yasmin HURD And its study published in September 2019, Canabidiol helps effectively and without significant side effects to relieve dependence on opiates.

Cannabis rather than opioids to reduce chronic pain

THE cannabidiol allows Reduce pain and opioid consumption
while reducing the psychological consequences on the abusive use of opioids, A treatment based on cannabis therapeutic allows you to improve health and general well -being.

 The CDB becomes very popular because of its properties analgesic And anti-inflammatory. She is able to relieve certain pains chronic neuropathological or muscular. It can very well replace aspirin or paracetamol. In addition, be aware that this product is able to relieve certain health problems, such as migraine, THE diabetes, liver problems, cardiovascular disorders. He is also in great demand by athletes, because he helps them Recover after an intense physical effort.

CBD anti inflammatory

Cannabidiol and depression?

 In April 2016, a study published by biomedical researchers from the University of Cantabrie and the Biomedecine Institute of Barcelona shows that cannabidiol induces effects antidepressants with fast action.

But what do experts think? 

Although there are no clinical studies exploring the consumption of cannabis and depression, the CBD arouses great interest.

"Currently, there are promising preliminary data on the effectiveness of medical cannabis in the treatment of these conditions, which all present common characteristics, in particular anxiety, insomnia ...", observes Amine Benyamina, psychiatrist and professor of addictology, who has campaigned for 15 years for therapeutic cannabis.


CBD in the treatment of skin problems

Cannabidiol is effective for your well -being by reducing the'inflammation and nourishing the skin thus offering an effect Anti -age & Anti -wrinkle. Skin absorption allows the molecule of CBD to act effectively. Unlike conventional cosmetic products, hemp oil cosmetics contain omegas 3,6,9, gamma-linolenic acids and amino acids Having a direct impact on the quality of the skin, giving it a smoother and elastic appearance.


Cannabis Sativa L. and non -psychoactive cannabinoids: their role against oxidative stress, inflammation and cancer

According to a study published in 2008, in the journal Biomed res. THE CBD acts as a multi-target molecule, acting as a adaptive And as a modulator, in different ways, depending on the type and location of the imbalance in the brain and in the body, interacting mainly with specific receptor proteins CB 1 and CB 2

THE CBD is present in medicinal plants and type C. Sativa of the fiber type, but, unlike Δ 9 -Thc, it is Totally non -psychoactive. It contains little Δ 9-Thc and a high levels of CBD.

THE CBD proved to have an activity antioxidant in many studies, thus suggesting a possible role in prevention Neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases.

In animal models, it has been shown that the CBD inhibits the progression of several types of cancer. In addition, it was found that the CBD and Δ 9-Thc co-administration, followed by radiotherapy, causes an increase in autophagy and apoptosis in cancer cells. In addition, the cannabidiol is capable ofinhibit cell proliferation and increase apoptosis in different types of cancer models.




LABORATORY LANVIA The CBD expert, and organic cosmetics in France!

LANVIA CBD Cosmetics

Lanvia, French expertise at your service?


Lanvia Is a French laboratory in CBD Well -being and cosmetics whose products are made from an efficient and environmental process. Surrounded by an expert team in the field of well -being and CBD 'cannabidiol' A molecule of hemp having amazing powers and still unsuspected to date, our French experts is working tirelessly to offer you unique products on the based on cannabidiol full spectrum and natural plants of legal and organic hemp, thanks to their virtues, the Lanvia range offers a range of oil in order to appease the Stress, insomnia, digestion problems, or Cosmetic For the skin, the muscle pain.


Our flagship products

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