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Dysmorphophobia: Psilocybin mushrooms, hope to relieve the disorder?

- Fabien de CBDTECH

Dysmorphophobia: Psilocybin mushrooms, hope to relieve the disorder?

Dysmorphophobia, or body dysmorphic disorder, it's a bit like spending hours tracking down defects (often imaginary or exaggerated) in the mirror 🙃. Problem: current treatments are not very effective. So the researchers explore new tracks, and guess what? THE hallucinogenic mushrooms, and more precisely the psilocybin, begin to be talked about 🍄✨. This article examines if "Magic mushrooms"could become a solution to treat this obsession.

What is dysmorphophobia?

So dysmorphophobia is a bit like being the worst criticism of your own mirror. We are talking about a psychiatric disorder where a person focuses to the extreme on a physical defect… Which, let's be honest, is often completely invisible to the eyes of others! 😬 The people concerned can spend a lot of time scrutinizing their reflection, comparing themselves to everyone, and looking for tips to hide this famous perceived "defect". Not very fun, huh? 😓 It can even go so far as to cause a social anxiety massive and Sometimes complete isolation.

Symptoms look like this:

  • A obsession For one or more physical "defects" (which are often microscopic or imaginary for others)
  • Of the Compulsive behaviors : loop verification, camouflage, and tutti quanti 
  • A big psychological distress 
  • Of the difficulties in managing your social or professional life (Team isolation, unfortunately) 

In extreme cases, it can become handicapping, and Transform into an explosive depression cocktail, substance abuse or Even suicidal thoughts. 🥺

Causes and risk factors

Why does that happen? Well, it's a bit vague. But several tracks:

  • A predisposition genetic (thank you, the genes ...) 
  • Of the experiences not cool linked to physical appearance (hello, trauma) 
  • A self -esteem at half mast (the losing combo) 
  • THE beauty standards imposed by the company (we all know the song) 

Small precision : Dysmorphophobia almost never comes alone! She loves to associate with other mental disorders, such as depression, L'anxiety or the Toc. Result: diagnosis can become a real headache for healthcare professionals. 😵‍💫


Current dysmorphophobia treatments

Cognitivo-behavioral therapies

The famous cognitive behavioral therapy (TCC) is often the undisputed champion in the fight against dysmorphophobia 🏆. It's a bit like a personal coach who helps:

  • Chas negative thoughts and beliefs On the body image (goodbye complexes!)
  • Reduce compulsive behavior (we no longer spend 2 hours in front of the mirror)
  • Boost self -esteem And improve your social skills (yes, you are great!)

THE therapist, in real ally, Guide the patient to better acceptance of his body And encourages him to come back to the social scene, like a rock star that goes back on stage after a break 🎤.

Drug treatments

Because a little chemical support does not hurt sometimes, drugs can be prescribed in addition to therapy. THE antidepressants, especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (or Isrs For intimate), are the superheroes of anxiety and depression which often come to squat with dysmorphophobia 🦸‍♂️.

However, even with all these anti-symptom ninja techniques, some patients continue to suffer 😕. Conclusion: we still need to develop New therapeutic options. Come on, we believe it!


The therapeutic potential of magic fungi 🍄✨

There psilocybin, it is the small magic ingredient that is hidden in certain mushrooms (yes, the very ones that are affectionately called "mushrooms magic"). Long considered a substance reserved for recreational evenings a little ... special, It now draws the attention of scientists for his therapeutic potential. And yes, science is never far from a good surprise! 💡

But then, how does it work in our box?

The psilocybin will take a look at our serotonin receptors, and more particularly the famous 5-HT2A receiver (He seems to be important, right?). Basically, she turns our well -established thought patterns and encourages a certain "mental flexibility" 🧘‍♂️. Like good yoga for our brain! As a bonus, she even seems to boost the neuroplasticity, that is to say the ability of our brain to establish new connections 🧠.

And all that, what is it for?

These effects could be particularly interesting for people with dysmorphophobia (Obsession with body image). Basically, psilocybin could help stop the loops of negative thoughts and to see his body in a more positive light. Like going from a distorting mirror to a flattering mirror, spirit version! 😊


Studies on psilocybin and body image disorders

Although specific research on dysmorphophobia is still as rare as a sock that does not disappear in the machine 🧦, several studies show that psilocybin already does wonders in the Treatment of depression and anxiety. These disorders are often linked to dysmorphophobia, it still gives us hope!

For example, a study of Johns Hopkins Medicine has shown that, combined with good psychotherapy, psilocybin significantly improved symptoms of clinical depression. And what's crazy is that these positive effects last up to a year after only two small doses ! 🎉

A potential boost for dysmorphophobia?

Even if we still lack specific research on dysmorphophobia, a Systematic review recent has explored the potential of psychedelics, including psilocybin, for Treat body image disorders. So, we're on the right track!

The preliminary results suggest that psilocybin could:

  • Reduce anxiety linked to body image (goodbye negative thoughts 🧘‍♀️),
  • Help to better accept (bye bye the cruel mirror!),
  • Decrease obsessive and compulsive behavior (we breathe 🌬️).

But before screaming victory, we will still have to confirm all this with more extensive research ... Patience therefore, but it smells good! 😉


Perspectives and challenges of research: What if we talked about it with a smile?

Well, it is true that the results on the use of psilocybin in the treatment of dysmorphophobia are quite encouraging. But, let's be serious, we are still at the very beginning of the adventure! Clinical studies, and not least, are necessary For :

  • Evaluate if it really works in the long term and no one ends up with mushrooms that grow in the ears 🍄 (ok, I'm exaggerating, but you see the idea)
  • Find the perfect dosage (because too little, it does nothing, and too much ... Well, it may become too magical 🧙‍♂️)
  • Know who is the ideal candidate for this kind of treatment (spoiler: that's not everyone!)


⚖️ Ethical and legal issues

Ah yes, we must not forget the serious questions! There psilocybin is still seen as a Psychedelic substance rather shady in a lot of countries 🌍, what makes research, let's say ... complicated.

Then, this kind of treatment does not take itself as a simple aspirin, huh. We are talking about a real medical framework, with serious doctors and all the tralala. It will also be necessary to train health pros to manage this safely.


🔬 Conclusion

Dysmorphophobia is a complex and invalidating disorder, we are not kidding on this. Innovative treatments and the psilocybin seems to have potential to offer a little hope. But beware: We are still in "test" phase And especially we should not play the sorcerer's apprentices. These treatments must always be supervised by qualified doctors.

So yes, "Magic mushrooms"could well become a new therapeutic solution. But let's keep your feet on the ground 🌍 : As long as we do not have all the solid scientific evidence, we do not get carried away! 😉

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