As the legislation around psilocybin is likely to soften in the coming years, we examine exactly that this psychedelic substance.
In this article we are talking about psilocybin a natural & innovative compound which can be the key to cure addiction, depression and many other symptoms on mental health, we believe that psilocybin will probably be legalized in the States- United in Canada and Europe in the next ten years (psilocybine truffles are already legal in the Netherlands).
What is psilocybin?
Psilocybin is a natural psychedelic compound produced by a number of different mushroom species.
in Europe , we find the psilocybin in the mushrooms below :
- Copelandia Cyanescens (or Panaeolus Cyanescens) (rare)
- Inocybe aeruginascens
- Inocybe Corydalina
- Inocybe Haemacta
- Panaeolina Foenisecii
- Panaeolus azurescens
- Panaeolus fimicola (rare)
- Panaeolus sphinctrinus
- Panaeolus subbalteatus
- Pluteus salicinus
- Psilocybe cubensis (or stropharia cubensis)
- Psilocybe Cyanescens
- Psilocybe Semilanceata (known as Psilo)
- Strictly
(non -exhaustive list)
What does it mean psychedelic ?
Psychedelique means that it has the capacity to modify human consciousness when consumed, because it imitates the behavior of existing neurotransmitters in the brain at a high level.
Other natural and artificial psychedelics?
The other natural psychedelic include IBOGA, there mescaline And, of course, the cannabis. There are also artificially produced psychedelics, the best known is the LSD and its derivatives.
Who discovered the Psyl CARLOID?
In 1959, the Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman Isolated psilocybin for the first time from mushrooms of the species Psilocybe Mexicana.
Hoffman's employer, Sandoz, began to bottle and sell psilocybin to doctors and clinicians around the world for a use in psychedelic psychotherapy.
It was until the end of the 1960s approximately, when the law began to tighten on psilocybin and other psychedelics, and promising research on its therapeutic benefits have been widely brake by the advent of "War on drugs".
It's unfortunate, because the psilocybin, with other natural psychedelics, is used since prehistory In various spiritual ceremonies, a practice now in contradiction with the views of conservative America at the end of the 20th century, which is largely responsible for the global restriction of psychedelic.
During the following decades, the amateur culture of mushrooms has spread around the world despite the restrictions of the law.
People on the sidelines of society - and undoubtedly a certain number of discreet medical researchers - continue to discreetly experiment with the psychoactive properties of psilocybin.
In 2000, respected Johns Hopkins University in the United States has started a series of now famous studies on psilocybin, and the compound began to return slowly in the dominant current, fueled by a Recainese of interest for the work of psychedelic researchers such as Terence McKenna and the Mycologist Paul Stamets.
In 2011, social media, online psychedelic discussion forums and widely read books such as The Psychedelic Researcher's handbook Dr James Fadiman Quickly sensitized psychedelics, psilocybin and its role in intriguing activity called "microdosage".
Dr Griffiths met with Oprah To discuss the power of psilocybin, or "magic mushrooms", to crop mortality and produce lasting feelings of human interconnection:
What is microdosage?
Microdosage is a consumption of psychedelics with very small quantities (literally micro-quantities) of one or more psychedelic substances every few days for several weeks.
Microdosage is mainly used for:
- Reduce anxiety
- Relieve depression
- Improve concentration
- Boost creativity,
- Sharpen
- Facilitate communication
- Increase energy levels
or any combination of these aspects of existence, in general, the microdosage implies taking approximately A tenth of the dose Recreational "usual" of a psychedelic, which only leads to a slight effect on the brain rather than "intoxication".
This more disciplined approach to the use of psychedelics in relation to the past has probably gave them a better public image and led more "traditional" people to experiment with microdosage.
THE healthcare professionals in the United States is also more comfortable to investigate psychedelics in terms of microdosage, and many now argue specifically for the decriminalization of psilocybin as part of psychiatric therapy.
Where to find psilocybin?
If you are looking for "psilocybin" on Google, 99% of the content that the browser will display will concern the Psilocybin mushrooms, also called "magic mushrooms" or simply "mushrooms".
We don't talk a lot about psilocybin truffles, but they also contain the same compound. Let's talk about both mushrooms and truffles.
What are psilocybin mushrooms?
Psilocybine or "magic" mushrooms are small mushrooms with long pale stems and light brown hats.
They have many names, including mushrooms, freedom, amani, agaric, mushies, blues, golden peaks, hats of freedom and philosopher's stones.
It is easy to confuse them with ordinary mushrooms, but magic mushrooms often have a top ring or white lace collar on the rod and rather long and highly inclined hats.
This guide Watch what some of the most remarkable types of wild magic mushrooms look like.
Hundreds, Even thousands of different species of psilocybin mushrooms have been observed over time, in 11 broader genres or organic classes. This world map shows where mushrooms grow most often. They tend to prosper in a soil rich in humus and plant debris and under wet subtropical conditions.
Psilocybine mushrooms and humanity have a long history. They are recognized in the rock paintings of the Stone Age in Africa and Europe from 7,000 BC, as well as in the ancient sculptures and glyphs of all the Americas. In October 2007, THE Magic mushrooms have been prohibited in the Netherlands.
What are psilocybin truffles?
Psilocybine truffles are quite different from the culinary truffles served in gourmet restaurants, which are more precisely a type of tuber (very expensive).
THE psilocybin truffles In fact are underground nodules of psilocybin mushrooms that fungi use as food reserves when the growth conditions above the ground become too difficult.
In good shape, the truffles are small hard pieces, harder and drier than the stems and hats of mushrooms above the ground.
Like mushroom fabrics, they contain psilocybine, psilocin and beocystine compounds, but generally in smaller quantities than those found in mushrooms.
There is Different types of truffles magic, especially the Psilocybe Hollandia, THE Psilocybe Atlantis, the philosopher's stone (Pampanensis psilocybe), THE Pesilocybe Pajaritos and the Psilocybe Mexicana.
From September 2019, THE magic truffles are completely taxed and legal in the Netherlands.
Buy my microdose pack!
How does psilocybine work?
Deep in the human brain is an area called "claustrum". It's a group of neurons which is connected to almost all other parts of the brain.
Some researchers indicate that the claustrum is the seat of the awareness, awareness and self -sense
In other words, it is the part of the brain that makes us think and worry about ourselves, our health, our future, our social status and Recently published research of Johns Hopkins University have shown that the psilocybin, when she meets the claustrum receptors, Deletes the level of activity in the claustrum.
This would logically lead to a decrease in self -awareness of the individual and an increase in his consciousness of everything around him.
This explains why people report that after having taken psilocybin, their concerns "disappear", or tell how, for a certain time, they have become incredibly interested in the natural world, by a given task or activity.
Research also shows that psilocybin can disorganize the neural roads ossified in the brain so that the brain begins to think in a new way rather than in the usual way.
Psilocybin and its brain effects
Studies show that the psilocybin can help it brain to become more "open"to new experiences and currents of more fluid thinking.
For this reason, some researchers think it could be a useful therapy for the Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), in which people affected cannot help but think or do the same things several times throughout the day, update their newspaper; to clean; they wash their hands; Check where their personal effects are, etc ...
It has also been found that psilocybin consumption reduced anxiety and depression - a particularly important effect in A study published in 2016 who revealed that hospitalized patients with clinical anxiety and depression caused by their diagnosis of potentially deadly cancer have pointed out An improvement in their mood, both immediately after taking psilocybin and even six months later.
It may have something to do with the way the psilocybin removes ego or self -awareness in the claustrum; The individual "loses" largely the ability to care for himself for a while.
Research in progress suggest that psilocybin (which itself does not create dependence) can be useful to help people "undress" from the Nicotine dependence, to the cocaine or at alcohol, perhaps because of its ability to disrupt anxiety or depression, which often lead people to self-dependence on drugs, and because of its ability to disrupt usual and repetitive behavior (even smoking or drinking are probable forms of TOC). Take a closer look at this amazing aspect of the psilocybin here.
Psilocybine microdosis, what effects?
During the microdosage of psilocybin, the effects are very low because the dose is very low; You will probably not feel that minor changes in your mental activity.
Low enough for you to live your day more or less normally. As written The Third Wave, THE microdosage "Seems to offer a promising way to collect the benefits of flow in daily life without wasting time and energy normally associated with complete trips".
4 benefits on the most frequently reported results of psilocybin microdosage include:
1. Increased concentration and productivity
Many microdoses users report that psilocybin helps them enter a state of "flow" where they can work, play sports or engage in creative activities for hours without distraction.
As the co-founder of Microdose Pro, Nils Paar, in his microdosage journal tells:
"High levels of concentration, energy and attention to the task to be accomplished. It was easy to enter a state of flow. I worked for 10 hours in a row with a lot of context change between the Customer calls, in -depth meetings and work sessions. All day - which helped me to Maintain the flow.
2. Psilocybin improves mood
In many studies, the improvement of mood is cited as the most notable effect of the microdosage of psilocybin. There psilocybin behaves in the same way as the serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain that stimulates feelings of love and happiness.
What is fascinating about this aspect of psilocybin is that researchers have discovered that it can not only raise the mood of an individual at the moment; He can also maintain an improved mood for an extended period, as revealed A study on more than 1,200 psychedelic festival -goers.
This "afterward" effect was also observed in hospitalized patients with cancer threatening the vital prognosis, who reported an improvement in their mood some time after the day they took microdosis.
3. Psilocybin increases creativity
As indicated above, the psilocybin has the ability of "disorganize" THE patterns of thought and increase The level of "opening"From an individual, allowing his thoughts to develop freely in new directions.
This capacity, which is also shared by the LSD, explains to a certain extent why psychedelic were so popular with writers, artists and musicians over the decades.
However, "creative" thinking can also be useful in technology, business or other "non -creative" environments - the technological center of the Silicon Valley has become a microdosage home in the past decade, and many of our own customers are young entrepreneurs.
4. Psilocybin helps social skills
Again, this is probably due to the ability of psilocybin has DELETE The concentration ofego In the brain, which helps those who microdose it to feel more comfortable in their own skin and less sensitive to the opinions of others.
As Janet L. Chang tells in his blog,
"After my first dose of mushrooms, I woke up to find that my fear of speaking in public had disappeared" and: "I felt more comfortable in public and less anxious in the conversation. Although I already considered myself Open and tolerant, I became more tolerant and compassionate with people. "
What are the side effects of psilocybin?
Too much psilocybin is certainly not a good thing, you can technically make an overdose of magic mushrooms and feel a serious distress, even if it is unlikely that you would die.
Symptoms of too much psilocybin may include attacks of anxiety and panic, vomiting, convulsions, paranoia and, in extreme cases, coma.
Learn from the site with the site Drugs Info
By logical deduction, you could also make an overdose of magic truffles, although you had to consume a large quantity to do it.
With the microdosage, and in particular the microdosage of truffle, there dose is so weak Whether it is unlikely that it has a significant impact on physical or mental health.
Some users microdosage have reported slight high and low during microdosage, like a increased anxiety.
Again Nils Paar: This brings me to believe that the microdosage improves both negative emotions (if they are present) and positive emotions. The workload, that usually ... It leads me to believe that the microdosage improves negative emotions (if they are present) as well as positive emotions. "
In summary, it is important to Respect the recommended dose of psilocybin, which is 0.5 to 1 gram, and to avoid microdosage on days when you feel anxious or too excited.
You must also take several weeks off between the microdosage phases so as not to get used to it.
How to microdose psilocybin?
The easiest way is to just order "Magical Truffle Pro Packs", which are prepacked and contain the standard truffle gram by microdose, with six microdoses per band - just as much as you need for a three -week microdosage phase (some people buy two microdoser packs for a phase of six weeks).
The farm where truffles are produced, cultivates them to have a uniform distribution of psilocybin throughout the fabric of the truffle; Truffles from the way can vary in psilocybine density.
If you find or buy truffles in their original wild shape, you will have to grind them into a thin powder; You can do it with a small mortar and a pestle. You also need a scale that precisely measures grams and micrograms.
What dose of psilocybin?
In case of microdosage With mushrooms, the dosage levels are approximately 0.1 to 0.5 gram for a microdosis and 0.5 to 2 grams for a low "recreational" dose. Up to 3.5 grams is a moderate dose. 3.5 grams or more will make you "hover" at a certain level.
These measures concern dried cubensis psilocybe fungi and are presented by Michelle Janikian in Double Blind.
She underlines that other types of fungi can vary in power, and also that if you consume fresh magic mushrooms, you must multiply the dosage levels above by ten to take into account the water content of the mushrooms.
! If you don't know what dose to start, always start with A low dose And not high, then see how you feel!
Is psilocybin this legal? What does the law say?
Magic mushrooms are illegal in the Netherlands and in many other countries. Although truffles be legal to The Netherlands, they are in most other countries - where sanctions for having found psilocybin in either form can be quite severe.
Microdosis Pro, specifically advocates the responsible use of truffles containing psilocybin for microdosage where it is in accordance with the law and if you are 18 or more.
Before considering microodosal mushrooms or truffles, first look for their legal status in your country.
There legislation is infinitely varied Depending on the part of the world in which you are, then in case of doubt, inquire with your local authorities.
Thank you for reading on the fascinating and intriguing compound of psilocybin. If you want to go a little further, consult our related article on truffles and to find out more consult the Ultimate microdosage guide , you may like this article.
All the information contained in this article is based on sources and references, and all the opinions expressed are mine. I do not give advice to anyone and although I am happy to discuss subjects, if someone has another question or concern, he should ask for advice from a competent specialist. People who suffer from psychiatric, neurological or cardiovascular disorders or who use psychiatric drugs should completely avoid microdosage
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