Welcome to the Dutch magical truffle purchasing guide. While globalization has brought many similarities and consensus among the peoples of the world, there are still a lot of things that make us different. One of these major differences concerns drug law. When a person enters a new place, it is subject to a brand new set of substance rules. For example, to The Netherlands, he is legal to buy magic truffles to the psilocybin In Smartshop ..
The market for psychedelic substances is expanding, with more and more start-ups launching into the field. CBDTECH offers a variety of cannabinoid products, but their latest addition is particularly interesting: information on Dutch magical truffles. Although the hallucinogenic truffle is illegal in France and Belgium, it is possible to buy it from one of our partners, where psilocybin is legal. However, it is important to note that these magic truffles are not intended for recreational use, but rather for therapeutic purposes.
The Netherlands are a remarkably welcoming place, let's discover why.
THE The Netherlands are a beautiful flat country in the northwest of Europe. In fact, the country has the highest population density on the continent with 508 inhabitants per square kilometer.
In addition, 60% of the country's territory is technically 5 m from sea level, which is why their channel system is so complex and successful. The country is known for its tulips, reflective channels, its incredible cycle path system and, for some, its indulgent laws on drugs.
In Holland, we feel like in a fairy tale. It takes a while to get used to breathtaking architecture - in particular incredibly high and thin buildings that seem about to collapse at any time.
Van gogh, the Dutch impressionist painter, perfectly expresses this feeling in a large part of his work. When you enter the Netherlands, you can't help but suppose everyone seems happy.
THE bikes Dominate all other modes of transport - in fact, there are more bikes than residents in the Netherlands (22 million against 17 million). Cycling habits move the population, and which can blame them? With such flat surfaces, using a bike has never been easier.
For some tourists, the Netherlands have another reputation. During the decades, the country has been criticized for its lax laws on drugs and even sex. Cannabis and magic truffles are easily available in the Netherlands, as is the visit to the red district.
Drugs in the Netherlands
Cannabis in Holland:
While a large part of Europe and the rest of the world prohibited cannabis and psilocybin in the 1900s, the Netherlands did not do so. Geographically, the Netherlands have always been a key commercial post, with its maritime links with a large part of the world.
In the 1970s, the country was known for its large quantities of various varieties of cannabis - some from Afghanistan and Morocco, and others from Mexico and Thailand. They were the center. At that time, the government decided to divide Drugs in two categories: soft and hard.
It was their way of identifying substances that deserved serious attention. THE cannabis, in turn, is placed in the category gentle. As such, it is a substance decriminalized.
As long as Coffeeshops respect certain rules, they can sell cannabis products to the public. You will notice that the purchase of alcohol in these establishments is always prohibited because it is one of their strict laws. There are around 400 coffee shops in the Netherlands and the government earns around 400 million euros per year thanks to cannabis sales.
Legal psychedelics in the low country:
If the cultivation of coffee shops is widespread in the Netherlands, there are also shops smartshop. It's a place where you can Buy magic truffles psychedelic, the number of these places is around 40.
Interestingly, psychedelics are illegal in the country. This opens up another confused conversation linked to drug use in the Netherlands.
How the magic truffles Can they be legal Whereas the magic mushrooms are not? Well, although the two substances contain active compounds - such as psilocybin, psilocin and beocystine - They are always technically different psychedelics.
The main difference lies in the way they are cultivated. THE Mushrooms grow above the ground while Truffles grow underground. This also changes their appearance, mushrooms with long white stems and a brown head, and truffles being small, dark and rough.
Truffles are actually the fungus reserves - they live under the fungus as food and nutrients. They do not push towards the sun like mushrooms.
THE truffles are the sclerotes Mushrooms with psilocybin. In simple terms, a truffle is the underground part of a fungus. Mushrooms and truffles contain The psychedelic compound psilocybin And offer the same experience.
However, this does not mean that truffles are less powerful than mushrooms. The question therefore remains: How can these things be legal?
Well, a reason appeared in 2008, after the sad death of a young girl who jumped out the window when she was under the influence of magic mushrooms.
THE Dutch government proposed the ban in April, citing the dangerous behavioral effects of magic fungi at the Following the death of a French adolescent Who jumped from a bridge to Amsterdam in 2007 after consuming hallucinogenic mushrooms.
Although it may seem to be the beginning of the end for all psychedelics, it was actually the start. After this event, the Dutch authorities severely repressed the magic mushrooms, but left an escape for a substance which contains almost the same ingredients but is not technically defined as a fungus: The magic truffle.
Where to buy them magic truffles
Magic truffles are sold in small boxes in one of the 40 stores in the Netherlands. You are most likely to find one in the capital of Amsterdam. There are three smartshops in the Leidseplein - Magic Mushroom Gallery, Tatanka and When Nature Calls district.
If you cannot go to the capital, you can order with our Trusted Partner Microdose which offers delivery throughout Europe with a 100% delivery guarantee
You can generally buy a box of truffles - which contains 6-12 grams - for around 15-30 €. It is often advisable to start with a 6G box to see how you react and then progressively progress. If you are more experienced, a greater quantity can be appropriate. A common idea is to buy a box and take them to the Vondelpark on a sunny day and watch the Dutch world pass.
The power of magic truffles
Do not trust the legitimacy of magic truffles. It is not because they are legal that they are weak.
The journey you have with these things is almost the same as the one you have with mushrooms. It will last approximately 4 to 6 hours and can take 30 minutes to 1 hour to start working.
The effect is also almost the same, depending on the truffles you consume. You can expect to laugh, feel hot, discover more intense colors and, in some cases, powerful visual effects.
Latest thoughts
Magic truffles are part of the culture of drug tourism surrounding the Netherlands, but these substances - like cannabis - must be treated with respect and knowledge.
It is great that the Netherlands are open to drugs, but it could easily change if tourists continue to take advantage of it. In recent years,
Dutch authorities threaten to close many of these coffee and smartshops to end the dangers and violations that drug tourism brings to the Netherlands.
Hopefully the country can remain as it is - a glow of optimism that shines on other nations wishing to have a more welcoming approach to drug use.
Anyway, if you are one day in the Netherlands or the surrounding area, be sure to try these magical truffles for yourself.