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LSD microdosage | Complete guide


LSD microdosage | Complete guide

Can LSD microdosage really make you smarter, happier or healthier?

You are probably looking for information on the LSD, microdosage or a combination of the two. So prepare to scroll ... and scroll ... because everything you need to know about taking small doses of LSD - also called trips, tripper, tab, stars, smilies, rainbows, paper mushrooms, Micro Dot, Lucy, Lightning Flash, Hawk, Flash, Drop, Dots, Cheer, Blotter and Acid.


What is LSD microdosage?

LSD Microdosage

Microdosage is a trend in which people consume very small quantities (literally micro-quantities) a psychedelic substance, generally every few days for several weeks - with the intention of improving their mood, concentration, creativity, motivation or energy level.

The microdosage consists in taking such a small dose of the psychedelic substance in question that the user is generally capable of going to his daily occupations quite calmly; Neither he nor anyone with whom he interacts on the day of the microdosage should notice major changes in his mental behavior. The changes they notice should be very light.

LSD - Scientific name Lysergic acid diethylamide - is a synthetic (illegal) street drug that people get in the form of powder, liquid, tablets or capsules.

It can also be available in small pieces of absorbent blot paper (Buvard art is a subculture that has prospered for decades).

The famous psychedelic researcher, the Dr James Fadiman, measures a LSD microdosis between 8 and 15 micrograms And recommends starting with 10 micrograms.

Depending on the form in which the LSD is located, the microdosis can put this small amount of LSD powder in an empty gelatin capsule and swallow it, or mix the LSD powder or liquid in water and swallow it to This way.


What is the history of the LSD?

Unlike the use of natural psychedelics such as certain types of fungi, mescaline or iboga, which date back to antiquity, the origin of the LSD goes back definitively to 1938 and the research work of the Swiss scientist Albert Hoffman.

Hoffman has developed the Lysergic acid diethylamide By working with a chemical present in the lug, a fungus that grows on the rye and other cereals.

Its intention was to develop a respiratory and circulatory or analeptic stimulant for medicinal purposes. However, he puts this work aside for a while and five more years flow before returning and accidentally ingesting a small quantity of the new substance he created.

Hoffman falls into a sensory experience increased "I went to bed at home and fell into a disregarding state of drunkenness, characterized by an extremely stimulated imagination. In a dream state, my eyes closed (daylight seemed to me unpleasantly blinding), I perceived a continuous flow of fantastic paintings, extraordinary shapes with a set of intense and kaleidoscopic colors. After about two hours, this condition calmed down.


LSD Hoffman book

A few days later, Hoffman deliberately ingested more LSD to confirm his psychedelic effect. As part of his broader work, he continued to seek his properties for decades, to finally die at the age of 102 in 2008.

Until his death, Hoffmann thought that "scientists and psychiatrists should be allowed to study the effects of LSD and to prescribe it. Sure and controlled" - on the other hand, he also recognizes power and dangers of the LSD and condemns the poor reputation it has acquired because of its generalized abuse.


The 1960s: "Swan song" of the legal LSD

In the middle of the 20th century, the LSD - "acid" - gained popularity in artistic circles, with authors, actors, musicians and many members of the American counter -culture using it as a way to break with reality or to expand the boundaries of their lives. thinking.

Scientists such as Timothy Leary have explored the potential for expanding the spirit of the LSD and have become vocal supporters of psychedelics.

Meanwhile, the CIA was investigating that the LSD and other substances are used as a psychological weapon during the Cold War.

Eventually, the American government has come to consider LSD as an increasing danger rather than a potential advantage for society, and 1968 prohibited the possession of LSD.

The LSD was already prohibited in the United Kingdom in 1966. In 1970, it was prohibited almost everywhere - even though its potential advantages in psychiatric treatment, ironically, became very convincing for a number of researchers.


The era of hypercrenderness

Of course, the new illegal status did not prevent the "hippie" culture from continuing to interact with the LSD/Acid in the 1970s, although it often violated the law.


In the 1980s, its use permeated punk and Gothic subcultures, and in the 1990s, a mass acid movement emerged from the Music scene of Manchester, England. The phenomenon was called "Madchester", and the use of acid was mainly centered on "raves" (rave culture would turn into festivals at Tomorrowland).

Perhaps of all psychedelic, the LSD has found the most important place in almost all the currents of the pop culture.

There are a number of songs that would have been inspired by acid trips, especially White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane And I am the walrus of the Beatles.

A number of classical books are devoted to LSD, including the Doors of perception by Aldous Huxley And the most famous book by Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and loghing in las vegas, which was then adapted to a heartbreaking film (trailer here If you haven't seen it).

Meanwhile, almost half a century after its ban in the United States, psychiatric advantages LSD potentials are explored again. seriously within a new subculture: the microdosage.


The LSD is back 

In November 2015, a very read article by Rolling Stone magazine reported the phenomenon of young professionals, especially in the region of San Francisco/Silicon Valley, using "microdoses"(about 10 micrograms) of LSD Not to make wild excursions, but simply to better solve technical problems and stimulate their spirit of innovation.

At that time, the practice of microdosage of various substances, including the LSD, has become an increasingly common subject of conversation everywhere - from Reddit and Twitter to the laboratories of famous universities.

The microdosage had gained ground as a trend for a few years before the article by Rolling Stone and other editorials surrounding James microdosage studies Fadiman And his 2011 book The Psychedelic Researcher's Handbook, but between 2015 and 2020, he really made a notable breakthrough in public space. .


Side effects of the LSD?

Taking too much LSD can cause hallucinations and a terrifying disorientation, but technically, a person cannot take enough LSD to die (this is where psychedelics differ from things like heroin, Xanax - even alcohol; it is not known to be a deadly dose LSD, even in the case of a woman who accidentally took 550 times the "normal" dose of LSD).

However, a person can live a bad trip "bad trip"because of too much LSD that she self -helps In one way or another, for example by thinking that it can fly away from a window edge on the tenth floor. THE hazard Too much LSD is not so much what it will cause you, but what it can cause in you.


The advantages of LSD microdosage?

When it comes to LSD microdoser, you ingest such a small quantity that any notable effect should be a minor and, hopefully, entirely positive.

According to Rico Doblin, executive director of the non -profit organization of psychedelic research MAPS, during microdosage, "Your cognitive treatment is slightly improved in a certain way - more creative, more concentrated, a better mood - but you are in no way disoriented." And you can drive. You can do all kinds of things you would not do if the dose was higher. "

Microdosage has its share of skeptics, especially in medical and scientific circles.

David. E. Nichols, associate professor of chemical biology and medicinal chemistry at the University of North Carolina, United States: "To date, there is absolutely no credible research on microdosage."

As there is not yet a lot of solid scientific data on the practice of microdosage, information on its advantages or effects must largely come from Personal stories of the microdosters (apparently, James Fadiman collected hundreds). Here are some that we found online:

LSD reviews

"I know what I have to do and I am not distracted. I had much fewer pulses to go to Facebook, send SMS or emails, and I was happy to spend a long period concentrated on a thing without additional stimulation." -Nat E.

"Microdoses have reduced the power of the wave of negative emotions that have so often swept me away and have made room in my mind, not necessarily for joy, but for insight." - Ayelet W.

"This interrupts your usual programming. The default brain networks are calm, giving way to new channels and connections. Thus, the areas of the previously separate brain begin to communicate. Like improved lighting that reduces fluorescent lights and illuminates shadows in your mind. Illuminated corridors and doors of which you did not know." -Erica HAS.

"Basically, every day turns out to be a good day. At work, we feel ready for anything and we even like to do the daily tasks." John

“The effect is subtle. After an hour, the colors seem richer and the edges more defined. Sun light takes on a different quality, sparkling gently on the edge of my peripheral vision. It's like looking at the world in HD after a life of low resolution. I feel calm and present. Same optimistic. I easily get rid of the little stress. At dinner that evening, I feel presentable ... " - Dan Dalton


Scientific studies on the LSD?

Although the effects of LSD microdosage seem to be subtle and fairly subjective when it comes to mental aspects such as improvement in mood, concentration and creativity - the evidence is low - as far as concerns the potential of LSD inasmuch as therapy reduction of pain, THE data are more convincing.

A recent study Led by researchers from the University of Maastricht and the Beckley Foundation focused on the low -dose non -hallucinogen LSD for pain treatment. The results, based on an ingestion of 20 µg LSD, were "a tolerance to considerably increased pain by around 20% and the subjective levels reduced in pain and unpleasantly perceived".

Of the same study : "The results indicate a long -term relief of pain which begins within 90 minutes following the administration of the microdosis and which continues for at least five hours thereafter."

Meanwhile, the startup Biomedical Eleusis studies the anti-inflammatory potential of subliminal doses of LSD To stop the progression of the disease Alzheimer's.

THE LSD, in particular, seemed to be a candidate interesting... because he is capable activate in a powerful and persistent way the receptors of the serotonin and dopamine which are associated with Alzheimer's disease, and in particular the serotonin 2A receiver. "

An increasing number of research is carried out on the potential of the LSD for the treatment of depression, of Sspt, from the addiction and anxiety acute in patients with potentially deadly diseases.

Like the reports ADF HERE, the way LSD can be effective in improving certain aspects of mental health seems to be that it "helps people to see the 'overview' beyond their personal problems".

When microdosage LSD according to a protocol commonly accepted as that of James Fadiman, THE effects of LSD, positive or not, are likely to be quite light For most people.


Switzerland: the LSD to the aid of mental diseases in video:



Is the LSD in microdosage legal?

Without a doubt, the greatest risk in the LSD microdosage is to access it. The LSD is illegal in most countries of the world.

Here, The Third Wave lists the LSD legal status in the following countries:

Equator : It is legal to have up to 0.0020 mg of LSD; Czech Republic : the possession of up to 5 LSD bottles is considered a "crime" and is liable to a relatively low fine; Portugal : not legal, but this status is weakly applied. Mexico : the possession of up to 0.015 mg is authorized, but not in the premises of public institutions such as schools and prisons; UNITED STATES - classified as controlled substance of Annex I; Canada - classified as controlled substance of Annex III; Australia - prohibited substance; United Kingdom - classified as a class "A" drug from Annex 1; rest of the world : Illegal under the 1971 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances.


Is the LSD in the Netherlands legal?

THE LSD, as well as other "hard" drugs is Classified as illegal (Unlike cannabis and psychedelic or psilocybin truffles). This is a detailed overview of drug policy in the Netherlands on Wikipedia.

We recommend the responsible use of truffles containing psilocybin for microdosage in compliance with the law and for people over 18 years of age. Although we are very interested in the LSD as a research subject, we do not recommend the microdosage of the LSD.


The psychological or physiological risks of the LSD?

Many doctors highlight the potential risks of psychedelic microdosage, including LSD. Although it is not considered as addictive as cocaine or heroin - or even alcohol - microdosters could develop a tolerance who leads them to take increasingly important doses To obtain the same effect. This can cause or worsen psychosis long -term such as schizophrenia or the depression.

Earlier in this document, we also explained how to take Too much LSD can lead to one "Bad trip"During which a person can be injured, intentionally or accidentally.

Even if this is not the case, a bad trip can be terrifying and exhausting. In 2011 alone, there were around 5,000 emergency visits to the United States linked to unwanted LSD reactions, according to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, we are still talking here about high or excessive quantities of LSD; If the microdosage is strictly followed by the recommended quantities and according to a specific protocol or calendar, will there still be risks?

The risks of LSD in microdosage?

There is not a lot of research on which to rely, but it always seems that all the potential traps are that the microdosters do not stick to the small microdosage set and, after a certain time, increase their dose and/or become Psychologically dependent on microdosage as long -term panacea. "James Fadiman, alias" the father of the microdosage "and creator of the most used microdosage protocol - one day, two days off, for a month - advises people to dose as they wish. And that's where Things got complicated for me. " She wrote later:

"In the summer of 2019, after two years of dosage, my last microdoses sent me in extreme anxiety and agitation. I have not had microdosé since. I may have had to reduce my usual dose of 15 micrograms . "

Although the LSD does not cause physical dependence, the Oxford treatment center indicates that its microdosage "fails to treat the potential risks associated with the continuous use of a strong drug, including the feeling that stability Or the well-being of a person depends on the consumption of the substance, or the chronic side effects such as flashbacks or psychosis ...

Too much of this medication can induce a psychosis, exacerbate mood disorders and potentially trigger schizophrenia or psychotic disorders in people subject to these conditions. "

Again, the risk seems to reside mainly in taking too much LSD or taking it for too long.

The best practice for those who choose to microdose the LSD seems to be to stick to the same low dose, say 6-10 micrograms, following a protocol like that of Fadiman, and to stop the microdosage after a while.

This is what we have learned from our research, but we would appreciate personal and medical opinions on the potential risks (and the advantages) of the LSD microdosage, and would be happy to integrate any comments in this document.


How to microdose the LSD?

Before microdoser with a psychedelic for the first time, we advise you to ensure three things to guarantee a positive experience:

Be free of work, social commitments or other commitments for the day.
Have a calm microdosage environment where you will not be disturbed.

Your state of mind must be calm - not feel stressed or anxious.

To take an LSD microdosis, of course, you need the substance itself.

Since the microdosage works with if small quantities - a tenth of a "normal" dose of LSD - It would be preferable for the LSD to be in the form of a powder (measure a tenth from a white will not be very precise). You will need a sensitive balance that can measure quantities of substance micrograms.

If you have LSDs in the form of tablets, you will need a small mill, like a coffee mill, to transform it into powder; You can also use a mortar.

THE LSD powder maybe blend to a drink, like a smoothie, and taken in this way. Many microdosters pour the powder into empty gelatin capsules, widely available, and swallow the capsules.


Optimize the result of the microdosage

Microdosage journalization is the habit of recording your daily microdosage experience.

There are two reasons why it is important:

  1. Holding a newspaper will help you follow the effects of microdosage and to know if you should reduce the frequency or quantity of microdosage if you experience negative effects.
  2. Microdosage is a discovery trip, and holding a newspaper and sharing your experiences with microdosage will help enrich this life style trend. In the future, your newspaper can be a useful source of information for new users of the microdosage.

Where can you buy LSD microdosé?

We are very happy at this stage to refer to the online store of our partner Primal Focus where you can consider microdosage tablet containing LSD, which, if you read this in the Netherlands, are legal.

In addition, you will get 15 % price on the price Using the code CBDTECH15


LSD microdosage 10 mcg x10: legal in Europe


Thank you for reading this article and do not hesitate to contact us for any questions that you could have - we are here to help you. If you want more information on microdosage at a macro level other than the LSD, consult the items below

All the information contained in this article is based on sources and references, and all the opinions expressed are mine. I do not give advice to anyone and although I am happy to discuss subjects, if someone has another question or concern, he should ask for advice from a competent specialist. People who suffer from psychiatric, neurological or cardiovascular disorders or who use psychiatric drugs should completely avoid microdosage


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