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6 signs that your cortisol is high and how CBD can reduce it


6 signs that your cortisol is high and how CBD can reduce it

Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for a little lesson on cortisol and its impact on our body? Well, hang on because today we're going to talk about this hormone that can make us crazy: cortisol! But don't worry, we won't leave you without a solution. We will present the CBD to you, your new best friend to counter the harmful effects of cortisol on your body. So, ready to find out more? Let's go!


What are the effects of cortisol on the body?

Ah, cortisol, this little hormone that wants to hurt us ... But what exactly is it for? Well, let me explain it to you in detail.

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that is involved in regulating our body response to stress. But beware, if you produce too much, it will cause a lot of worries. Indeed, this hormone has an annoying tendency to affect the metabolism of fats and glucose by secretion, which can cause weight gain And diabetes problems.

In addition, the overproduction of cortisol can also affect the function of OUR body immune system, making us more sensitive to diseases and infections.

SO, How to avoid the harmful effects of cortisol? First of all, it is important to take care of yourself and find ways to reduce stress. Make yoga, meditate or why not try something more fun as dancing the macarena or singing out loud in public or in the shower for the most shy.


What is normal cortisol levels depending on the daily cycle?

It produces a variable rate of cortisol throughout the day, and this is where it becomes complicated. To obtain correct results, you have to do the cortisol test at the same time every hour. Suffice to say that it is a real headache for scientists!

But beware, gentlemen, endocrinologists, do not always trust the sampling patterns when evaluating dosages. Because a high cortisol level can be caused by an excess excessive stress, and that, we all have to resell in this complicated period.


But then, what are the typical theoretical values ​​to respect for cortisol levels?

The normal cortisol levels vary according to the time of day and depend on many factors, such as age, sex and general health. Typical values Cortisol levels vary considerably Throughout the day for men, women and children.

Between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., cortisol levels must be between 275 and 685 Nmol/L to be considered normal. At noon, between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m., it must be between 190 and 468 Nmol/L. Around 4 p.m., cortisol levels dropped and should be between 165 and 300 nmol/l. At 8 p.m., it must be between 110 and 250 Nmol/L. Finally, at midnight, cortisol levels must be between 55 and 190 nmol/l.

It should be noted that These values ​​are theoretical and that there can be considerable individual variations. Fluctuations in cortisol levels can be influenced by many factors, including stress, drugs and sleep disorders.

The scheme can change or change if people work irregularly or sleep a lot during the day.

Diseases, including adrenal glands disorders, cases that affect the production or use of cortisol can also disrupt the normal diagram.

Adrenal glands disorders can occur when the adrenal glands produce too much or not enough cortisol.

In the case of Cushing's syndrome, there is too much cortisol production, (5) while adrenal insufficiency (IA) is marked by too low production of cortisol. (6)

Stress, a state that affects many French

Stress is indeed a real inconvenience that affects many French people. So what happens to our body when we are stressed? Well, it's simple: our body releases cortisol, a stress hormone.

Did you know that CBD can help regulate cortisol levels in your body, reducing your stress level? No more emotional roller coaster and cortisol peaks that make you feel as if you were about to explode. With the CBD, you can transcend thestress hormone And reach a state of calm and serenity.

High cortisol levels prevents you from sleeping well

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Do you feel tired all day? What if high cortisol levels were the cause of your sleep problems?

Cortisol is a hormone that plays an important role in regulating our circadian rhythm, or sleep-up cycle. High levels of cortisol disturb this cycle, preventing us from putting ourselves easily and spending a good night's sleep.

Therefore, it is crucial to reduce cortisol levels before falling asleep. For balance this, there are different techniques such as meditation, yoga, muscle relaxation, deep breathing or cannabidiol.

By fighting against cortisol, you can finally have a good night's sleep and wake up by feeling good for your day. So don't wait any longer, adopt these techniques associated with CBD and say goodbye to white nights!

Cortisol and metabolism: what to know

Cortisol, in particular, plays a role in metabolism. It stimulates the liver to increase the production of sugar in the blood test. It also helps the body to convert fat, proteins and carbohydrates into usable energy.

As part of the body's combat or leakage response, cortisol is released during lipid stress periods to give your body a revival of natural energy. (2)

This boost is intended to feed your muscles to respond to a threatening situation. But when cortisol levels are constantly high, due to chronic stress, these same effects can cause insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (2)

Cortisol also helps the body fighting inflammation, controlling the balance of salt and water in the body's dosage and regulating blood pressure. (1)

This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands, two small glands of triangular shape which are one above each kidney. From the adrenal glands, cortisol can be released directly into the blood circulation. (3)

The pituitary gland (a gland the size of a pea at the base of the brain) and the hypothalamus (a region of the brain which controls the activity of the pituitary gland) can detect if the blood contains the right amount of cortisol.

These two brain regions work together to direct the adrenal glands so that they produce more or less cortisol, acting essentially as the mechanism for controlling the quantity of cortisolemia is produced. (3)

This connection between the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the adrenal glands forms the dorsal thorn of the body's response system.

Cushing and cortisol syndrome what you need to know

Cushing syndrome occurs when there is too high cortisol of cortisol in the blood for an extended period. This can cause physical and mental changes.

Symptoms of Cushing's syndrome may include: (5)

  • Weight gain
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood sugar
  • Muscle loss and weakness
  • Face swelling
  • Depression
  • Fragile skin

The most common cause of Cushing's syndrome is taking steroid -type drugs, such as prednisone , which are structurally very similar to cortisol. This type of syndrome or Cushing's disease) generally disappears after stopping treatment. (5)

Cushing syndrome can also be caused by a small tumor on the pituitary gland. (5)

Cortisol and weight gain

There has been many research connecting chronic stress to causes of weight gain and obesity in recent decades. (10)


cortisol and weight gain

Cortisol - released by the adrenal glands in the bloodstream during the release of stressful life situations reserves

Plays an important role in metabolism, which leads researchers to hypothesize that constantly high levels of cortisol can play a role in the socket definition weighty.

Some animal studies have shown that too much cortisol can promote the accumulation of abdominal fat.

And researchers know that humans and laboratory animals tend to opt for Foods rich in sugar and fatty When subject to constant stress, which leads some to suggest that chronically high cortisol levels can also play a role in our desire for comforting foods rich in calories. (10)

In a vast study on the case of more than 2,500 British adults, the researchers measured the causes of cortisol concentrations in their hair.

They found that people with higher urine levels of capillary cortisol over a period of four years were more likely to be obese and to remain obese, compared to people with lower levels.

The researchers, who published the analyzes of their study in February 2017 in the journal Obesity, said that capillary cortisol could be a better marker of exposure to long -term cortisol - and chronic stress - than standards of levels of cortisol measured in blood, urine or saliva. (10)

The role of CBD in cortisol levels "the stress hormone" 

 CBD stress cortisol

Hormone cortisol plays an important role in the response to body stress. istock

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that helps the human body react to stress. It is sometimes called "stress hormone". This is because the cortisol levels in the body increase during the periods of stress pupil. (1)

Steroid hormones are a category of hormones synthesized naturally in the body from cholesterol. Collectively, they fulfill a wide range of functions in the body.


6 signs that your cortisol levels can be too high

In this section, we will present the 6 revealing signs to you that your body is overwhelmed by this stress hormone. So take out your notebook and take notes, because it's time to regulate your cortisol and regain control of your life!

1. Anxious

Stress and cortisol

Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal glands in response to stress - this is our main stress hormone And is responsible for activating the body's "combat or leak" response in stressful situations. When your body is subject to a chronic stress, your cortisol level remains high and you can be more vulnerable to diseases. Here are six signs that your levels can be high.

Your cortisol level must be lower at night, allowing your body to relax and recharge your batteries. But if your cortisol level is constantly too high, You may feel well awake when you go to bed, even if you feel lazy during the day.

Cortisol directly affects fat storage and weight gain in stressed people. High levels of cortisol are associated with the overeating, the thirst for fatty and sweet foods rich in calories and the movement of fats from circulation and storage deposits to the deep internal abdominal region.


2.Frétement illness

disease and cortisol

According to a 2012 study, the key factor that influences a person's vulnerability to the disease seems to be the sensitivity of the immune system to cortisol, and not the levels of cortisol in itself increasing. The research team has discovered that chronic psychological stress is associated with the fact that the body loses its ability to regulate the inflammatory response, which can promote the development and progression of the disease.


3. You are not experiencing any sexual desire

cortisol and sex

Have you ever heard of the natural anti Viagra? No, this is not a new plant species, it is the cortisol, also called corticosteroid. This anti-viagra steroid substance will cause you a lack of sexual appetite, which will cause difficult times in the long term. Fortunately, there are natural solutions like CBD Who according to preliminary research can help you find sexual desire.

Gentlemen, monitor your cortisol level if you want to avoid forceptions. High levels can lead to a decrease in libido and blockage. Ladies, a high cortisol level can disrupt your menstrual cycle, resulting in irregular rules and a drop in libido.

So, if you want to spice your love life, forget the magic pills and opt for a Natural "Viagra" solution with CBD. Say goodbye to erectile dysfunction or low libido problems and hello to a blooming sex life with the Natural viagra.


4. Irritable colon ulcers and syndrome (SCI)

Cortisol and Crohn disease

Stomach and intestine ulcers are more frequent in anxious, depressed or stressed. Intestinal disease linked to the most common stress can be the Irritable colon syndrome (SCI), which includes a variety of intestinal disorders, including colitis, abdominal pain, bloating, gas and, sometimes, the passage of mucus or blood.


5. Cardiovascular maladie

cortisol and heart disease

When your body undergoes the "fight or leak" response, your heart reacts by increasing its excess frequency and its blood pressure. He can also stop digestion and direct blood towards the arms and legs, where he can feed the muscles that fight / flee. If you are constantly stressed, this chronic cycle will eventually wreak havoc and can contribute to heart disease.


Too secretion of cortisol can lead to an absence of rules. Women can also have additional hair on the face, chest, neck, abdomen and thighs.

Especially if you present the signs presented above, consult your doctor in order to control your cortisol level and act in measurement of consequences


The role of CBD in reducing cortisol levels

Cannabidiol has an effective anti-catabolic effect. Several studies have shown the therapeutic benefits of the CBD in the treatment of many stress and anxiety problems. In fact, it works for prevent the release of cortisol. Although the CBD can be obtained through the use of several products, however, the THC contained in marijuana can in fact increase your level of stress and anxiety. 

Working in harmony with the Endocannabinoid system, CBD has the ability to naturally improve your mood, calm anxiety and regulate stress.

Cannabidiol and cortisol

CBD oil is the best option for those who want to reduce anxiety and stress. Because it has a percentage of THC close to 0%

The use of CBD oil as a supplement after a working day can help control cortisol lipid levels and reduce inflammation, allowing your body to regenerate.



FAQ The effects of cortisol and the role of CBD

Does stress increase cortisol?

Of course stress increases high cortisol levels too! It's like a mathematical formula, equal stress cortisol. When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol to give you a boost of energy and help you cope with the situation. But beware, too much cortisol can cause harmful effects on your body. Fortunately, there is a natural solution to help regulate cortisol levels: CBD! This natural cannabinoid can help reduce stress and therefore lower cortisol levels in your body. So take a puff of CBD and relax!

What are the effects of cortisol on the body?

Is cortisol one of the most dreaded hormones in our body? This small substance can be wreaked by in our lives if we do not take care of it.

Cortisol can affect our weight by storing fat in unflattering places. Yes, you have of course, cortisol is responsible for this small bead that hangs over your belt. But that's not all, cortisol can also make us anxious, irritable and give us headaches. And if you suffer from depression, too high cortisol can worsen symptoms.

What are the 3 stress hormones?

What are these three stress hormones? First of all, there is Adrenaline. She is responsible for the famous " adrenaline Who gives us the impression of having wings and allows us to run faster than Usain Bolt. Then there is the cortisol, which is produced in addition large quantity when stress is chronic. Cortisol can cause damage to our body if it is present in too large quantities over an extended period.

Finally, there is the noradrenaline. This hormone keeps us alert and allows us to concentrate when we are under pressure. It can also cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

How do you know if we do too much cortisol?

How do you know if you do too much cortisol? Well, here are some signs to monitor:

  • You are constantly stressed and anxious, even when everything is fine.
  • You have trouble sleeping at night, or you wake up frequently.
  • You have digestion problems, such as stomach burns or bloating.
  • You are more likely to get sick because your immune system is weakened.
  • You have problems with memory and concentration, and you have trouble making decisions.

Is it serious to have a high cortisol level?

When you are subject to chronic stress, your cortisol level can remain permanently high, which can cause a cascade of negative effects on your body.

For example, a high cortisol level can cause fatigue, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, weight gain, digestive disorders and much more. In other words, it is as if you end up with an Amazon package filled with all the symptoms that you do not want to receive.

What is the role of cortisol in stress?

Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. She plays a crucial role in regulating our stress by helping us face difficult situations. In other words, cortisol is a real superhero that can save us when we are faced with challenges.

What are the effects of cannabidiol in cortisol?

CBD can do wonders for your cortisol. In fact, CBD can help reduce cortisol levels in your body, which means you can say goodbye to stressful days and hello to a more relaxed life.

In addition to its effects on cortisol, CBD has many other health benefits, including reduction in anxiety, improvement in sleep quality and pain relief. In fact, cannabidiol is so incredible that some people call it the "anti stress molecule" cannabis.

Where to find cannabidiol for stress?

But where to find this miracle medication? Do not look! We have gathered for you the best addresses to buy CBD in France.

The first is the specialized CBD store or pharmacy. You can also buy CBD from your sofa in one click instead of facing the crowd in stores. But beware, not all sites are equal! Make sure you choose a site with quality products and positive criticisms.

So what are you waiting for to get CBD? With its anti-stress, anti-anxiety and anti-depressant properties, it is perfect for accompanying you in moments of relaxation. Who knows, maybe you will discover other unexpected benefits of this amazing plant!

Why choose CBDTech to buy anti stress CBD?

But why choose CBDTech for anti-stress CBD? Well, let me tell you that we are not your typical CBD store.

Our range of anti-stress CBD products includes everything you need to relax, high quality CBD oils and CBD capsules with relaxing gums and infusions. Our team of relaxation experts is there to help you find the perfect tailor -made product for your relaxation needs.

So why choose CBDTech for your next purchase of anti-stress CBD? Because we are more than an online store, we are your ticket for an ultimate zenitude. Order now and start your trip to inner peace with CBDTECH!

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